Analyzing Landscape Trends on Agriculture, Introduced Exotic Grasslands and Riparian Ecosystems in Arid Regions of Mexico
"> Figure 1
<p>Location of the study area. The Río San Miguel–Río Zanjon region is located in the central part of the state of Sonora, Mexico.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Thematic map (<b>left</b>) derived from the CART model using Landsat TM scene (<b>right</b>) sub-products and ancillary datasets.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Results of land cover land use classifications for 1993, 2002 and 2011. A 5 km buffer was overlaid on the main rivers in the region.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Land cover relationship to average water depth in the ZR and SMR sub-watersheds.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Well distribution from where water depth readings were collected (<b>a</b>) and 5 km buffer extraction; (<b>b</b>) of water depth surface (generated after IDW interpolation) along rivers.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
Addressing Landscape Dynamics on Riparian Vegetation
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Datasets and Variables Processed
2.2.1. Image Classification and Change Detection
2.2.2. Development of Water Depth Surfaces
2.3. Classification and Change Detection
2.3.1. Classification Scheme
2.3.2. Classification Model
2.3.3. Supervised Classification and Accuracy Assessment
2.3.4. Change Detection in the Watershed and along the Rivers
2.4. Water Depth
2.5. Relationships between Water Depth and Land Cover along the River
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Classification Accuracy
3.2. Trends and Changes in the Riparian Areas (1993–2011)
3.2.1. Land Cover Trends along the Rivers
3.2.2. Changes in Induced Grasslands, Agriculture and Riparian Vegetation in the SMR-ZR (1993–2011)
Riparian Vegetation
Cultivated/Induced Grasslands
3.3. Water Depth Relationship to Land Cover Dynamics along the Rivers (2002–2011)
3.3.1. Land Cover Relationship to Water Depth (Stable Land Cover between 2002 and 2011)
3.3.2. Changes in Riparian Vegetation (between 2002 and 2011) Related to Water Depth
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | Pre-Monsoon Date | Post-Monsoon Date |
1993 | 10 April | 17 September |
2002 | 21 May | 25 August |
2011 | 28 April | 19 September |
ID | Class | Code | Description |
1 | Agriculture | AG | Areas of perennial crops such as grapes, walnuts and oranges or annual crops including vegetables. |
2 | Water | W | Areas of permanent water with total cover more than 30 m in length. |
3 | Bare Soil | BS | Areas of rock, barren soil or less than 10% vegetation cover. Represents mainly mining areas, some rural roads, waterways and highly impacted areas. |
4 | Desert Scrub | DS | Areas of small-leaved shrubs that grow on alluvial soils that may include groups of thorny species. Within this class can be found species belonging to the genera Cercidium (Parkinsonia), Olneya, Condalia, Lycium, Opuntia and Fouquieria, among others. |
5 | Mesquite Woodland | MW | Areas principally dominated by Prosopis and other subtropical or thorny trees. |
6 | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | GCI | Areas of buffelgrass introduced by direct seeding. |
7 | Riparian Vegetation (include Riparian Mesquite) | RV | Areas of woody vegetation located on the banks of the riverbed. They are characterized by the presence of species that require favorable moisture conditions such as Populus sp. This class may present individuals of the gennus Prosopis. |
8 | Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | SS | Areas of vegetation mainly formed by shrubs or low, thorny trees. They are described as an ecological transition between the class of forest and thorny scrub. The main genera that can be observed are Ipomoea, Bursera and Acacia, to name a few. In regions of hills and middle elevations, Cercidium microphyllum, Opuntia sp., Carnegia gigantea and Lophocereus schottii are the dominant species. |
9 | Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | F | Areas of woody vegetation found in temperate or cold climates with higher humidity. The canopy cover of this class is observed in more than 10% of the area with heights up to 15 m high. |
10 | Natural/Native Grassland | GN | Areas dominated by native grasses. Located mainly in the areas of transition between Forest-Subtropical Shrub and forest-Desert Scrub. |
Variable | Reference | No. of Layers | Description |
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) | [56] | 2 | The reflectance properties of vegetation (in the red and near infrared) are used to derive a productivity proxy [33,56,57] |
Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) | [58] | 2 | Minimizes the effect of soil reflectance on the quality of information generated by incorporating a correction factor in the denominator of the classical equation of NDVI [58]. |
Enhanced Vegetation Index | [59,60] | 2 | Optimizes the vegetation signal increasing its sensitivity in regions of high biomass and reducing atmospheric interference. These characteristics are used to help reduce the possible saturation of data that can be present with the NDVI [60]. |
Reflectance | Landsat TM | 12 | Represented as a percentage. Obtained by dividing the energy reflected by a material in a certain wavelength by the incident energy [32]. |
Tasseled Cap | [61] | 12 | Displays data that defines vegetation cover. Provides information on greenness, wetness and brightness of each pixel in the image [32]. |
Multitemporal Kauth–Thomas (MKT) | [62] | 12 | Provides vegetation dynamics between two images using their reflectance. The analysis requires a layer stack containing the bands of the two scenes acquired for the same year. |
Principal Components | [62] | 12 | A statistical technique applied to remotely sensed data used to find the causes of variability in an image and sort these causes in order of importance [32]. |
Texture | [63] | 12 | In this case the texture refers to a description of the spatial variability of tones found within a scene [32]. |
Elevation, Aspect and Slope | USGS (NED) | 3 | Represents the topographic conditions of the area which are derived from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). |
Class | 1993 | 2002 | 2011 | |||
User’s Accuracy % | Producer’s Accuracy % | User’s Accuracy % | Producer’s Accuracy % | User’s Accuracy % | Producer’s Accuracy % | |
Agriculture | 95 | 86 | 85 | 89 | 80 | 94 |
Water | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Bare Soil | 60 | 75 | 60 | 75 | 70 | 100 |
Desert Scrub | 70 | 52 | 80 | 59 | 75 | 75 |
Mesquite Woodland | 85 | 65 | 75 | 65 | 80 | 53 |
Grasslands Cultivated/Induced | 60 | 86 | 80 | 94 | 75 | 79 |
Riparian Vegetation (includes Riparian Mesquite) | 70 | 100 | 80 | 100 | 80 | 100 |
Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | 85 | 71 | 80 | 73 | 90 | 69 |
Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | 90 | 90 | 85 | 94 | 85 | 94 |
Natural/Native Grassland | 75 | 100 | 80 | 80 | 75 | 88 |
Overall accuracy % | 78.9 | 80.6 | 80.6 | |||
Kappa coefficient | 0.764 | 0.783 | 0.783 |
Class Name | Area Ha 1993 | Area Ha 2002 | Area Ha 2011 | Change Ha (1993–2011) | % Change (1993–2011) |
Agriculture | 21,883 | 21,231 | 14,763 | −7120 | −32.5 |
Water | 964 | 60 | 62 | −902 | −93.6 |
Bare Soil | 2845 | 3337 | 4134 | 1289 | 45.3 |
Desert Scrub | 30,452 | 41,247 | 34,936 | 4484 | 14.7 |
Mesquite Woodland | 49,039 | 49,151 | 50,745 | 1706 | 3.5 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 43,089 | 37,880 | 34,004 | −9085 | −21.1 |
Riparian Vegetation | 22,176 | 22,567 | 22,801 | 625 | 2.8 |
Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | 79,646 | 75,146 | 87,779 | 8133 | 10.2 |
Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | 5823 | 6851 | 7922 | 2099 | 36.0 |
Natural/Native Grassland | 4884 | 3332 | 3658 | −1226 | −25.1 |
From | To | 1993–2011 Ha |
Riparian Vegetation | Agriculture | 1639 |
Riparian Vegetation | Water | 1 |
Riparian Vegetation | Bare Soil | 134 |
Riparian Vegetation | Desert Scrub | 835 |
Riparian Vegetation | Mesquite Woodland | 3198 |
Riparian Vegetation | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 411 |
Riparian Vegetation | Riparian Vegetation | 9046 |
Riparian Vegetation | Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | 6867 |
Riparian Vegetation | Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | 14 |
Riparian Vegetation | Natural/Native Grassland | 30 |
Agriculture | Riparian Vegetation | 2415 |
Water | Riparian Vegetation | 459 |
Bare Soil | Riparian Vegetation | 222 |
Desert Scrub | Riparian Vegetation | 1149 |
Mesquite Woodland | Riparian Vegetation | 4766 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Riparian Vegetation | 1949 |
Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | Riparian Vegetation | 2780 |
Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | Riparian Vegetation | 6 |
Natural/Native Grassland | Riparian Vegetation | 7 |
From | To | 1993–2011 Ha |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Agriculture | 2184 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Water | 1 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Bare Soil | 870 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Desert Scrub | 7423 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Mesquite Woodland | 9338 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 19,804 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Riparian Vegetation | 1949 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | 1510 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | <1 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Natural/Native Grassland | 7 |
