Online Service Function Chain Deployment for Live-Streaming in Virtualized Content Delivery Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
<p>The assumed Service Function Chain composition for every Live-Video Streaming session request. We assume that every incoming session needs for a streamer, a compressor a transcoder and a cache VNF modules. We assume container based virtualization of a vCDN.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Dueling-architectured DDQN topology for our SFC Deployment agent: A two-stream deep neural network. One stream approximates the state-value function, and the other approximates the action advantage function. These values are combined to get the state-action value estimation in the output layer. The inputs are instead the action is taken and the current state.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Basic evaluation metrics of <span class="html-italic">E2-D4QN</span>, <span class="html-italic">GP-LLC</span>, <span class="html-italic">NFVDeep</span> and three variants of the latter, presented in <a href="#sec2dot3dot4-futureinternet-13-00278" class="html-sec">Section 2.3.4</a>. (<b>a</b>) Scaled mean network throughput per episode. (<b>b</b>) Mean Acceptance Ratio per episode. (<b>c</b>) Mean rewards per episode. (<b>d</b>) Mean scaled total Data-Transportation Costs per episode (<b>e</b>) Mean scaled total hosting costs per episode. (<b>f</b>) Mean scaled optimization objective per episode.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Problem Definition
1.2. Related Works
1.3. Main Contribution
- VNF-instantiation times,
- Content-delivery and content-ingestion resource usage,
- Utilization-dependant processing times,
- Fine-grained cache-status tracking,
- Operational costs composed of data-transportation costs and hosting costs,
- Multi-cloud deployment characteristics,
- No a-priory knowledge of session duration.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Problem Modelisation
2.1.1. Network Elements and Parameters
- as the set of all nodes of the CDN network,
- is the set of VNF types considered in our model,
- , is the set of links between nodes in N, so that ,
- , is the set of resource types for every VNF container,
- The resource cost matrix , where is the per-unit resource cost of resource at node i,
- , is the link delay matrix so that variable represents the data propagation delay between the nodes i and j. We assume for . Notice that D is symmetric,
- , is the data-transportation costs matrix, where is the unitary data-transportation cost for the link that connects i and j. We assume for . Notice that O is symmetric,
- are the parameters indicating the instantiation times of each k-type VNF.
- is the set of incoming session requests set during time-step t. Every request r is characterized by , the scaled maximumbitrate, , the mean scaled payload, , the content provider requested, and , the user cluster from which r was originated,
- T is a fixed parameter indicating the maximum RTT threshold value for the incoming Live-Streaming requests.
- is the optimal processing times matrix, where is the processing-time contribution of the resource in any k-type VNF assuming optimal utilization conditions,
- is the time degradation matrix, where is the parameter representing the degradation base for the resource in any k-type VNF,
- are a set of variables indicating the resource capacity of VNF during t.
2.1.2. Optimization Statement
2.1.3. Decision Variables
2.1.4. Penalty Terms and Feasibility Constraints
- The binary variable equals 1 if the link between nodes i and j is used to reach , and 0 otherwise,
- The parameter represents the data-propagation delay between the nodes i and j. (We assume a unique path between every node i and j),
- The binary variable equals 1 if is assigned to , and 0 otherwise,
- The binary variable equals 1 if is instantiated at the beginning of t, and 0 otherwise,
- is a parameter indicating the instantiation time of any k-type VNF.
- is the processing time of r in .
- the parameter is the processing-time contribution of in any k-type VNF assuming optimal utilization conditions,
- is a parameter representing the degradation base for in any k-type VNF,
- the variable is the utilization in at the moment when is assigned.
- The variable indicates the resource demand in at the beginning of time-step t,
- The binary variable was already defined and it indicates if is assigned to ,
- is the resource demand faced by any k-type VNF when serving r, and we call it the client resource-demand,
- The binary variable is 1 if is currently ingesting content from content provider l, and 0 otherwise,
- The parameter models the resource demand faced by any k-type VNF when ingesting content from any content provider.
- are the total Hosting Costs at the end of time-step ,
- are the hosting costs related to the timed-out sessions at the beginning of time-step t,
- is the set of resources we model, i.e., Bandwidth, Memory, and CPU,
- is the per-unit resource cost of resource at node i.
- are the total DT costs at the end of the time-step,
- are the total DT costs regarding the timed-out sessions at the beginning of time-step t,
- is the session DT cost for r computed with (12). Recall that indicates if r was accepted or not based on its resultant RTT.
