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End-User Development and Meta-design: Foundations for Cultures of Participation

Published: 02 March 2009 Publication History


The first decade of the World Wide Web predominantly enforced a clear separation between designers and consumers. New technological developments, such as the cyberinfrastructure and Web 2.0 architectures, have emerged to support a participatory Web. These developments are the foundations for a fundamental shift from a consumer culture specialized in producing finished goods to be consumed passively to a culture of participation in which all people are provided with the means to participate actively in personally meaningful activities. End-user development and meta-design provide foundations for this fundamental transformation. They explore and support new approaches for the design, adoption, appropriation, adaptation, evolution, and sharing of artifacts by all participating stakeholders. They take into account that cultures of participation are not dictated by technology alone: they are the result of incremental shifts in human behavior and social organizations.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
IS-EUD 2009: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on End-User Development - Volume 5435
March 2009
277 pages
  • Editors:
  • Volkmar Pipek,
  • Mary Rosson,
  • Boris Ruyter,
  • Volker Wulf



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 02 March 2009


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  • (2014)An OWL in the classroomProceedings of the 2014 conference on Interaction design and children10.1145/2593968.2610467(261-264)Online publication date: 17-Jun-2014
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