EO4Migration: The Design of an EO-Based Solution in Support of Migrants’ Inclusion and Social-Cohesion Policies
"> Figure 1
<p>Schematic representation of the links between policy frames, and state of the art with respect to EO usage and the solutions proposed for the migration theme (Solutions for MIGration—SMIG) within the SMURBS project.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Conceptual model of SMIG2 solution in support of the relevant policy frameworks.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Graphical scheme of the dasymetric method proposed in [<a href="#B29-remotesensing-14-04295" class="html-bibr">29</a>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The numbers of regular migrant residents in 2011 and 2020 in the Bari central area: three-dimensional elaboration of migrant-population density calculated in [<a href="#B29-remotesensing-14-04295" class="html-bibr">29</a>]. The height of each parallelepiped is proportional to the number of resident migrants, whereas the color changes according to the classes shown in the legend.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Migrant fluxes in Bari: spatial distribution and average annual population-growth rate (PGR) from 2011 to 2020. Reprinted with permission from [<a href="#B29-remotesensing-14-04295" class="html-bibr">29</a>].</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Summary of all SDG11 indicators computed for Bari city in [<a href="#B28-remotesensing-14-04295" class="html-bibr">28</a>,<a href="#B29-remotesensing-14-04295" class="html-bibr">29</a>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- SMIG1: “Multiple Hazards Risk Assessment for Refugee Camps”;
- SMIG2: “Urban resilience indicators and suitability maps for short- and long-term host areas”.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Case Study
2.2. Legal Migration and Integration Policies under the UN 2030 Agenda
2.3. Assessment of Human Settlement Trends
2.3.1. The Monitoring of Settlement
2.3.2. The Monitoring of Population Fluxes
2.4. Conceptualization of SMIG2 Solution
3. Results
3.1. Regulations for Measuring Indicators within Existing Policy Frameworks
- (i)
- To support local authorities in choosing indicators tailored to their policy priorities;
- (ii)
- To develop guidelines for the effective use of indicators within a broader governance framework.
3.2. Data, Local Layers, and Regulations/Plans in Support of Resilience Targets and Indicators
3.3. SMIG2 Land-Dynamics and Population-Flux Mapping
- (1)
- To update the built-up layer and the population density of regular migrants in the city of Bari from 2011 to 2020;
- (2)
- To implement SDG 11 indicators for both the total and regular migrant populations. Two discrete automatic approaches of land-cover classification from EO satellite data (Sentinel 2) at a 10 m spatial resolution were proposed for obtaining an up-to-date settlement map [29,30]. Such an update can allow us to overcome the time lag that exists between satellite-imagery acquisition and the product validation/delivery of official products. For instance, the latest release of the ESM layer was published in 2019, even though it was extracted from 2015 satellite data. In some cases and areas, this temporal latency cannot satisfy the rapid monitoring requirements of population flows (both migrant and native components).
3.4. Urban-Resilience-Indicator Estimates
3.5. Reusable Workflows
4. Discussion
4.1. Data Collection and Harmonization
- To facilitate collaboration and mutual learning between local and national organizations;
- To consider new pathways for linking the local to the national and global entities;
- To facilitate interactions between the urban context and its surrounding area.
