Cyanobacterial Cultures, Cell Extracts, and Individual Toxins Decrease Photosynthesis in the Terrestrial Plants Lactuca sativa and Zea mays
<p>Effects of <span class="html-italic">Microcystis aeruginosa</span> culture (intact cells) on soil-grown corn (<span class="html-italic">Zea mays</span>) after 14 days. Roots of potted plants grown in the greenhouse were watered every third day with nutrient solution only (control) or nutrient solution containing live cyanobacteria. Just prior to harvest to obtain plant fresh weight (FW) and shoot-to-root FW ratio, yield of light-adapted Photosystem-II electron transport (Φ<sub>PSII</sub>) and relative chlorophyll concentration ([chlorophyll] (SPAD)) were measured on recently expanded leaves of intact plants. Results are means ± 1 SE, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5–6, and significant treatment differences at <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05 (<span class="html-italic">t</span>-test) are indicated with an asterisk.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Effects of <span class="html-italic">Microcystis aeruginosa</span> culture (with or without intact cells) on soil-grown corn (<span class="html-italic">Zea mays</span>) plants after 14 days. Plants were grown and watered as in <a href="#plants-13-03190-f001" class="html-fig">Figure 1</a> with nutrient solution only (control) or nutrient solution containing cell-free (filtered) or intact-cell (unfiltered) cyanobacterial culture. Yield of light-adapted Photosystem-II electron transport (Φ<sub>PSII</sub>) and relative chlorophyll concentration ([chlorophyll] (SPAD)) were measured on recently expanded leaves of intact plants. Results are means ± 1 SE, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5, and significant treatment differences at <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05 (ANOVA followed by LSD test) are indicated with different letters above bars. Insert photo shows leaves (ca. 3 cm wide) from each treatment after 14 d in the same order as the <span class="html-italic">X</span>-axis.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Effects of <span class="html-italic">Anabaena flos-aquae</span> culture (cells lysed and removed) on soil-grown corn (<span class="html-italic">Zea mays</span>) plants after 10 days. Plants were grown and watered as above with nutrient solution only (control) or nutrient solution containing cell-free (cells lysed and then filtered) cyanobacterial culture. Net photosynthesis (P<sub>n</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub> uptake), stomatal conductance (G<sub>s</sub>), internal CO<sub>2</sub> concentration (C<sub>i</sub>), yield of light-adapted Photosystem-II electron transport (Φ<sub>PSII</sub>), and relative chlorophyll concentration ([chlorophyll] (SPAD)) were measured on recently expanded leaves of intact plants. Results are means ± 1 SE, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 4, and significant treatment differences between treatments within each day at <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05 (<span class="html-italic">t</span>-test) are indicated with an asterisk. Insert photo shows plants from each treatment, with the control on the right.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Effects of <span class="html-italic">Anabaena flos-aquae</span> or <span class="html-italic">Microcystis aeruginosa</span> culture (cells lysed and removed) on hydroponic corn (<span class="html-italic">Zea mays</span>) plants after 24 h. Plants were grown in soil and transferred to glass containers with roots submerged in nutrient solution only (control) or nutrient solution containing cell-free (cells lysed and then filtered) cyanobacterial culture. Net photosynthesis (P<sub>n</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub> uptake), stomatal conductance (G<sub>s</sub>), internal CO<sub>2</sub> concentration (C<sub>i</sub>), yield of light-adapted Photosystem-II electron transport (Φ<sub>PSII</sub>), and relative chlorophyll concentration ([chlorophyll] (SPAD)) were measured on recently expanded leaves of intact plants. Results are means ± 1 SE, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 4–6, and significant treatment differences at <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05 (ANOVA followed by LSD test) are indicated with different letters above the bars.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Effects of <span class="html-italic">Anabaena flos-aquae</span> or <span class="html-italic">Microcystis aeruginosa</span> culture (cells lysed and removed) on leaf pieces of corn (<span class="html-italic">Zea mays</span>) or lettuce (<span class="html-italic">Lactuca sativa</span>) after 1 or 3 h. Leaf pieces were vacuum-infiltrated with nutrient solution only (control, C) or nutrient solution containing cyanobacterial culture (<span class="html-italic">Anabaena</span>, A; <span class="html-italic">Microcystis</span>, M). For lettuce, two independent cultures of each species were tested (A1, A2; M1, M2). The yields of light-adapted Photosystem-II (PSII) electron transport (Φ<sub>PSII</sub>) and dark-adapted maximum PSII efficiency (F<sub>v</sub>/F<sub>m</sub>) were measured on leaf tissue from recently expanded leaves (for Φ<sub>PSII</sub>, 750 ± 25 µmol m<sup>−2</sup> s<sup>−1</sup> PAR). Results are means + 1 SE, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5, and significant treatment differences at <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05 (ANOVA followed by LSD test) are indicated with different letters above bars.