2.1.5. Optimization Objective
- Our first goal is to maximize the network throughput as defined in (10), and we express such objective as ,
- Our second goal is to minimize the hosting costs as defined in (11), and we express such objective as ,
- Out third goal is to minimize the DT cost as defined in (13), and such objective can be expressed as .
2.2. Proposed Solution: Deep Reinforcement Learning
2.2.1. Embedding SFC Deployment Problem into a Markov Decision Process
- is called the request vector, and contains information about the VNF request under assignment. In particular, codifies the requested CP, , the client cluster from which the request was originated, , the request’s session workload, , and the number of pending VNFs to complete the deployment of the current SFC, . Notice that and that goes each time from 4 to 0 as our agent performs the assignations actions regarding r. Note that the first three components of are invariable for the whole set of VNF requests regarding the SFC of r. Notice also that, using a one-hot encoding for , and , the dimension of is ,
- is a binary vector where equals 1 if is ingesting the CP requested by r and 0 otherwise,
- , where is the utilization value of the resource that is currently the most utilized resource in .
2.2.2. Action-Reward Schema
- The parameters , , and are weights for the reward contributions relating to the QoS, the DT costs, and the Hosting Costs, respectively,
- is the reward contribution that is related to the QoS optimization objective,
- is a binary variable that equals 1 if action a corresponds to the last assignation step of the last session request arrived in the current simulation time-step t, and 0 otherwise.
2.2.3. DRL Algorithm
Algorithm 1 E2-D4QN. |
1: Initialize 2: Initialize , , and randomly 3: Initialize , , and with the values of , , and , respectively 4: for episode do 5: while τ ≤ Ne do 6: if τ = Ne then 7: τend ← True 8: else 9: τend ← False 10: end if 11: Observe state sτ from simulator. 12: Update ϵ using (28). 13: Sample a random assignation at action with probability ϵ or ← Q(, a; Θ) with probability 1 − ϵ. 14: Obtain the reward rτ using (18), and the next state sτ+1 from the environment. 15: Store transition tuple (, , , , τend) in . 16: Sample a batch of transition tuples from . 17: for all (sj, aj, rj, sj+1, τend) ∈ do 18: if τend) = True then 19: yj rj 20: else 21: yj r + ϒ(sj+1, Q(sj+1, a; θ), ) 22: end if 23: Compute the temporal difference error (θ) using (24). 24: Compute the loss gradient ∇(θ). 25: Θ ← Θ ← lr · ∇ (θ) 26: Update Θ− ← Θ only every U steps. 27: end for 28: end while 29: end for |
2.3. Experiment Specifications
2.3.1. Network Topology
2.3.2. Simulation Parameters
2.3.3. Simulation Environment
2.3.4. Compared State-of-Art Algorithms
3. Results
3.1. Mean Scaled Network Throughput per Episode
3.2. Mean Acceptance Ratio per Episode
3.3. Mean Rewards per Episode
3.4. Total Scaled Data-Transportation Costs per Episode
3.5. Total Scaled Hosting Costs per Episode
3.6. Optimization Objective
4. Discussion
4.1. Environment Complexity Adaptation
4.2. State Value, Advantage Value and Action Value Learning
4.3. Dense Reward Assignation Policies
4.4. Enhanced Exploration
- The request vector codifies useful information about the requests that help our agent extract the incoming traffic patterns.
- The ingestion vector helps our agent to optimize ingestion-related resource demand by avoiding session assignments to VNF instances that do not ingest the content requested at the moment of assignation.
- The maximum utilization vector gives our agent resource utilization awareness, making it able to converge to assignation policies that optimize processing times and preserve QoS.