4.2. Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Future Studies
5. Conclusions
- Identify those areas to be carefully monitored as affected by degradation or security problems;
- Identify the general criteria used by the migrant population to choose the areas for settlement.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Product Name | Provider | Brief Description | Geographical Coverage/Spatial Resolution | Last Update/Release |
The European Settlement Map (ESM) | Copernicus Land Monitoring Services. Produced by the EC, JRC, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, and Global Security and Crisis Management Unit. | Spatial raster dataset that is mapping human settlements in Europe based on SPOT5- and SPOT6-satellite imagery of 2012. | Europe, 10 m | Up to date to 2015. Last release published in 2019 [50]. |
Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) | The JRC and DG for Regional Development (DG REGIO) of the EC, together with the international partnership GEO Human Planet Initiative. | Information about the built-up and settlement boundaries from satellite imagery: Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 | GHS-BUILT: from 10 m to 1 km | GHS-BUILT: 2018 |
GHS-SMOD: 1 km global coverage. | GHS-SMOD: based on 2015 population data. Last release: 2019 [51]. | |||
GHS-composite-S2: 10 m | GHS-composite-S2 based on 2017–2018 Sentinel-2 imagery. Release: 2020 [52,53]. | |||
Urban Atlas | The Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, and more specifically, the Urban Atlas service. | Pan-European comparable land-use and land-cover data for functional urban areas (FUAs). Corresponding to the Atlas of Urban Expansion, the platform provides data for functional urban areas, which are defined as areas with more than 100.000 inhabitants, as defined by the Urban Audit. | Europe: 17 urban classes with minimum mappable units (MMUs) (0.25 ha), and 10 rural classes with MMUs (1ha) | Up to date to 2018. Last release published in 2020 [54]. |
Global Urban Footprint | German Aerospace Center (DLR) under ESA’s Urban Exploitation Platform (U-TEP). | Worldwide mapping of settlements from SAR data. A total of 180,000 TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X scenes have been processed to create the GUF. The resulting map shows the Earth in three colors only: black for “urban areas”, white for “land surface”, and grey for “water”. | Global coverage. Spatial resolution: ~84 m, near the equator. ~75 m, in mid-latitudes. High-resolution data (~12 m, near the equator) are available only for scientific research. | Up to date to 2012. Last release: [55]. |
World Settlement Footprint | German Aerospace Center (DLR) under ESA’s Urban Exploitation Platform (U-TEP). | Global human settlement mask in, so far, unique spatial detail and consistency, derived from Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 data. | Global coverage. Spatial resolution: 10 m. | Up to date to 2015. Last release: [56] |
Topic | EO Data (Input) and Applied Methodologies | Reference | Geographical Coverage/Spatial Resolution (Output) |
Map of Migrants in the EU. | Dasymetric mapping based on European Settlements Map (Source: CLMS; spatial resolution: 10 m) and GHSL |
| Pan-European coverage. Spatial resolution:
Grid population mapping at various scales. |
| Local, regional, global. From 1 to 110 km. | |
Grid population map in support of SDG 11.3.1. indicator. | Disaggregation of population-census-data weighting with respect to built-up area by a regression model. Input: land-use/land-cover (LULC) datasets obtained from Landsat imagery (1990, 2000, and 2010). | [77] | Local and regional. A 1 km × 1 km grid. |
Spatial human settlement patterns from GHSL nightlights. | Correlation between socioeconomic data at subnational level and nightlights measured from EO (i.e., VIIRS sensor, etc.) | [51] | Global. From 250 m to 1 km. |
Population estimates by Urban Atlas polygon. | Urban Atlas (2020 release for 2018) provides reliable intercomparable high-resolution LULC data with integrated population estimates for 788 functional urban areas (FUAs) with more than 50,000 inhabitants for the 2018 reference year in European-economic-area countries (EU, European Free Trade Association, Western Balkan countries, as well as Turkey) and the United Kingdom. | Urban Atlas [54] | Europe coverage. Minimum mappable unit (MMU):
ID Subtask | Description | User-Related GAPS 1 |
ST1 | Identify regulations for measurements/indicators/metrics within existing policy frameworks. | L |
ST2 | Identify regulations/plans on housing and environmental dimensions (i.e., natural-hazard constraints, decaying neighborhoods and buildings, etc.). | L |
