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Demand planning for the digital supply chain: : How to integrate human judgment and predictive analytics

Published: 15 May 2023 Publication History


Our research examines how to integrate human judgment and statistical algorithms for demand planning in an increasingly data‐driven and automated environment. We use a laboratory experiment combined with a field study to compare existing integration methods with a novel approach: Human‐Guided Learning. This new method allows the algorithm to use human judgment to train a model using an iterative linear weighting of human judgment and model predictions. Human‐Guided Learning is more accurate vis‐à‐vis the established integration methods of Judgmental Adjustment, Quantitative Correction of Human Judgment, Forecast Combination, and Judgment as a Model Input. Human‐Guided Learning performs similarly to Integrative Judgment Learning, but under certain circumstances, Human‐Guided Learning can be more accurate. Our studies demonstrate that the benefit of human judgment for demand planning processes depends on the integration method.


Human judgment is an essential element of demand forecasting but requires integration into the forecasting process.
Giving people too much influence may introduce more noise than signal. Our research examines different ways of integrating human judgment into a forecasting process and shows that an effortless way of doing so‐‐by allowing people to indicate that a special event is affecting a forecast and an algorithm to estimate the impact of that event‐‐performs remarkably well in comparison to other methods.


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  • (2023)Digital transformation in operations managementJournal of Operations Management10.1002/joom.127169:6(876-889)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2023



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cover image Journal of Operations Management
Journal of Operations Management  Volume 69, Issue 6
September 2023
176 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 15 May 2023

Author Tags

  1. behavioral experiment
  2. demand planning
  3. digitization
  4. field study
  5. forecasting
  6. human judgment
  7. machine learning


  • Research-article


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  • (2023)Digital transformation in operations managementJournal of Operations Management10.1002/joom.127169:6(876-889)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2023

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