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- Barricelli B, Fischer G, Fogli D, Morch A, Piccinno A and Valtolina S Differentiating and Deepening the Concept of End User in the Digital Age (CoPDA 2024) Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, (1-4)
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- Aparício M and Nhampossa J Producers and evaluators of information Proceedings of the Workshop on Open Source and Design of Communication, (15-20)
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- Alves A and Pessôa M Brazilian public software Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, (73-80)
- Fischer G Extending boundaries with meta-design and cultures of participation Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries, (168-177)
- Hintikka K Communication structure and collective actions in social media Proceedings of the 14th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments, (201-204)
- Jacobs A and Nakata K Evolving the social business First Interdisciplinary Workshop on Communication for Sustainable Communities, (1-6)
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- Vukovic M, Laredo J and Rajagopal S Challenges and experiences in deploying enterprise crowdsourcing service Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Web engineering, (460-467)
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- Vukovic M, Lopez M and Laredo J Peoplecloud for the globally integrated enterprise Proceedings of the 2009 international conference on Service-oriented computing, (109-114)
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- Gorman A and Fischer G Toward an analytic framework for understanding and fostering peer-support communities in using and evolving software products Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Communities and technologies, (1-10)
- Nikolov R The emerging global campus model Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies and Workshop for PhD Students in Computing, (1-6)
- Kimmerle J, Moskaliuk J and Cress U Learning and knowledge building with social software Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - Volume 1, (459-468)
- Fischer G Democratizing design Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - Volume 1, (282-286)
- Ortega F and Izquierdo-Cortazar D Survival analysis in open development projects Proceedings of the 2009 ICSE Workshop on Emerging Trends in Free/Libre/Open Source Software Research and Development, (7-12)
- Estermann B, Riedl R and Neuroni A "Integrated" and "transcendent" e-government Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Social Networks: Making Connections between Citizens, Data and Government, (162-171)
- Carlsson S, Henningsson S, Hrastinski S and Keller C An approach for designing management support systems Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, (1-10)
- Topkara M, Rogowitz B, Wood S and Boston J Collaborative editing of micro-tags CHI '09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (4297-4302)
- Fischer G End-User Development and Meta-design Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on End-User Development - Volume 5435, (3-14)
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- Fischer G (2008). Rethinking software design in participation cultures, Automated Software Engineering, 15:3-4, (365-377), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2008.
- Hintikka K Web 2.0 and the collective intelligence Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Entertainment and media in the ubiquitous era, (163-166)
- Heiskanen T, Kokkonen J, Hintikka K, Kola P, Hintsa T and Näkki P Tutkimusparvi Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Entertainment and media in the ubiquitous era, (154-158)
- Henriksson J, Mikkonen T and Vadén T Experiences of Wiki use in Finnish companies Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Entertainment and media in the ubiquitous era, (150-153)
- Joutsen A, Nieminen V, Vuorensola T and Lekman L Wreck A Movie Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Entertainment and media in the ubiquitous era, (141-144)
- Costa C and Aparício M Web application and design of communication Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM international conference on Design of communication, (111-116)
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- Zappen J, Harrison T and Watson D A new paradigm for designing e-government Proceedings of the 2008 international conference on Digital government research, (17-26)
- Fischer G Meta-design Proceedings of the 11th IFIP TC 13 international conference on Human-computer interaction, (193-206)
- Davitz J, Yu J, Basu S, Gutelius D and Harris A iLink Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (931-940)
- Hoisl B, Aigner W and Miksch S Social rewarding in wiki systems - motivating the community Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Online communities and social computing, (362-371)
- Fischer G Designing socio-technical environments in support of meta-design and social creativity Proceedings of the 8th iternational conference on Computer supported collaborative learning, (2-11)
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