PRV-1 Virulence in Atlantic Salmon Is Affected by Host Genotype
<p>(<b>A</b>) Two-dimensional variance determined by a genetic principal component analysis of 50 k microarray genotypes among individual Atlantic salmon (n = 64) representing 4 geographically separate stains: British Columbia, Canada—Mowi-McConnell (BC salmon), European (Scotland) origin Mowi (EU salmon), New Brunswick, Canada—Tobique River (NB-TR salmon), and New Brunswick, Canada—Saint John River (NB-SJR salmon). (<b>B</b>) Tamura–Nei neighbor-joining phylogram indicating the genetic diversity of 48 concatenated PRV-1 genomes as presented by Siah et al. [<a href="#B36-viruses-17-00285" class="html-bibr">36</a>], as well as the 3 concatenated PRV-1 genomes sequenced in this study (highlighted with text) following Clustal Omega maximum-likelihood alignment. Phylogenetic groups (PRV-1b from Eastern Atlantic and Chile, PRV-1a from both Western and Eastern Atlantic, and PRV-1a from the Eastern Pacific) are indicated by branch lines color at 100% bootstrap consensus support. Scale bar indicates the genetic divergence as the average nucleotide substitutions per position.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>PRV-1 load, antiviral responsiveness, and inflammation in side-by-side challenge of BC Mowi-McConnell (BC) and New Brunswick St. John River (NB-SJR) Atlantic salmon. (<b>A</b>) Mean (line) and individual (dot) BC-PRV-1a L1 RNA loads measured 2–14 weeks post-challenge (wpc). Mean fold change (±SE) of (<b>B</b>) blood <span class="html-italic">mx1</span>, (<b>C</b>) blood <span class="html-italic">cd8a</span>, (<b>D</b>) blood <span class="html-italic">gzma</span>, (<b>E</b>) heart <span class="html-italic">mx1</span>, (<b>F</b>) heart <span class="html-italic">cd8a</span>, and (<b>G</b>) heart <span class="html-italic">gzma</span> transcripts relative to the mean of time-matched, strain-matched controls (SC); * <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05, ** <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.01, *** <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.001 by two-way ANOVA and Šídák’s multiple comparisons tests of log-transformed fold changes; minimum twofold change suggestive of biological relevance is shaded. (<b>H</b>) The cumulative prevalence of epicarditis and endocarditis in hearts of control (SC) and BC-PRV-1a challenged (PRV) fish within 14 wpc. * <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05 by the Kruskal–Wallis and Dunn’s multiple comparisons tests.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>PRV-1 RNA loads of 72 individuals experiencing peak (6–10 wpc; left panels) or persistent (14 wpc; right panels) infections, categorized by either the strain of Atlantic salmon challenged (right component each panel) or the PRV-1 isolate administered (left component each panel). Mean (line) and individual (dot) PRV-1 L1 RNA loads identified in (<b>A</b>) whole blood, (<b>B</b>) the heart ventricle, or (<b>C</b>) plasma presented as the peak (eight highest recorded values 6–10 wpc from each salmon-virus challenge combination; n = 24 per category) or persistent (eight recorded values 14 wpc from each salmon-virus challenge combination; n = 24 per category) phases of infection. * <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05, ** <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.01, *** <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.001 by one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparisons tests of log-transformed values.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Heart <span class="html-italic">cd8a, ifna</span>, and <span class="html-italic">ifng</span> transcriptional expression following PRV-1 challenge. (<b>A</b>) Corrected normalized relative quantity (CNRQ) of <span class="html-italic">ifna</span> (light circles) and <span class="html-italic">ifng</span> (dark circles) are presented relative to <span class="html-italic">cd8a</span> transcriptional expression for all (n = 384) salmon sampled between 6–12 wpc in this study. Pearson r (r) and associated <span class="html-italic">p</span>-value is provided. (<b>B</b>) Mean (line) and individual (dots) heart <span class="html-italic">cd8a</span> (left side) and <span class="html-italic">ifna</span> (right side) CNRQ transcripts in relation to histopathological cardiac inflammation score, where 0 = no inflammation (n = 201), 1 = mild inflammation (n = 151), 2 = moderate inflammation (n = 25), and 3 = severe inflammation (n = 4) for the same 6–12 wpc dataset. Letters denote groupings for mean statistical similarity by the Kruskal–Wallis nonparametric test and Dunn’s multiple comparisons tests at <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.01. Shaded areas present one standard deviation of target transcription