<p>Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree with ultrafast bootstraps of whole genome of H5N1 viruses detected in North America between April 2020 and December 2023. Host and flyway for each virus are assigned as a color-coded ring on the outer edge of the phylogenetic tree. Color keys of genotypes, ultrafast bootstraps, K-means cluster, host category, and flyway are assigned at the left of the figure.</p> Full article ">Figure 2
<p>Multidimensional scaling to visualize the Euclidean distances computed on the multiple sequence alignment of whole genome of H5N1 viruses detected in North America. Centroid of each K-means cluster is depicted in an outlined shape. Genotypes and groups are color coded per the color key at the right portion of the figure.</p> Full article ">Figure 3
<p>Multidimensional scaling to visualize the dissimilarity distances computed on the multiple sequence alignment of H5N1 virus gene segments. (<b>A</b>) Axes 1 and 2 of gene segment PB2; (<b>B</b>) axes 1 and 2 of gene segment PB1; (<b>C</b>) axes 1 and 2 of gene segment PA; (<b>D</b>) axes 1 and 2 of gene segment NP; (<b>E</b>) Axes 1 and 2 of gene segment NS. Genotypes and K-means clusters are color coded per the color key at the bottom right of the figure.</p> Full article ">Figure 4
<p>Multidimensional scaling to visualize genotypic diversity of H5N1 viruses in North America. (<b>A</b>) Flyway; (<b>B</b>) host type. Each variable is color coded differently as represented by the color key at the bottom left of each panel.</p> Full article ">Figure 5
<p>Multidimensional scaling performed on the dissimilarity distances on the viruses within the reference dataset. The centroid of each K-means clusters is depicted as an outlined shape. Genotypes and clusters are color coded per the color key at the right portion of the figure. Novel viruses downloaded from GISAID are categorized under “New detections” and annotated on the MDS plot.</p> Full article ">