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The creative mind: myths and mechanismsMarch 1991
  • Basic Books, Inc.
  • Division of HarperCollins 10 E. 53rd St. New York, NY
  • United States
Published:27 March 1991
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  1. ACM
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    Long D, Blunt T and Magerko B (2021). Co-Designing AI Literacy Exhibits for Informal Learning Spaces, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5:CSCW2, (1-35), Online publication date: 13-Oct-2021.
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    Davis N, Hsiao C, Yashraj Singh K, Li L and Magerko B Empirically Studying Participatory Sense-Making in Abstract Drawing with a Co-Creative Cognitive Agent Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, (196-207)
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    Davis N, Comerford M, Jacob M, Hsiao C and Magerko B An Enactive Characterization of Pretend Play Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, (275-284)
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  63. ACM
    Hsiao C Gesture modeling Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, (457-458)
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    Kelly N and Gero J Interpretation as driver for psychological creativity Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, (355-356)
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    Jennings K, Simonton D and Palmer S Understanding exploratory creativity in a visual domain Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, (223-232)
  66. ACM
    Davis N, Do E, Gupta P and Gupta S Computing harmony with PerLogicArt Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, (185-194)
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  71. Petry F and Yager R Negotiation as creative social interaction using concept hierarchies Proceedings of the Computational intelligence for knowledge-based systems design, and 13th international conference on Information processing and management of uncertainty, (281-289)
  72. ACM
    Klöckner K, Kohler K, Kerkow D, Niebuhr S and Nass C Aligning business goals and user goals by engineering hedonic quality Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems, (241-250)
  73. Willis K and Poupyrev I 12Pixels Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Pervasive Computing, (391-408)
  74. ACM
    Candy L and Bilda Z Understanding and evaluating creativity Proceedings of the seventh ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, (497-498)
  75. ACM
    Coughlan T and Johnson P Understanding productive, structural and longitudinal interactions in the design of tools for creative activities Proceedings of the seventh ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, (155-164)
  76. ACM
    Magerko B, Manzoul W, Riedl M, Baumer A, Fuller D, Luther K and Pearce C An empirical study of cognition and theatrical improvisation Proceedings of the seventh ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, (117-126)
  77. Nordin A, Noor N and Zainuddin A Batik KR Semantic Network Proceedings of the Symposium on Human Interface 2009 on Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Interaction. Part II: Held as part of HCI International 2009, (334-341)
  78. Numa K, Toriumi K, Tanaka K, Akaishi M and Hori K Participatory Workshop as a Creativity Support System Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part II, (823-830)
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    Knobelsdorf M and Romeike R (2008). Creativity as a pathway to computer science, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 40:3, (286-290), Online publication date: 25-Aug-2008.
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    Knobelsdorf M and Romeike R Creativity as a pathway to computer science Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, (286-290)
  81. Sharma K Designing Knowledge Based Systems as Complex Adaptive Systems Proceedings of the 2008 conference on Artificial General Intelligence 2008: Proceedings of the First AGI Conference, (424-428)
  82. Shibata H and Hori K (2008). Cognitive Support for the Organization of Writing, New Generation Computing, 26:2, (97-124), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2008.
  83. Romeike R Applying creativity in CS high school education Proceedings of the Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research - Volume 88, (87-96)
  84. Johnson H and Carruthers L Towards developing task-based models of creativity Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Task models and diagrams for user interface design, (56-69)
  85. ACM
    Rolfe B On the production of creative subjectivity Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Digital interactive media in entertainment and arts, (50-57)
  86. ACM
    Zheng S, Bromage A, Adam M and Scrivener S Surprising creativity Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCHI conference on Creativity & cognition, (17-26)
  87. Saunders R Towards a computational model of creative societies using curious design agents Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Engineering societies in the agents world VII, (340-353)
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    Coughlan T and Johnson P Interaction in creative tasks Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (531-540)
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    Romeike R Creative students Proceedings of the 6th Baltic Sea conference on Computing education research: Koli Calling 2006, (149-150)
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    Yamamoto Y, Nakakoji K, Nishinaka Y, Asada M and Matsuda R What is the space for? Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, (117-125)
  91. Sloman A and Chappell J The altricial-precocial spectrum for robots Proceedings of the 19th international joint conference on Artificial intelligence, (1187-1192)
  92. Cañete J and Galán F Towards a theory on the role of ontologies in software engineering problem solving Proceedings of the 8th international conference, held as part of the joint European Conference on Theory and Practice of Software conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, (205-219)
  93. Veale T, Seco N and Hayes J Creative discovery in lexical ontologies Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Computational Linguistics, (1333-es)
  94. Hori K Do knowledge assets really exist in the world and can we access such knowledge? Proceedings of the 2004 international conference on Intuitive Human Interfaces for Organizing and Accessing Intellectual Assets, (1-13)
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    Shibata H and Hori K A system to support long-term creative thinking in daily life and its evaluation Proceedings of the 4th conference on Creativity & cognition, (142-149)
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    Gabora L Cognitive mechanisms underlying the creative process Proceedings of the 4th conference on Creativity & cognition, (126-133)
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    Saunders R and Gero J How to study artificial creativity Proceedings of the 4th conference on Creativity & cognition, (80-87)
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    Whale G Why use computers to make drawings? Proceedings of the 4th conference on Creativity & cognition, (65-71)
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    Gero J Computational models of creative designing based on situated cognition Proceedings of the 4th conference on Creativity & cognition, (3-10)
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    Lawson B “Fake” and “Real” creativity using computer aided design Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Creativity & cognition, (174-179)
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    Bonnardel N Creativity in design activities Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Creativity & cognition, (158-165)
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    Fischer G Symmetry of igorance, social creativity, and meta-design Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Creativity & cognition, (116-123)
  105. ACM
    Li T Who or what is making the music Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Creativity & cognition, (57-62)
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    Sedivy J and Johnson H Supporting creative work tasks Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Creativity & cognition, (42-49)
  107. ACM
    Shneiderman B User interfaces for creativity support tools Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Creativity & cognition, (15-22)
  108. ACM
    Candy L and Edmonds E Introducing creativity to cognition Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Creativity & cognition, (3-6)
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  110. Moorman K and Ram A A model of creative understanding Proceedings of the Twelfth AAAI National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (74-79)
  111. Wills L and Kolodner J Towards more creative case-based design systems Proceedings of the Twelfth AAAI National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (50-55)
  112. Spector L and Alpern A Criticism, culture, and the automatic generation of artworks Proceedings of the Twelfth AAAI National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (3-8)
  113. ACM
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  • University of Sussex