ST3 | Inventory of targets and specific resilience indicators. | DB |
ST4 | Identify essential variables for indicators. | M |
ST5 | Identify ancillary data needed. | DB |
ST6 | Mapping land cover and changes over time. | O |
ST7 | Mapping settlements and changes over time. | O |
ST8 | Mapping migrant population communities and population changes (fluxes). | M |
ST9 | Create guidelines for indicator implementation. | M |
ST10 | Make the procedures (for mapping both populations and indicators) reproducible. | M, O |
ST11 | Strengthen awareness, dissemination initiatives. | O |
Dimension | OECD Resilience Indicators | SDG 11 Indicator | Other Related SDG Indicators |
(a1) Housing “Infrastructure is adequate and reliable” | Percentage of housing units exposed to a high level of hazard that have been designed or retrofitted to withstand the force of the hazard. | 11.1.1—Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements, or inadequate housing. “Inadequate” is defined according to structural-quality, durability, and location criteria (Table 1 in Metadata SDG Indicator 11.1.1 [82]). | N/A |
(a2) Water “Infrastructure is adequate and reliable” | Proportion of population using safely managed drinking-water services. | 11.1.1—Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements, or inadequate housing. “Inadequate” is defined according to the “access to water” criterium (Table 1 in Metadata SDG Indicator 11.1.1 [82]). | 6.1.1—Proportion of population using safely managed drinking-water services. |
(a3) Transport “Infrastructure is adequate and reliable” | Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport, by sex, age, and persons with disabilities. | 11.2.1—Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport, by sex, age, and persons with disabilities [83]. | N/A |
(b) Sustainable urban development: “Adequate natural resources are available” | Green area (hectares) per 100,000 population or average percentage of pervious surfaces (International Organization for Standardization). | 11.3.1—Ratio of land-consumption rate to population-growth rate [84]. | 15.1.1—Forest area as a proportion of total land area. |
SDG 11 Targets | SDG 11 Indicators | Quantifiable Derivatives (Subindicators) | Requested Data |
T11.1: Safe and affordable housing-transport systems | 11.1.1. Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements, or inadequate housing. |
| Grid population map * |
Building layer with information on building use (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial, decaying buildings). | |||
| Grid population map * | ||
Building-layer/settlement maps * | |||
Hazard maps | |||
| Grid population map * | ||
Building-layer/settlement maps * | |||
Building-height layer * | |||
T11.2: Affordable and sustainable | 11.2.1. Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport by sex, age, and persons with disabilities. |
| Grid population map * |
Street-network layer | |||
Bus-stop map | |||
Metro/tramway-stop map | |||
T11.3: Inclusive and sustainable urbanization | 11.3.1. Ratio of land-consumption rate to population-growth rate. |
| Grid population map * |
Settlement map * | |||
T11.6: Reduce the environmental impacts of cities | 11.6.2. Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (e.g., PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population-weighted). |
| Grid population map * |
| Annual mean levels of fine-particulate-matter maps. Source: Local Agency of Environmental Protection. |
SDG 11 Indicators | Quantifiable Derivatives (Subindicators) | Other Ancillary Data Required | Estimates with Respect to the Total Population | Estimates with Respect to the Migrant-Population Component |
11.1.1. Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements, or inadequate housing |
| 0.2% (596 people) | 0.1% with respect the total migrant population |
| 1% (3043 people) | 1% with respect the total migrant population (133 migrant people) | |
| 0.88% (2848 people) | No people from official statistics | |
11.2.1. Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport by sex, age, and persons with disabilities |
| 3% (10,535 people) | 2% (286 people) |
11.3.1. Ratio of land-consumption rate to population-growth rate |
| 0.40 (average value) | N/A |
11.6.2. Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (e.g., PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population-weighted) |
| 13.5 µg/m3 | 13.5 µg/m3 |
| 22.1 µg/m3 | 22.2 µg/m3 |
Setting Options | Dasy2 (Basic Implementation) (https://github.com/AM-IIA/DasymetricV2.2, accessed on 12 July 2022) | Dasy3 (For Advanced Users) (https://github.com/AM-IIA/Dasymetric3.git, accessed on 12 July 2022) |
