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Support Vector Machines: Theory and Applications (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)April 2005
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Berlin, Heidelberg
Published:01 April 2005
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  52. Deji W, Bo X, Faquan Z, Jianting L, Guangcai L and Bingyu S Climate prediction by SVM based on initial conditions Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery - Volume 5, (578-581)
  53. Liu L, Huang Z, Tan X and Zeng Z Multi-class classification for Wuhan area's TM image based on support vector machine Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery - Volume 5, (401-404)
  54. Fan W, Ma J and Zhu H A thunderstorm forecast model based on weighted SVM and data field Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery - Volume 5, (160-164)
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  59. Li Y, Bai B and Zhang Y Fuzzy SVM Training Based on the Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Intelligent Computing: Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications - with Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, (566-574)
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  61. Acevedo J, Maldonado S, Siegmann P, Lafuente S and Gil P Multi-class Support Vector Machines Based on Arranged Decision Graphs and Particle Swarm Optimization for Model Selection Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Part II, (238-245)
  62. Jiang Y, Li Z, Zhang L and Sun P An Improved SVM Classifier for Medical Image Classification Proceedings of the international conference on Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems Paradigms, (764-773)
  63. Zhou N and Wang L Perfect Population Classification on Hapmap Data with a Small Number of SNPs Neural Information Processing, (789-797)
  64. Chu F and Wang L Active mining discriminative gene sets Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, (880-889)
  65. Zhang Y, Chi Z and Sun Y A novel multi-class support vector machine based on fuzzy theories Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Intelligent Computing - Volume Part I, (42-50)
  66. Sánchez-Maroño N, Caamaño-Fernández M, Castillo E and Alonso-Betanzos A Functional networks and analysis of variance for feature selection Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, (1031-1038)
  67. Ping L and Chun-Guang Z Parameterized semi-supervised classification based on support vector for multi-relational data Proceedings of the Second international conference on Advances in Natural Computation - Volume Part I, (66-75)
  68. Shim J, Hwang C and Nau S Robust LS-SVM regression using fuzzy c-means clustering Proceedings of the Second international conference on Advances in Natural Computation - Volume Part I, (157-166)
  69. Huang S and Wu T A hybrid unscented kalman filter and support vector machine model in option price forecasting Proceedings of the Second international conference on Advances in Natural Computation - Volume Part I, (303-312)
  70. Liu Y, Chen Y and Lu S Face detection using kernel PCA and imbalanced SVM Proceedings of the Second international conference on Advances in Natural Computation - Volume Part I, (351-360)
  71. Ma L, Liu K and Lei X Harmonic source model based on support vector machine Proceedings of the Second international conference on Advances in Natural Computation - Volume Part I, (535-544)
  72. Zhang Y, Yuan H, Pan J, Li Y, Xi R and Yao L A fuzzy integral method of applying support vector machine for multi-class problem Proceedings of the Second international conference on Advances in Natural Computation - Volume Part II, (839-846)
  73. Jiang N, Wu W and Mitchell I Protein fold recognition using neural networks and support vector machines Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, (462-469)
  74. Hwang C, Hong D, Na E, Park H and Shim J Interval regression analysis using support vector machine and quantile regression Proceedings of the Second international conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery - Volume Part I, (100-109)
  75. Zhang G, Cao Z and Gu Y A hybrid classifier based on rough set theory and support vector machines Proceedings of the Second international conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery - Volume Part I, (1287-1296)
  76. Lu M, Guo C, Sun J and Lu Y A SVM method for web page categorization based on weight adjustment and boosting mechanism Proceedings of the Second international conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery - Volume Part II, (801-810)
  77. Xu Y and Wang L Fault diagnosis system based on rough set theory and support vector machine Proceedings of the Second international conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery - Volume Part II, (980-988)
  78. Yang T and Hu B Study of multiuser detection Proceedings of the Second international conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery - Volume Part II, (442-451)
  79. Zhang X, Kang C and Xia Z Recognition of radiated noises of ships using auditory features and support vector machines Proceedings of the Second international conference on Advances in neural networks - Volume Part II, (387-392)
  80. Hu Z, Cai Y, Li Y, Li Y and Xu X Data fusion for fault diagnosis using dempster-shafer theory based multi-class SVMs Proceedings of the First international conference on Advances in Natural Computation - Volume Part II, (175-184)

Index Terms

  1. Support Vector Machines: Theory and Applications (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
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