James Loftin Snell

The intended audience for this book about human creativity and the use of computational concepts in understanding it—what Boden calls “computational psychology”—is the educated layperson. In her opening chapter, Boden remarks that older explanations of creativity, such as Koestler's <__?__Pub Fmt italic>The act of creation<__?__Pub Fmt /italic> [1], have been quite vague, and she promises to “take up the question from where Koestler left it” and provide a more detailed and scientific explanation. The book succeeds modestly: for the lay reader, it provides some acquaintance with elementary computing concepts, particularly in artificial intelligence (AI), that are relevant to creativity, although for readers technically knowledgeable in these areas, it offers little new insight. The book consists of 11 chapters. The first four describe some classic examples of human creativity (such as Kekule's discovery of the benzene ring); define a few terms and distinctions (for example, between personal and historical creativity); pose various questions about the relationship between computers and creativity; and attempt to “dissolve the mystery” of creativity by citing some speculations on the psychological process (including Hadamard's preparation-incubation-illumination-verification hypothesis). The second four chapters provide nontechnical descriptions of various computational concepts (such as generative grammar, heuristics, search space, semantic network, neural network, and production system) and some AI programs that use them, and show how these relate to <__?__Pub Caret>aspects of human creativity. Chapters 9 and 10 address the issues of randomness (how can a deterministic machine exhibit unpredictability__?__ and the like) and genius (for instance, Was Mozart different qualitatively or merely in “quantity” of creativity__?__) The final chapter provides refutations of several arguments denying the possibility of creativity or “true intelligence” by computers (including a brief treatment of Searle's “Chinese Room” argument) and offers reassurances that computer creativity would not (or should not) threaten the stature of humans. Boden's writing style is conversational, friendly, and smooth, if somewhat verbose in places. She demonstrates an unusual combination of diversity and coherence of knowledge, presenting apt examples from music, graphic arts, mathematics, linguistics, chemistry, physics, astronomy, literature, philosophy, and psychology, and showing persuasively that the phenomena of creativity she describes occur similarly across all these fields. Her explanations of computing concepts, while technically superficial, are accurate and clear and should be reassuringly accessible to the layperson. She provides adequate references and bibliography for readers seeking greater depth, as well as a good index. The book's main purpose, to explain in computational terms how human creativity works, is fulfilled only to the extent of providing a general outline. Yet this partial success is a useful achievement, not least in providing coherent, well-informed arguments to oppose the ignorant writing of authors like Hubert Dreyfus. Moreover, Boden's book does fully succeed in a secondary purpose, namely to dispel the romantic and mystical assumptions about human creativity presumably still held by most educated laypeople (and perhaps even some computing professionals). On these grounds alone, the book is worthwhile reading—it contains just the kind of material that the computing community would like to see broadcast widely (say, as a television documentary) to promote improved understanding of computers by the general population.

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