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- Efendi R, Mu'at S, Arisandi N and Samsudin N Removing Unclassified Elements in Investigating of Financial Wellbeing Attributes Using Rough-Regression Model Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications, (87-90)
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- Synak P and ńlezak D Descriptors and templates in relational information systems Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Rough sets and knowledge technology, (403-410)
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Relationships between covering-based rough sets and relation-based rough sets
Rough set theory is an important technique to deal with vagueness and granularity in information systems. In rough set theory, relation-based rough sets and covering-based rough sets are two important extensions of the classical rough sets. This paper ...
Soft rough fuzzy sets and soft fuzzy rough sets
Fuzzy set theory, soft set theory and rough set theory are mathematical tools for dealing with uncertainties and are closely related. Feng et al. introduced the notions of rough soft set, soft rough set and soft rough fuzzy set by combining fuzzy set, ...
Multigranulation decision-theoretic rough sets
The Bayesian decision-theoretic rough sets propose a framework for studying rough set approximations using probabilistic theory, which can interprete the parameters from existing forms of probabilistic approaches to rough sets. Exploring rough sets in ...