Cited By
View all- Yao YFu R(2013)The concept of reducts in pawlak three-step rough set analysisTransactions on Rough Sets XVI10.5555/2554673.2554677(53-72)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013
- Puri CKumar N(2011)Projected Gustafson-Kessel clustering algorithm and its convergenceTransactions on rough sets XIV10.5555/2017701.2017710(159-182)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2011
- Moshkov MSkowron ASuraj Z(2010)Irreducible descriptive sets of attributes for information systemsTransactions on Rough Sets XI10.5555/2126376.2126382(92-105)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010
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