in cardiac inflammation score 0 fish to provide a minimum threshold suggestive of biological relevance. (<b>C</b>) Mean (line) and individual (dots) of heart <span class="html-italic">cd8a</span> transcripts measured at 6–12 wpc from PRV-1-challenged salmon (n = 288) categorized relative to PRV-1 isolate administered (n = 24 per PRV-1 isolate per time point), or (<b>D</b>) relative to Atlantic salmon strain challenged (n = 24 per salmon strain per time point). ** <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.01, *** <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.001 by two-way ANOVA and Šídák’s multiple comparisons tests of log-transformed CNRQ values; one standard deviation of <span class="html-italic">cd8a</span> expression recorded across all SC fish (n = 96) is shaded to suggest a minimum threshold for biological relevance.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Heart and red skeletal muscle inflammation following PRV-1 challenge. The cumulative prevalence (%) of heart inflammation in PRV-1-challenged salmon over 14 weeks categorized by either (<b>A</b>) the PRV-1 isolate administered or (<b>B</b>) the strain of the recipient Atlantic salmon; ** <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.01, *** <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.001 by Kruskal–Wallis and Dunn’s multiple comparisons tests. Heat maps of (<b>C</b>) heart and (<b>D</b>) red skeletal muscle presented as median inflammatory heart score in relation to each Atlantic salmon x PRV combination over a 14-week progression. Median inflammation score is defined by color, which ranges from 0 (no inflammation; white) to 3 (severe inflammation; brown). The cumulative prevalence (%) of red skeletal muscle inflammation in PRV-1-challenged salmon over the same 14 weeks categorized by either (<b>E</b>) the PRV-1 isolate administered or (<b>F</b>) the strain of recipient Atlantic salmon is also provided; *** <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.001 by Kruskal–Wallis and Dunn’s multiple comparisons tests.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. PRV-1 Isolates
2.2. Atlantic Salmon—Sources and Husbandry
2.3. PRV-1 Challenges of Atlantic Salmon
2.4. PRV-1 Detection and Quantification
2.5. Atlantic Salmon Gene Expression and Histopathology
2.6. PRV-1 and Atlantic Salmon Genotyping
2.7. Statistical Analyses
3. Results
3.1. Phylogentic Variation in Atantic Salmon Strains and PRV-1 Isolates
3.2. Challenge 1: PRV-1 Infection Dynamics and Host T Cell Responsiveness Can Vary Among Atlantic Salmon Strains
3.3. Challenge 2: PRV-1 Infection Dynamics Can Be Affected More by PRV-1 Isolate than Atlantic Salmon Strain
3.4. Challenge 2: Atlantic Salmon T Cell Responsiveness Can Be Affected by Both PRV-1 Isolate and Atlantic Salmon Strain
3.5. Challenge 2: PRV-1-Associated Heart Inflammation Can Be Affected More by Atlantic Salmon Strain than PRV-1 Isolate, Whereas Skeletal Muscle Inflammation Is Influenced Similarly by Both Salmon Strain and PRV-1 Isolate
4. Discussion
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Challenge Trial | Viral Inoculate | Fish Stock | Mean Fish Weight (g) |
1 | BC-PRV (purified particles) | BC salmon | 36 |
SC | BC salmon | 42 | |
BC-PRV (purified particles) | NB-SJR salmon | 42 | |
SC | NB-SJR salmon | 44 | |
2 | BC-PRV (purified particles) | BC salmon | 59 |
NB-PRV (blood homogenate) | BC salmon | 61 | |
NOR-PRV (purified particles) | BC salmon | 58 | |
SC | BC salmon | 55 | |
BC-PRV (purified particles) | NB-TR salmon | 43 | |
NB-PRV(blood homogenate) | NB-TR salmon | 44 | |
NOR-PRV (purified particles) | NB-TR salmon | 44 | |
SC | NB-TR salmon | 48 | |
BC-PRV (purified particles) | EU salmon | 67 | |
NB-PRV (blood homogenate) | EU salmon | 74 | |
NOR-PRV (purified particles) | EU salmon | 70 | |
SC | EU salmon | 71 |
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Share and Cite
Polinski, M.; Gross, L.; Groman, D.; Alarcón, M.; Braceland, M.; Booman, M.; Ditlecadet, D.; May, S.; Gagné, N.; Garver, K. PRV-1 Virulence in Atlantic Salmon Is Affected by Host Genotype. Viruses 2025, 17, 285.
Polinski M, Gross L, Groman D, Alarcón M, Braceland M, Booman M, Ditlecadet D, May S, Gagné N, Garver K. PRV-1 Virulence in Atlantic Salmon Is Affected by Host Genotype. Viruses. 2025; 17(2):285.
Chicago/Turabian StylePolinski, Mark, Lynden Gross, David Groman, Marta Alarcón, Mark Braceland, Marije Booman, Delphine Ditlecadet, Samuel May, Nellie Gagné, and Kyle Garver. 2025. "PRV-1 Virulence in Atlantic Salmon Is Affected by Host Genotype" Viruses 17, no. 2: 285.
APA StylePolinski, M., Gross, L., Groman, D., Alarcón, M., Braceland, M., Booman, M., Ditlecadet, D., May, S., Gagné, N., & Garver, K. (2025). PRV-1 Virulence in Atlantic Salmon Is Affected by Host Genotype. Viruses, 17(2), 285.