Isolation and Characterization of Lytic Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteriophages Isolated from Sewage Samples from Tunisia
<p>Phylogenetic tree based on whole-genome sequence comparisons of six selected phages, generated with MEGA X, version 10.2.4’s neighbor-joining method. The evolutionary distances were calculated using MEGA X’s Maximum Composite Likelihood method [<a href="#B51-viruses-14-02339" class="html-bibr">51</a>]. The percentage of replicate trees where the associated taxa clustered together during the bootstrap test is represented by the numbers below the branches (1000 replicates). The best tree is depicted to scale, with branch lengths representing the evolutionary distances used to infer the tree. In the final dataset, 45,933 positions were available for evolutionary analyses. Phages PsIn, PsCh, Ps25, Ps12on-D, Ps9, and Ps26S are indicated in red. Phages Ps9 and Ps26S are similar to phages Ps25 and Ps12on-D, respectively.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Comparative genome analysis of the <span class="html-italic">P. aeruginosa</span> phages PsIn, PsCh, Ps12on-D, Ps25, and PAK_P1. The direction of transcription is shown by arrows next to predicted ORFs. According to the key provided at the bottom of the graphic, arrows are colored according to their functions. The corresponding ORFs are presented with (if available) functional annotations.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Host range chart of the phages PsIn, PsCh, Ps12on-D, and Ps25, as determined on 140 P. aeruginosa isolates. Resistant: (-) no lysis; susceptible: (KFW) killing from without; susceptible: adsorption and propagation confluent lysis, semi-confluent lysis, opaque lysis, and separate plaque in high and low dilutions.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Thermal and pH stability. (<b>A</b>) Activity of phages PsIn, PsCh, Ps12on-D, and Ps25 at different pH levels. (<b>B</b>) Activity of phages PsIn, PsCh, Ps12on-D, and Ps25 at different temperatures. Each experiment was performed in triplicate and standard deviations are indicated.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Physiological parameters of phage Ps12on-D. (<b>A</b>) The adsorption rate is K = 1.34 × 10<sup>−9</sup> ml/min of phage Ps12on-D. Phages were mixed with excess <span class="html-italic">P. aeruginosa</span> strain CN573, and the non-adsorbed infectious phages were serially counted. Data are percentages of non-adsorbed Ps12on-D relative to the initial input dose of phages. (<b>B</b>) One-step growth curve of <span class="html-italic">P. aeruginosa</span> phage Ps12on-D on host strain CN573. The latent period is calculated after adsorption. The presented data are means of three independent experiments with error bars showing the standard error of the mean (SEM).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Bacterial Strains and Culture Conditions
2.2. Isolation and Propagation of Bacteriophages
2.3. Extraction, Sequencing, Annotation, and Taxonomic Assessment of the Phages and Bacterial Genomes
2.4. Host Range Analysis
2.5. Thermal Stability and pH Sensitivity
2.6. Phage Adsorption Assay
2.7. One-Step Growth Curve
2.8. Accession Numbers
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Isolation and Selection of the Phages
3.2. Genomic Identification of the PsIn, PsCh, Ps12on-D, and Ps25 Phages
3.3. Host Range Analysis
3.4. Thermal and pH Stability
3.5. Adsorption Assay
3.6. One-Step Growth Assay
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Feature | Genome PsIn | Genome PsCh | Genome Ps12onD | Genome Ps25 |
Genome size | 92,515 bp | 92,710 bp | 88,705 bp | 87,887 bp |
G+C content (G+C content host) | 49.28 % (66.17%) | 49.30 % (66.17%) | 49.14 % (66.17%) | 49.13 % (66.17%) |
No. of predicted CDSs | 174 | 167 | 166 | 164 |
Predicted tRNAs | tRNAGln; tRNATrp; tRNAArg; tRNALeu; tRNAIIe; tRNAAsp; tRNACys; tRNAAsn; tRNAPro; tRNAGly; tRNAPhe; tRNAGlu | tRNAGln; tRNATrp; tRNAArg; tRNALys; tRNALeu; tRNAIIe; tRNAAsp; tRNACys; tRNAAsn; tRNAPro; tRNAGly; tRNAPhe; tRNAGlu | tRNAGln; tRNATrp; tRNAArg; tRNALeu; tRNAIIe; tRNAAsp; tRNACys; tRNAAsn; tRNAPro; tRNAGly; tRNAPhe; tRNAGlu | tRNAGln; tRNATrp; tRNAArg; tRNALeu; tRNAIIe; tRNAAsp; tRNACys; tRNAAsn; tRNAPro; tRNAGly; tRNAPhe; tRNAGlu |
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Akremi, I.; Merabishvili, M.; Jlidi, M.; Haj Brahim, A.; Ben Ali, M.; Karoui, A.; Lavigne, R.; Wagemans, J.; Pirnay, J.-P.; Ben Ali, M. Isolation and Characterization of Lytic Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteriophages Isolated from Sewage Samples from Tunisia. Viruses 2022, 14, 2339.
Akremi I, Merabishvili M, Jlidi M, Haj Brahim A, Ben Ali M, Karoui A, Lavigne R, Wagemans J, Pirnay J-P, Ben Ali M. Isolation and Characterization of Lytic Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteriophages Isolated from Sewage Samples from Tunisia. Viruses. 2022; 14(11):2339.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAkremi, Ismahen, Maya Merabishvili, Mouna Jlidi, Adel Haj Brahim, Manel Ben Ali, Anis Karoui, Rob Lavigne, Jeroen Wagemans, Jean-Paul Pirnay, and Mamdouh Ben Ali. 2022. "Isolation and Characterization of Lytic Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteriophages Isolated from Sewage Samples from Tunisia" Viruses 14, no. 11: 2339.
APA StyleAkremi, I., Merabishvili, M., Jlidi, M., Haj Brahim, A., Ben Ali, M., Karoui, A., Lavigne, R., Wagemans, J., Pirnay, J.-P., & Ben Ali, M. (2022). Isolation and Characterization of Lytic Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteriophages Isolated from Sewage Samples from Tunisia. Viruses, 14(11), 2339.