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Real-time deformation of human soft tissues

Published: 01 January 2018 Publication History


The displacements of nodes, used to present the deformation of soft tissue, are calculated by meshless method spending too much time.A geometric model with the modulus of human liver is set up.Marquardt's algorithm is used to fit the mathematical relation between the displacements (that are calculated by meshless method in advance) and exterior force for obtaining the fast calculation formulas.In the simulation of deformation, this improved method takes 0.1509s and the maximum deformation error is less than 0.5mm, moreover, it can preserve the authenticity of the deformation model's physical properties. BackgroundWhen the meshless method is used to establish the mathematical-mechanical model of human soft tissues, it is necessary to define the space occupied by human tissues as the problem domain and the boundary of the domain as the surface of those tissues. Nodes should be distributed in both the problem domain and on the boundaries. Under external force, the displacement of the node is computed by the meshless method to represent the deformation of biological soft tissues. However, computation by the meshless method consumes too much time, which will affect the simulation of real-time deformation of human tissues in virtual surgery. MethodsIn this article, the Marquardt's Algorithm is proposed to fit the nodal displacement at the problem domain's boundary and obtain the relationship between surface deformation and force. When different external forces are applied, the deformation of soft tissues can be quickly obtained based on this relationship. Results and conclusionsThe analysis and discussion show that the improved model equations with Marquardt's Algorithm not only can simulate the deformation in real-time but also preserve the authenticity of the deformation model's physical properties.


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Published In

cover image Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine  Volume 153, Issue C
January 2018
251 pages


Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2018

Author Tags

  1. Marquardt algorithm
  2. Meshless method
  3. Real-time deformation
  4. Surface fitting
  5. Virtual surgery


  • Research-article


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