Study of a High Spectral Resolution Hyperspectral LiDAR in Vegetation Red Edge Parameters Extraction
<p>Schematic diagram of a tunable Hyperspectral LiDAR system based on AOTF.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The supercontinuum laser source and the power density against the wavelength.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Employed filter device. (<b>a</b>) AOTF, (<b>b</b>) LCTF.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Transmittance of laser beam expander.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Reflectivity of the reflector.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Four different plants employed in lab experiment. (<b>a</b>) Dracaena, (<b>b</b>) Aloe, (<b>c</b>) Rubber plant, (<b>d</b>) Radermachera.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>First derivative of the spectral reflectance versus spectral values of dracaena green and yellow leaf measured by the AOTF-HSL and the SVC spectrometer. (<b>a</b>) Dracaena green leaf, (<b>b</b>) Dracaena yellow leaf.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>First derivative of the spectral reflectance versus spectral values of Aloe green and yellow leaf measured by AOTF-HSL and SVC. (<b>a</b>) Aloe green leaf, (<b>b</b>) Aloe yellow leaf.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Rubber plant green leaf.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Radermachera green leaf.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- This paper presents a more universal and applicable HSL with high spectral resolution to obtain vegetation spectral profiles, and three different RE position extraction methods were firstly employed for addressing the acquired HSL spectral profiles;
- This paper is just the beginning of using the high spectral resolution HSL for vegetation index detection, which might inspire estimation of other vegetation parameters or biochemical content using this advanced HSL.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. AOTF-HSL Design and Components
2.1.1. SC Source
2.1.2. AOTF vs. LCTF
2.1.3. Collimator
2.1.4. Reflector
2.2. REP Extraction Methods
3. Results
3.1. REP, RE Slope and REA Measurement Results and Analysis
3.2. Comparison of REP Results from Differnent Calculating Methods
4. Discussion
- Green leaves have more uniform spectral reflectivity over their surface, since the contents affecting “Red Edge” related parameters are distributed evenly on them; in contrast to this, yellow leaves have uneven distributions of these contents as Figure 7a,b present and the reflectivity varies for different parts of the yellow leaf;
- As aforementioned in Section 2, the hardware design, optics system, and the measurement distance determine the diameter of the laser pulse footprint for sampling, which is approximately 1 cm in this experiment with a field of view (FOV) of 0.2 mill radian. The sampled area of the spectrometer is larger (resulting in a 5.5 cm radius footprint with a 25◦ field of view). Area coverage by the laser pulse has different reflectivity due to the non-uniformity of the yellow leaves.
- HSL with finer spectral resolution is anticipated to improve the performance in vegetation index or parameter extraction, and the ultimate HSL will have similar spectral resolution with the referenced SVC spectrometer. With better spectral resolution, it is of great significance to estimate the vegetation content and produce more comparable measurements. HSL spectral profiles covering the 500–1000 nm wavelength band with 2 nm resolution is anticipated for future work, whose resolution is more feasible to produce reliable results for vegetation-related applications.
- In this paper, the influence of the spectral resolution on the REP or further vegetation resolution is not investigated, limited by the hardware design. A 10 nm spectral resolution is employed in this paper, which is determined by the LiDAR raw measurement processing capacity; actually, the spectral resolution of the AOTF-HSL can be adjusted from 2 nm to 10 nm, it is of great significance for exploring the influence of the spectral resolution on the performance of the above REP extraction method.
