Quantum Key Distribution in Kubernetes Clusters
<p>Quantum Software Stack (QSS) presented in [<a href="#B3-futureinternet-14-00160" class="html-bibr">3</a>]. Dashed lines represent TCP/IP secure connections. Thick, double lines indicate the combination of classical and quantum channel for the QKD exchange. The numbers enumerate the main interfaces: (1) External Interface; (2) Sync Interface; (3) Southbound Interface; and (4) Northbound Interface.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The architecture of the new Quantum Key Server (QKS) version.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>PTP exchange among clusters.</p> "> Figure 4
<p><tt>Sae</tt> resource YAML descriptor.</p> "> Figure 5
<p><tt>KeyRequest</tt> resource YAML descriptor.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>SAE registration process. SAE admin/operator creates a resource of type Sae (1). QSS operator monitors resource creation (2). When it finds the new Sae it starts the registration to Keycloak (3) and the QKS core (4). At the end of the process it retrieves the SAE credentials (5).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Key request process. SAE admin/operator creates a resource of type KeyRequest (1). QSS operator monitors resource creation (2). When it finds the new KeyRequest it starts the authentication through Keycloak (3) and forward the request to the QKS (4). At the end of the process it retrieves the QKD secret (5).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Execution time to handle a <tt>KeyRequest</tt> resource type.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Success rate of the getKey requests to the QKS varying the underlying exchange rate.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Execution time of the getKey and getKeyWithId functions for Point-to-Point and Multi-hop exchanges.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Average convergence time of the routing algorithm depending on the number of nodes in the QKD network.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1. Quantum Key Distribution
2.2. Kubernetes and Operators
- Pod: is the smallest deployable object in Kubernetes, and it could be seen as a set of containers that share the same IP address. In order to run those containers, a Container Runtime is available on the node (e.g., Docker, containerd, cri-o);
- Service: is an abstract resource that represents a way to expose an application that could be composed of one or more pods, i.e., replicas of the same applications;
- Deployment: is an object that provides declarative updates for Pods. In practice, it allows managing changes to their status through the Deployment controller. It is possible to describe the desired number of replicas of a specific pod and the policies for the rollout or rollback of the application to previous versions;
- Secret: is an object that contains sensitive data such as passwords, tokens, or keys. Generally is used to avoid including sensitive information in an application or code;
- Custom Resource (CR): this is a way to extend the Kubernetes API by creating a new resource that allows storing objects of a certain type;
- Custom Controller: combined with the CR, it continuously monitors the cluster and based on the state of a CR, it applies changes to the cluster. In this sense, Kubernetes implements a declarative approach.
2.3. Quantum Software Stack and the ETSI Standards
- ETSI GS QKD 004 V2.1.1 [15]: the specification “QKD; Application Interfaces” describes the interface to the physical device; in our case, it could be associated with the Southbound Interface;
- ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 [16]: the specification “QKD; Protocol and data format of REST-based key delivery API” describes a high-level interface from the high-level application to a key manager. In our case, this corresponds to the Northbound Interface;
- ETSI GS QKD 015 V1.1.1 [17]: the specification “QKD; Control Interface for Software-Defined Networks” is recent, and it is a first attempt to standardize a relatively recent trend in QKD device management, namely Software-Defined Quantum Key Distribution (SD-QKD). The concept is to leverage an SDN controller who knows all the topology of the QKD network and manages all the QKD nodes accordingly in a centralized way. This approach could be beneficial in scenarios where the QKD network is switch-based, meaning the quantum channels could be adjusted using optical switches, which the SDN controller itself would control.
3. Quantum Software Stack 2.0
3.1. Asynchronous Approach
3.2. Trusted Repeaters
3.3. Routing
4. Integration in a Kubernetes Cluster
4.1. Quantum Software Stack Operator
4.2. Resource Creation and Key Exchange
4.3. Applications to Suitable Use Cases
5. Related Work
6. Test and Validation
6.1. Key Exchange Time and Throughput
6.2. Routing
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
API | Application Programming Interface |
CR | Custom Resource |
CV-QKD | Continuous-Variable QKD |
DV-QKD | Discrete-Variable QKD |
ECDSA | Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
ETSI ISG | ETSI Industry Specification Group |
KRP | Key Reservation Process |
KS | Key Stream |
GIL | Global Interpreter Lock |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IPsec | Internet Protocol Security |
MDI-QKD | measurement-device-independent QKD |
MH | Multi-Hop |
mSAE | master SAE |
LSA | Link State Advertisement |
NFV | Network Functions Virtualisation |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
OSPF | Open Shortest Path First |
PQC | Post-Quantum Cryptography |
PTP | Point-to-Point |
QKD | Quantum Key Distribution |
QKDM | QKD Module |
QKRA | Quantum Key Reservation Approach |
QKS | Quantum Key Server |
QoS | Quality of Service |
QRP | QKDM Registration Process |
QSS | Quantum Software Stack |
RM | Routing Module |
RSA | Rivest Shamir Adleman |
SAE | Secure Application Entity |
SD-QKD | Software-Defined QKD |
SDN | Software-Defined Networking |
SIP | Session Intiation Protocol |
sSAE | slave SAE |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TLS | Transport Layer Security |
TLS-PSK | TLS pre-shared key ciphersuites |
TF-QKD | twin-field QKD |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
YAML | YAML Ain’t a Markup Language |
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Name | Type | Description |
SAE_ID | String | name used to identify the destination SAE |
next_hop | String | ID of the next QKS in the path to the destination SAE |
dest | String | ID of the QKS of the destination SAE |
cost | Integer | the cost associated to the path from the current SAE to the destination |
length | Integer | number of nodes in the path to reach the destination |
Field Name | Description |
version | protocol version |
type | type of information carried, S for SAEs and K for QKDM links |
source | QKS source ID, address and port |
routing | source routing module address and port |
forwarder | ID of the last QKS which forwarded the packet |
neighbors | list of connected SAEs or active QKDM links, based on the type field |
timestamp | packet creation time |
authentication | data for authentication and integrity checks |
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Pedone, I.; Lioy, A. Quantum Key Distribution in Kubernetes Clusters. Future Internet 2022, 14, 160. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi14060160
Pedone I, Lioy A. Quantum Key Distribution in Kubernetes Clusters. Future Internet. 2022; 14(6):160. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi14060160
Chicago/Turabian StylePedone, Ignazio, and Antonio Lioy. 2022. "Quantum Key Distribution in Kubernetes Clusters" Future Internet 14, no. 6: 160. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi14060160
APA StylePedone, I., & Lioy, A. (2022). Quantum Key Distribution in Kubernetes Clusters. Future Internet, 14(6), 160. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi14060160