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Effects of <span class="html-italic">Anabaena flos-aquae</span> culture or pure cyanobacterial toxins on hydroponic lettuce (<span class="html-italic">Lactuca sativa</span>) plants after 10 days. Plants were grown in soil and transferred to glass containers with roots submerged in nutrient solution only (control), cyanobacterial culture (cells lysed and removed from nutrient solution), or individual toxins in nutrient solution (0.5 μM: anatoxin-a, ANA, beta-methyl-amino-alanine, BMAA, microcystin-LR; 25 µg mL<sup>−1</sup>: lipopolysaccharide, LPS). Just prior to harvest to obtain the increase in plant fresh weight during treatment (ΔFW), net photosynthesis (P<sub>n</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub> uptake), stomatal conductance (G<sub>s</sub>), internal CO<sub>2</sub> concentration (C<sub>i</sub>), yield of light-adapted Photosystem-II electron transport (Φ<sub>PSII</sub>), and relative chlorophyll concentration ([chlorophyll] (SPAD)) were measured on recently expanded leaves of intact plants. Results are means ± 1 SE, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 4. Significant treatment differences at <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05 (ANOVA followed by LSD test) are indicated with different letters above bars, except for P<sub>n</sub>, where significant differences (Welch’s ANOVA and <span class="html-italic">t</span>-test) from the control are indicated with asterisks (see <a href="#sec2-plants-13-03190" class="html-sec">Section 2</a>).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Principal components analysis (PCA) visualizing overall differences in the responses of lettuce (<span class="html-italic">Lactuca sativa</span>) to <span class="html-italic">Anabaena flos-aquae</span> culture and individual toxins from <a href="#plants-13-03190-f006" class="html-fig">Figure 6</a>. Vectors represent relative chlorophyll concentration (Chl), net photosynthesis (P<sub>n</sub>), increase in fresh weight (FW), stomatal conductance (G<sub>s</sub>), and internal CO<sub>2</sub> concentration (C<sub>i</sub>). Points represent eigen-values of individual replicate plants. Differences in replicates are visualized based on their position on two orthogonal principal component axes. The direction and magnitude of response-variable vectors indicate their direction and degree of effect on the replicate position. Treatments are indicated by color: nutrient solution only (control); cyanobacterial culture, cells lysed and removed from nutrient solution (Cyanobacteria); or individual toxins in nutrient solution (0.5 μM: anatoxin-a, ANA, beta-methyl-amino-alanine, BMAA, microcystin-LR, MC-LR; 25 µg mL<sup>−1</sup>: lipopolysaccharide, LPS).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Effects of pure cyanobacterial toxins on in vivo rubisco activity in hydroponic lettuce (<span class="html-italic">Lactuca sativa</span>) plants after 10 days. Plants were grown and treated as in <a href="#plants-13-03190-f006" class="html-fig">Figure 6</a>, with roots submerged in nutrient solution only (control) or individual toxins in nutrient solution (0.5 μM: anatoxin-a, ANA, beta-methyl-amino-alanine, BMAA, microcystin-LR, MC-LR; 25 µg mL<sup>−1</sup>: lipopolysaccharide, LPS). Rubisco activity was determined from the initial slope of the photosynthesis–CO<sub>2</sub> response curve, measured in recently expanded attached leaves at 1000 μmol m<sup>−2</sup> s<sup>−1</sup> PAR and 25 °C. Results are means ± 1 SE, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 4. There were no significant treatment differences with ANOVA (<span class="html-italic">p</span> = 0.12), as indicated by the same letters above the bars, but ANA differed from the control with one-tailed <span class="html-italic">t</span>-test (<span class="html-italic">p</span> = 0.03).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Effects of individual cyanobacterial toxins on detached leaves of lettuce (<span class="html-italic">Lactuca sativa</span>) after 2 h. Leaf pieces were vacuum-infiltrated with deionized water only (control) or individual toxins in deionized water (1 μM: anatoxin-a, ANA, beta-methyl-amino-alanine, BMAA, microcystin-LR, MC-LR; 50 µg mL<sup>−1</sup>: lipopolysaccharide, LPS). Leaves were then incubated for 2 h under 450 ± 25 µmol m<sup>−2</sup> s<sup>−1</sup> PAR or in the dark, after which the yield of light-adapted Photosystem-II (PSII) electron transport (Φ<sub>PSII</sub>) or dark-adapted maximum PSII efficiency (F<sub>v</sub>/F<sub>m</sub>) was measured. Results are means ± 1 SE, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5. There were no significant effects of toxins on Φ<sub>PSII</sub> or F<sub>v</sub>/F<sub>m</sub> (ANOVA, <span class="html-italic">p</span> > 0.05), as indicated by the same letters above the bars.