Agriculture | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 2921 |
Water | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 46 |
Bare Soil | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 729 |
Desert Scrub | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 3604 |
Mesquite Woodland | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 5963 |
Riparian Vegetation | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 411 |
Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 517 |
Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 5 |
Natural/Native Grassland | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 3 |
From | To | 1993–2011 (Ha) |
Agriculture | Agriculture | 8170 |
Agriculture | Water | 2 |
Agriculture | Bare Soil | 473 |
Agriculture | Desert Scrub | 905 |
Agriculture | Mesquite Woodland | 6760 |
Agriculture | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 2921 |
Agriculture | Riparian Vegetation | 2415 |
Agriculture | Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | 228 |
Agriculture | Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | 1 |
Agriculture | Natural/Native Grassland | 7 |
Water | Agriculture | 183 |
Bare Soil | Agriculture | 220 |
Desert Scrub | Agriculture | 565 |
Mesquite Woodland | Agriculture | 1505 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Agriculture | 2184 |
Riparian Vegetation | Agriculture | 1639 |
Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | Agriculture | 278 |
Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | Agriculture | 15 |
Natural/Native Grassland | Agriculture | 4 |
From | To | Ha |
Riparian Vegetation | Agriculture | 264 |
Riparian Vegetation | Bare Soil | 106 |
Riparian Vegetation | Desert Scrub | 108 |
Riparian Vegetation | Mesquite Woodland | 122 |
Riparian Vegetation | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 27 |
Riparian Vegetation | Riparian Vegetation | 3195 |
Riparian Vegetation | Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | 2164 |
Riparian Vegetation | Natural Grassland | 3 |
Agriculture | Riparian Vegetation | 849 |
Bare Soil | Riparian Vegetation | 4 |
Desert Scrub | Riparian Vegetation | 82 |
Mesquite Woodland | Riparian Vegetation | 178 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Riparian Vegetation | 5 |
Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | Riparian Vegetation | 226 |
Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | Riparian Vegetation | <1 |
Natural Grassland | Riparian Vegetation | <1 |
From | To | Ha |
Riparian Vegetation | Agriculture | 781 |
Riparian Vegetation | Water | 3 |
Riparian Vegetation | Bare Soil | 58 |
Riparian Vegetation | Desert Scrub | 699 |
Riparian Vegetation | Mesquite Woodland | 2869 |
Riparian Vegetation | Grassland Cultivated/Induced | 772 |
Riparian Vegetation | Riparian Vegetation | 8181 |
Riparian Vegetation | Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | 1980 |
Riparian Vegetation | Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | <1 |
Riparian Vegetation | Natural Grassland | 2 |
Agriculture | Riparian Vegetation | 1741 |
Water | Riparian Vegetation | 6 |
Bare Soil | Riparian Vegetation | 84 |
Desert Scrub | Riparian Vegetation | 566 |
Mesquite Woodland | Riparian Vegetation | 3728 |
Grassland Cultivated/Induced | Riparian Vegetation | 1152 |
Subtropical/Succulent Scrub | Riparian Vegetation | 1078 |
Forest (Oak and Oak/Pine) | Riparian Vegetation | 45 |
Natural Grassland | Riparian Vegetation | 1 |
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Share and Cite
Mendez-Estrella, R.; Romo-Leon, J.R.; Castellanos, A.E.; Gandarilla-Aizpuro, F.J.; Hartfield, K. Analyzing Landscape Trends on Agriculture, Introduced Exotic Grasslands and Riparian Ecosystems in Arid Regions of Mexico. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 664.
Mendez-Estrella R, Romo-Leon JR, Castellanos AE, Gandarilla-Aizpuro FJ, Hartfield K. Analyzing Landscape Trends on Agriculture, Introduced Exotic Grasslands and Riparian Ecosystems in Arid Regions of Mexico. Remote Sensing. 2016; 8(8):664.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMendez-Estrella, Romeo, Jose Raul Romo-Leon, Alejandro E. Castellanos, Fabiola J. Gandarilla-Aizpuro, and Kyle Hartfield. 2016. "Analyzing Landscape Trends on Agriculture, Introduced Exotic Grasslands and Riparian Ecosystems in Arid Regions of Mexico" Remote Sensing 8, no. 8: 664.
APA StyleMendez-Estrella, R., Romo-Leon, J. R., Castellanos, A. E., Gandarilla-Aizpuro, F. J., & Hartfield, K. (2016). Analyzing Landscape Trends on Agriculture, Introduced Exotic Grasslands and Riparian Ecosystems in Arid Regions of Mexico. Remote Sensing, 8(8), 664.