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Zdzisław pawlak: life and work

January 2006
Pages 1 - 24
Published: 01 January 2006 Publication History


Professor Pawlak’s most widely recognized contribution is his incisive approach to classifying objects with their attributes (features) and his introduction of approximation spaces, which establish the foundations of granular computing and provide frameworks for perception and knowledge discovery in many areas. He was with us only for a short time and, yet, when we look back at his accomplishments, we realize how greatly he has influenced us with his generous spirit and creative work in many areas such as approximate reasoning, intelligent systems research, computing models, mathematics (especially, rough set theory), molecular computing, pattern recognition, philosophy, art, and poetry. This article attempts to give a vignette that highlights some of Pawlak’s remarkable accomplishments. This vignette is limited to a brief coverage of Pawlak’s work in rough set theory, molecular computing, philosophy, painting and poetry. Detailed coverage of these as well as other accomplishments by Pawlak is outside the scope of this commemorative article.


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Transactions on Rough Sets V
January 2006
507 pages
  • Editors:
  • James F. Peters,
  • Andrzej Skowron



Berlin, Heidelberg

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Published: 01 January 2006


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