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Effects of low vs. high concentrations of the cyanobacterial toxins, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and microcystin-LR (MC-LR) on detached leaves of lettuce (<span class="html-italic">Lactuca sativa</span>) after 3 hours. Leaf pieces were vacuum-infiltrated with deionized water only (control) or 1 µM MC-LR (MC-LR Low), 10 µM MC-LR (MC-LR High), 50 µg mL<sup>−1</sup> LPS (LPS Low), or 250 µg mL<sup>−1</sup> LPS (LPS High). Leaves were then incubated for 3 h under 750 ± 25 µmol m<sup>−2</sup> s<sup>−1</sup> PAR or in the dark, after which the yield of light-adapted Photosystem-II (PSII) electron transport (Φ<sub>PSII</sub>) or dark-adapted maximum PSII efficiency (F<sub>v</sub>/F<sub>m</sub>) was measured. Results are means ± 1 SE, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5, and significant treatment differences at <span class="html-italic">p</span> ≤ 0.05 (ANOVA followed by LSD test) are indicated with different letters above bars.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>The effects of cyanobacterial toxins on in vitro O<sub>2</sub> evolution of thylakoid membranes. Chloroplasts were isolated from tomato (<span class="html-italic">Solanum lycopersicum</span>) leaves and lysed to obtain thylakoids. Thylakoids were treated with either deionized water or individual toxins (1 µM: anatoxin-a, ANA, beta-methyl-amino-alanine, BMAA, microcystin-LR, MC-LR; 50 µg mL<sup>−1</sup>: lipopolysaccharide, LPS). Results are means ± 1 SE, <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5. There were no significant effects of toxins on O<sub>2</sub> evolution (ANOVA, <span class="html-italic">p</span> > 0.05), as indicated by the same letters above the bars.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Growth
2.2. Cyanobacterial Growth
2.3. Soil-Grown Corn Treated with Cyanobacterial Culture for 10–14 d
2.4. Corn and Lettuce Leaves Treated with Cyanobacterial Culture or Toxins for 1–3 h
2.5. Hydroponic Plants Treated with Cyanobacterial Culture or Individual Toxins
2.6. Photosynthetic Measurements
2.7. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Cyanobacterial Culture Effects on Plant Photosynthesis
3.2. Individual Toxin Effects on Plant Photosynthesis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Experiment | Treatment | Species | System | Explanation | Duration | Variables 2 |
1 | cyanobacterial culture | corn | whole plants in soil | roots watered with M. aeruginosa whole-cell culture | 14 d | ΦPSII, [chl], biomass |
2 | cyanobacterial culture | corn | whole plants in soil | roots watered with M. aeruginosa whole-cell vs. cell-free culture | 14 d | ΦPSII, [chl] |
3 | cyanobacterial culture | corn | whole plants in soil | roots watered with A. flos-aquae lysed cell-free culture | 10 d | Pn, Gs, Ci, ΦPSII, [chl], biomass |
4 | cyanobacterial culture | corn | whole plants in hydroponics | roots submerged in A. flos-aquae or M. aeruginosa lysed cell-free culture | 24 h | Pn, Gs, Ci, ΦPSII, [chl] |
5 | cyanobacterial culture | corn, lettuce | leaf tissue | vacuum-infiltrated with A. flos-aquae or M. aeruginosa lysed cell-free culture | 1–3 h | ΦPSII, Fv/Fm |
6a and b | cyanobacterial culture and purified toxins | lettuce | whole plants in hydroponics | roots submerged in A. flos-aquae lysed cell-free culture (6a only) or individual toxins (ANA, BMAA, LPS, MC-LR) 1 | 10 d | Pn, Gs, Ci, ΦPSII, [chl], biomass, (6b only) rubisco activity |
7a and b | purified toxins | lettuce | leaf tissue | vacuum-infiltrated with individual toxins (ANA, BMAA, LPS, MC-LR) 1 | 1–3 h | ΦPSII, Fv/Fm |
8 | purified toxins | tomato | thylakoid membranes | individual toxins (ANA, BMAA, LPS, MC-LR) 1 | 1 h | in vitro O2 evolution |
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Heckathorn, S.A.; Muller, C.T.; Thomas, M.D.; Vining, E.P.; Bigioni, S.; Elsie, C.; Franklin, J.T.; New, E.R.; Boldt, J.K. Cyanobacterial Cultures, Cell Extracts, and Individual Toxins Decrease Photosynthesis in the Terrestrial Plants Lactuca sativa and Zea mays. Plants 2024, 13, 3190.
Heckathorn SA, Muller CT, Thomas MD, Vining EP, Bigioni S, Elsie C, Franklin JT, New ER, Boldt JK. Cyanobacterial Cultures, Cell Extracts, and Individual Toxins Decrease Photosynthesis in the Terrestrial Plants Lactuca sativa and Zea mays. Plants. 2024; 13(22):3190.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHeckathorn, Scott A., Clare T. Muller, Michael D. Thomas, Emily P. Vining, Samantha Bigioni, Clair Elsie, J. Thomas Franklin, Emily R. New, and Jennifer K. Boldt. 2024. "Cyanobacterial Cultures, Cell Extracts, and Individual Toxins Decrease Photosynthesis in the Terrestrial Plants Lactuca sativa and Zea mays" Plants 13, no. 22: 3190.
APA StyleHeckathorn, S. A., Muller, C. T., Thomas, M. D., Vining, E. P., Bigioni, S., Elsie, C., Franklin, J. T., New, E. R., & Boldt, J. K. (2024). Cyanobacterial Cultures, Cell Extracts, and Individual Toxins Decrease Photosynthesis in the Terrestrial Plants Lactuca sativa and Zea mays. Plants, 13(22), 3190.