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ECM-CSD: An Efficient Classification Model for Cancer Stage Diagnosis in CT Lung Images Using FCM and SVM Techniques

Published: 01 March 2019 Publication History


As is eminent, lung cancer is one of the death frightening syndromes among people in present cases. The earlier diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer can increase the endurance rate of the affected people. But, the structure of the cancer cell makes the diagnosis process more challenging, in which the most of the cells are superimposed. By adopting the efficient image processing techniques, the diagnosis process can be made effective, earlier and accurate, where the time aspect is extremely decisive. With those considerations, the main objective of this work is to propose a region based Fuzzy C-Means Clustering (FCM) technique for segmenting the lung cancer region and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classification for diagnosing the cancer stage, which helps in clinical practice in significant way to increase the morality rate. Moreover, the proposed ECM-CSD (Efficient Classification Model for Cancer Stage Diagnosis) uses Computed Tomography (CT) lung images for processing, since it poses higher imaging sensitivity, resolution with good isotopic acquisition in lung nodule identification. With those images, the pre-processing has been made with Gaussian Filter for smoothing and Gabor Filter for enhancement. Following, based on the extracted image features, the effective segmentation of lung nodules is performed using the FCM based clustering. And, the stages of cancer are identified based on the SVM classification technique. Further, the model is analyzed with MATLAB tool by incorporating the LIDC-IDRI lung CT images clinical dataset. The comparative experiments show the efficiency of the proposed model in terms of the performance evaluation factors like increased accuracy and reduced error rate.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Journal of Medical Systems
Journal of Medical Systems  Volume 43, Issue 3
March 2019
356 pages


Plenum Press

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 March 2019

Author Tags

  1. CT lung image
  2. ECM-CSD (efficient classification model for cancer stage diagnosis)
  3. Fuzzy C-means clustering (FCM)
  4. Segmentation
  5. Support vector machine (SVM)


  • Article


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