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Research patterns and trends in software effort estimation

Published: 01 November 2017 Publication History


This study identified research trends prevailing in software effort estimation literature.Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) was applied to the corpus of 1178 articles.This study established the semantic mapping between research patterns and trends. ContextSoftware effort estimation(SEE) is most crucial activity in the field of software engineering. Vast research has been conducted in SEE resulting into a tremendous increase in literature. Thus it is of utmost importance to identify the core research areas and trends in SEE which may lead the researchers to understand and discern the research patterns in large literature dataset. ObjectiveTo identify unobserved research patterns through natural language processing from a large set of research articles on SEE published during the period 1996 to 2016. MethodA generative statistical method, called Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA), applied on a literature dataset of 1178 articles published on SEE. ResultsAs many as twelve core research areas and sixty research trends have been revealed; and the identified research trends have been semantically mapped to associate core research areas. ConclusionsThis study summarises the research trends in SEE based upon a corpus of 1178 articles. The patterns and trends identified through this research can help in finding the potential research areas.


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