Building-use layer | Urban Atlas as input, building-use classes not configurable. | Generic land-use map, building-use classes configurable. |
Building heights | Required | Optional |
Weight-correction factors | Fixed | Configurable |
ID STs | Description | Findings | Achievement 1 | Additional Notes |
ST1 | Identify regulations for measurements/indicators/metrics within existing policy frameworks. | The existing regulations are reported (Section 3.1). | ||
ST2 | Identify regulations/plans on housing and environmental dimensions (i.e., natural-hazard constraints, decaying neighborhoods and buildings, etc.). | Landscape Protection Plan of Apulian Region (PPTR), natural-hazard maps, open-dataset providers. | The existing regulations are reported (Section 3.2). | |
ST3 | Inventory of targets and specific resilience indicators. | [29] | The list of indicators can be extended (reported in Section 3.2 and further discussed in Section 4.2). | |
ST4 | Identify essential variables for indicators. | According to [81,86], settlement and population maps are recognized as essential variables. | The list of essential variables (Section 3.2) could be extended if new indicators are considered (see discussion recommendations in Section 4.2). | |
ST5 | Identify ancillary data needed. | [29] | The list of ancillary data (Section 3.2) could be extended if new indicators are considered. This topic has not been addressed in this study. | |
ST6 | Mapping land cover and changes over time. | Two automatic-classification procedures based on availability of/missing training data: data-driven and pixel-based, and knowledge-driven and object-based. | A map was produced only for the case study (as reported in Section 3.3). The procedure is fully reproducible for other geographic areas. | |
ST7 | Mapping settlements and changes over time. | Automatic extraction of built-up trends in large areas. | A map was produced only for the case study (Section 3.3). The procedure is fully reproducible for other geographic areas. | |
ST8 | Mapping migrant-population communities and population changes (fluxes). | The dasymetric mapping method [29,30]. | A map was produced only for the case study. Further uncertainty analysis needs to be applied to all procedures through more detailed checks, the estimation of errors, and samples for verification (discussed in Section 4.2). | |
ST9 | Create guidelines for indicator implementation. | Research articles [29,30] and document [28] include an exhaustive description of all implemented procedures. | These guidelines (reported, in brief, in the Supplementary Materials) could be extended and made more understandable. Uncertainties are reported in Section 3.3. Further analysis needs to be applied to all procedures through more detailed checks, the estimation of errors, and samples for verification (discussed in Section 4.2). | |
ST10 | Make the procedures (for mapping both populations and indicators) reproducible. | VLab implementation and scripts shared on GitHub repository(QGIS plugin). | See Section 3.5. The development of additional modules is still in progress. | |
ST11 | Strengthen awareness, dissemination initiatives. | Workshops, conferences. | Partially limited by COVID-19 pandemic emergency. |
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© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Aquilino, M.; Tarantino, C.; Athanasopoulou, E.; Gerasopoulos, E.; Blonda, P.; Quattrone, G.; Fuina, S.; Adamo, M. EO4Migration: The Design of an EO-Based Solution in Support of Migrants’ Inclusion and Social-Cohesion Policies. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 4295. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14174295
Aquilino M, Tarantino C, Athanasopoulou E, Gerasopoulos E, Blonda P, Quattrone G, Fuina S, Adamo M. EO4Migration: The Design of an EO-Based Solution in Support of Migrants’ Inclusion and Social-Cohesion Policies. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(17):4295. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14174295
Chicago/Turabian StyleAquilino, Mariella, Cristina Tarantino, Eleni Athanasopoulou, Evangelos Gerasopoulos, Palma Blonda, Giuliana Quattrone, Silvana Fuina, and Maria Adamo. 2022. "EO4Migration: The Design of an EO-Based Solution in Support of Migrants’ Inclusion and Social-Cohesion Policies" Remote Sensing 14, no. 17: 4295. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14174295
APA StyleAquilino, M., Tarantino, C., Athanasopoulou, E., Gerasopoulos, E., Blonda, P., Quattrone, G., Fuina, S., & Adamo, M. (2022). EO4Migration: The Design of an EO-Based Solution in Support of Migrants’ Inclusion and Social-Cohesion Policies. Remote Sensing, 14(17), 4295. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14174295