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Harmonization of ISO/IEC 9001: 2000 and CMMI-DEV: from a theoretical comparison to a real case application

Published: 01 June 2012 Publication History


In the past years, both industrial and research communities in Software Engineering have shown special interest in Software Process Improvement--SPI. This is evidenced by the growing number of publications on the topic. The literature offers numerous quality frameworks for addressing SPI practices, which may be classified into two groups: ones that describe "what" should be done (ISO 9001, CMMI) and ones that describe "how" it should be done (Six Sigma, Goal Question Metrics-GQM). When organizations decide to adopt improvement initiatives, many models may be implied, each leveraging the best practices provided, in the quest to address the improvement challenges as well as possible. This may at the same time, however, generate confusion and overlapping activities, as well as extra effort and cost. That, in turn, risks generating a series of inefficiencies and redundancies that end up leading to losses rather than to effective process improvement. Consequently, it is important to move toward a harmonization of quality frameworks, aiming to identify intersections and overlapping parts, as well as to create a multi-model improvement solution. Our aim in this work is twofold: first of all, we propose a theoretical harmonization process that supports organizations interested in introducing quality management and software development practices or concerned about improving those they already have. This is done with specific reference to CMMI-DEV and ISO 9001 models in the direction "ISO to CMMI-DEV", showing how GQM is used to define operational goals that address ISO 9001 statements, reusable in CMMI appraisals. Secondly, we apply the theoretical comparison process to a real case, i.e., a Small Enterprise certified ISO 9001.


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  1. Harmonization of ISO/IEC 9001: 2000 and CMMI-DEV: from a theoretical comparison to a real case application



    Frank Pospiech

    Given the rather large number of software quality frameworks and standards, it is becoming increasingly difficult for practitioners to select the "right" one. Even worse, different customers or governmental agencies might require compliance to different standards. The authors of this paper address a very interesting topic of great practical value. In this paper, a crucial question arises: How does a developer comply with different standards without having to engage in unnecessary and significant effort__?__ To illustrate their approach, the authors choose two very popular standards and frameworks: ISO 9001:2008 and Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development (CMMI-DEV). Their approach sounds quite simple and straightforward: Compare the two models by verifying whether or not, and to what degree, the elements of model 1 are already part of model 2. In other words, they determine how much of model 2 is already in place if an organization is already complying with model 1. However, as usual, the problems arise in the details of how actually to do this. And this is the contribution of this paper: the harmonization process it proposes is a good theoretical approach. Luckily, it is not only theoretical, but proven in a practical case study with small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (step 2 of the harmonization process). Using their approach, the authors compare the ISO 9001:2008 and CMMI-DEV models. It would be quite interesting to have similar comparison results for other standards or frameworks, such as SPICE (ISO 26262). It would also be great if the comparison results could be published in a paper like this, so they could be checked and approved by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the respective owners of CMMI-DEV and ISO 9001:2008. From a practical point of view, of course, step 2, the application of the mapping to a practical case, is of great interest. It's an excellent idea to use Basili's goal-question-metrics (GQM) method to move from a (source) quality management system (QMS) complying with framework A to a target QMS complying still with A and additionally with framework B. What the authors say about how this is accomplished sounds very reasonable. However, it would have been interesting to get some idea of the amount of effort that is actually required for performing step 2. By the way, the application subprocess (step 2) in the harmonization process, as proposed by the authors, might be used in another way. Quite often, companies lack good question lists to practically assess their compliance with a dedicated standard or framework, which is close to the company's own business goals. Here, the GQM-based application subprocess might provide excellent guidance. Maybe there is some room for further investigation, besides the directions as given in the "Conclusions and Future Work" section. In summary, this paper should interest anyone who works on the practical implementation of service, platform, and infrastructure (SPI) models in a real organization. Online Computing Reviews Service

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    Published In

    cover image Software Quality Journal
    Software Quality Journal  Volume 20, Issue 2
    June 2012
    152 pages


    Kluwer Academic Publishers

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 June 2012

    Author Tags

    1. CMMI-DEV
    2. GQM
    3. Harmonization
    4. ISO 9001
    5. Mapping
    6. Multi-model
    7. SPI


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