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Opportunistic Networks: An Empirical Research of Routing Protocols and Mobility Models

Published: 28 August 2023 Publication History


Opportunistic networks (OppNets) are a sub-part of (delay-tolerant networks) DTNs but are quite different from it. OppNets do not need any end-to-end path between the nodes, as they forward the message in the store-carry-forward method. Due to the absence of an end-to-end path, nodes forwarding messages may face a delay. The nodes have zero or partial information about their neighboring node due to which uncertainty arises. OppNets are infrastructure-less networks, so they can be implemented in such a situation where human reach is not possible. Due to these features, they have gained much research interest. OppNets work well when designed efficiently. The two parameters to design a good OppNet are Mobility Model and Routing Protocols. Mobility models define the pattern of movement of the nodes and the routing protocols define the best, shortest, and most efficient path so that a node can reach its destination in the least time possible. Proper selection of the mobility model and routing protocol is crucial in designing an efficient routing protocol. There have been many mobility models and routing protocols defined till date, and this paper might help the researchers design and identify a proper selection of routing and mobility because of having complete details of those techniques. Including the summary and distinguishable features of the routing protocols and mobility models, we use ONE simulator to test a few of them and we find that Spray-and-focus routing and shortest path mobility model deserve good performances on certain metrics.


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Published In

cover image SN Computer Science
SN Computer Science  Volume 4, Issue 5
Jun 2023
3596 pages



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 28 August 2023
Accepted: 10 June 2023
Received: 10 March 2023

Author Tags

  1. Opportunistic network
  2. Routing protocols
  3. Mobility models
  4. ONE simulator


  • Research-article


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