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SFQ: Social Features Based Quota Routing in Mobile Social Networks

Published: 01 February 2019 Publication History


Mobile social networks are networks with mobile nodes which have social properties. Various methods for routing have been introduced in these networks. Some of these methods take advantage of single-copy message forwarding and some take advantage of multi-copy message forwarding. In single-copy forwarding, due to fragility of the route, the probability of the message delivery decreases. For example, there is possibility that the node receiving the packet becomes damaged. In the multi-copy methods, in which there is no control over the number of the message replications, the network overhead increases. In the methods recently presented a balanced state between two mentioned methods has been created which applies quota allocation in controlling the replications number of message copies in the network. It seems that employing social features in determining the number of replication licenses has an impact in the efficiency of routing methods. In this article a multi-copy routing method, named SFQ, has been introduced which controls the number of copy replications by the adjustment of the quota. The SFQ method uses social property of nodes in determining the quota of each node. In this method those nodes which have more common properties with the destination receive more quotas of replication permissions. The results of simulation by the software of ONE display that in average the ratio of message delivery in this method is more than the two other methods.


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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Wireless Personal Communications: An International Journal
    Wireless Personal Communications: An International Journal  Volume 104, Issue 3
    February 2019
    338 pages


    Kluwer Academic Publishers

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 February 2019

    Author Tags

    1. DTN quota routing
    2. Mobile Social network
    3. Multi copy
    4. Social features


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