- REP is one of the most important indicators for vegetation health monitoring, but there are still some other vegetation indexes for presenting vegetation growth or content; more work would be carried out on using HSL to extract these vegetation indexes.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | AOTF | LCTF (VariSpec VIS) |
spectral range | 430–1450 nm | 400–720 nm |
Response tine | 10 μs | 50 ms |
spectral resolution | 2–10 nm | 7/10 or 20 nm |
REP (nm) | |||
AOTF-HSL | SVC | Difference | |
Dracaena Green Leaf | 725 | 718.85 | 6.15 (0.85%) |
Dracaena Yellow Leaf | 695 | 685.55 | 9.45 (1.3%) |
Aloe Green Leaf | 725 | 718.85 | 6.15 (0.85%) |
Aloe Yellow Leaf | 715 | 690.9 | 24.1 (3.4%) |
Rubber Green Leaf | 725 | 725.45 | 0.45 (0.06%) |
Radermachera Green Leaf | 715 | 718.85 | 3.85 (0.53%) |
REP slope | |||
AOTF-HSL | SVC | Difference | |
Dracaena Green Leaf | 0.95 | 1.07 | 0.12 (11.2%) |
Dracaena Yellow Leaf | 1.44 | 1.03 | 0.41 (39.8%) |
Aloe Green Leaf | 1.29 | 1.3 | 0.01 (0.08%) |
Aloe Yellow Leaf | 1.1 | 0.59 | 0.51 (86%) |
Rubber Green Leaf | 1.09 | 1.17 | 0.08 (6.8%) |
Radermachera Green Leaf | 1 | 1.07 | 0.07 (6.5%) |
REA | |||
AOTF-HSL | SVC | Difference | |
Dracaena Green Leaf | 47.94 | 51.36 | 3.42 (6.7%) |
Dracaena Yellow Leaf | 36.67 | 26.34 | 10.33 (39.2%) |
Aloe Green Leaf | 52.54 | 51.1 | 1.43 (2.8%) |
Aloe Yellow Leaf | 41.63 | 31.53 | 10.1 (32.0%) |
Rubber Green Leaf | 44 | 43.68 | 0.32 (0.7%) |
Radermachera Green Leaf | 43.39 | 42.01 | 1.38 (3.2%) |
REP (nm) | |||
AOTF-HSL | SVC | Difference | |
LFPIT | 717.80 | 722.32 | 4.52 (0.63%) |
LET | 709.42 | 712.24 | 2.82 (0.40%) |
FRS | 725 | 718.85 | 6.15 (0.85%) |
REP | |||
AOTF-HSL | SVC | Difference | |
LFPIT | 636.79 | 692.43 | 55.64 (8.7%) |
LET | 628.65 | 679.91 | 51.26 (8.2%) |
FRS | 695 | 685.55 | 9.45 (1.3%) |
REP | |||
AOTF-HSL | SVC | Difference | |
LFPIT | 718.68 | 715.13 | −3.55 (0.49%) |
LET | 720.32 | 719.95 | −0.37 (0.05%) |
FRS | 725 | 718.85 | 6.15 (0.85%) |
REP | |||
AOTF-HSL | SVC | Difference | |
LFPIT | 715.61 | 674.27 | −41.34 (5.8%) |
LET | 721.12 | 669.01 | −52.11 (7.2%) |
FRS | 715 | 690.9 | 24.1 (3.4%) |
REP | |||
AOTF-HSL | SVC | Difference | |
LFPIT | 712.63 | 748.79 | 36.16 (5.1%) |
LET | 722.60 | 726.10 | 3.5 (0.5%) |
FRS | 725 | 725.45 | 0.45 (0.06%) |
REP | |||
AOTF-HSL | SVC | Difference | |
LFPIT | 712.14 | 709.25 | −2.89 (0.4%) |
LET | 717.91 | 718.67 | 0.76 (0.1%) |
FRS | 715 | 718.85 | 3.85 (0.53%) |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Jiang, C.; Chen, Y.; Wu, H.; Li, W.; Zhou, H.; Bo, Y.; Shao, H.; Song, S.; Puttonen, E.; Hyyppä, J. Study of a High Spectral Resolution Hyperspectral LiDAR in Vegetation Red Edge Parameters Extraction. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2007.
Jiang C, Chen Y, Wu H, Li W, Zhou H, Bo Y, Shao H, Song S, Puttonen E, Hyyppä J. Study of a High Spectral Resolution Hyperspectral LiDAR in Vegetation Red Edge Parameters Extraction. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(17):2007.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJiang, Changhui, Yuwei Chen, Haohao Wu, Wei Li, Hui Zhou, Yuming Bo, Hui Shao, Shaojing Song, Eetu Puttonen, and Juha Hyyppä. 2019. "Study of a High Spectral Resolution Hyperspectral LiDAR in Vegetation Red Edge Parameters Extraction" Remote Sensing 11, no. 17: 2007.
APA StyleJiang, C., Chen, Y., Wu, H., Li, W., Zhou, H., Bo, Y., Shao, H., Song, S., Puttonen, E., & Hyyppä, J. (2019). Study of a High Spectral Resolution Hyperspectral LiDAR in Vegetation Red Edge Parameters Extraction. Remote Sensing, 11(17), 2007.