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View all- Friederichs-Büttner GWalther-Franks BMalaka R(2012)An unfinished dramaProceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference10.1145/2317956.2318072(770-778)Online publication date: 11-Jun-2012
The partnership of theater and digital media shows much potential for new means of storytelling. Digital scenery can be joined to the performer's action on stage; algorithmic influences can blur the linearity of a drama; interactive technology offers ...
This research investigates audience experience of empathy with a performer during a digitally mediated performance. Theatrical performance necessitates social interaction between performers and audience. We present a performance-based study that ...
In HCI, the honeypot effect describes how people interacting with a system passively stimulate passers-by to observe, approach and engage in an interaction. Previous research has revealed the successive engagement phases and zones of the honeypot ...
Berlin, Heidelberg