4.5. Work Limitations and Future Research Directions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ANN | Aritifical Neural Network |
CDN | Content Delivery Network |
CP | Content Provider |
DT | Data-Transportation |
GP-LLC | Greedy Policy of Lowest Latency and Lowest Cost algoritm |
ILP | Integer Linear Programming |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
QoE | Quality of Experience |
QoS | Quality of Service |
MANO | Management and orchestration framework |
MC | Markov Chain |
MDP | Markov Decision Process |
MVNO | Mobile Virtual Network Operator |
NFV | Network Function Virtualization |
NFVI | Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure |
OTT | Overt-The-Top Content |
RTT | Round-Trip-Time |
SDN | Software Defined Networking |
SFC | Service Function Chain |
vCDN | virtualized-Content Delivery Network |
VNF | Virtual Network Function |
VNO | Virtual Network Orchestrator |
Appendix A. Further Modelisation Details
Appendix A.1. Resource Provisioning Algorithm
Appendix A.2. Inner Delay-Penalty Function
Appendix A.3. Simulation Parameters
Parameter | Description | Value |
CPU Unit Resource Costs (URC) | ||
(for each cloud provider) | ||
Memory URC | ||
Bandwidth URC | ||
Maximum resource provision parameter | 20 | |
(assumed equal for all the resource types) | ||
Minimum resource provision parameter | 5 | |
(assumed equal for all the resource types) | ||
Payload workload exponent | ||
Bit-rate workload exponent | ||
Optimal CPU Processing Time | ||
(baseline of over-usage degradation) | ||
Optimal memory PT | ||
Optimal bandwidth PT | ||
CPU exponential degradation base | 100 | |
Memory deg. b. | 100 | |
Bandwidth deg. b. | 100 | |
cache VNF Instantiation Time | 10,000 | |
Penalization in ms (ITP) | ||
streamer VNF ITP | 8000 | |
compressor VNF ITP | 7000 | |
transcoder VNF ITP | 11,000 | |
Time-steps per greedy | 20 | |
resource adaptation | ||
Desired resulting utilization | ||
after adaptation | ||
Optimal resourse utilization | ||
(assumed equal for every resource type) |
Appendix A.4. Training Hyper-Parameters
Hyper-Parameter | Value |
Discount factor ( ) | |
Learning rate | |
Time-steps per episode | 80 |
Initial -greedy action probability | |
Final -greedy action probability | |
-greedy decay steps | |
Replay memory size | |
Optimization batch size | 64 |
Target-network update frequency | 5000 |
Appendix B. GP-LLC Algorithm Specification
Algorithm A1 GP-LLC VNF Assignation procedure. |
1: for ∈ r do 2: Get the non-overloaded hosting nodes set 3: Get the still-scalable hosting nodes set 4: Get the set of hosting nodes that currently have a ingesting on 5: if > 0 then 6: if > 0 then 7: use the LLC criterion to chose from 8: else 9: use the LLC criterion to chose from 10: end if 11: else 12: if > 0 then 13: use the LLC criterion to chose from 14: else 15: choose a random node from 16: end if 17: end if 18: end for |
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Notation | Meaning |
The set of content-provider nodes | |
The set of VNF hosting nodes | |
The set of user clusters | |
K | The set of VNF types (cache, compressor, transcoder, and streamer) |
t | A fixed time-step in our simulation |
The set of incoming SFC requests during time-step t | |
T | The max tolerable RTT for SFC any Live-Streaming request |
The maximum scaled bitrate of r | |
The mean scaled session payload of r | |
The k-type VNF requested by r | |
The channel or content provider requested by r | |
The session workload of r | |
The unit cost of resource in hosting node i | |
The data propagation delay between nodes i and j | |
The k-type VNF container instance in node i | |
1 if is instantiated at the beginning of t | |
1 if is assigned to node i, 0 otherwise | |
1 if the link between i and j is used to reach , 0 otherwise | |
1 if is currently ingesting channel l, 0 otherwise | |
The resource provision in during t | |
The client resource demand of r in any k-type VNF instance | |
The resource demand for content ingestion in any k-type VNF instance | |
The current resource usage of | |
The current resource utilization of | |
The processing time contribution of resource in for | |
The normalization exponent for mean payload | |
in the session workload formula | |
The normalization exponent for maximum bitrate | |
in the session workload formula | |
The unitary data-transportation cost for the link between nodes i and j | |
1 if the SFC assigned to r respects the maximum tolerable RTT, 0 otherwise | |
The processing-time contribution of in any k-type VNF | |
assuming optimal utilization conditions |
Parameter | Value |
Action-advantage hidden layers | 2 |
State-value hidden layers | 2 |
hidden layers dimension | 128 |
Input layer dimension | |
Output layer dimension | |
Activation function between hidden layers | ReLU |
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Cevallos Moreno, J.F.; Sattler, R.; Caulier Cisterna, R.P.; Ricciardi Celsi, L.; Sánchez Rodríguez, A.; Mecella, M. Online Service Function Chain Deployment for Live-Streaming in Virtualized Content Delivery Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. Future Internet 2021, 13, 278.
Cevallos Moreno JF, Sattler R, Caulier Cisterna RP, Ricciardi Celsi L, Sánchez Rodríguez A, Mecella M. Online Service Function Chain Deployment for Live-Streaming in Virtualized Content Delivery Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. Future Internet. 2021; 13(11):278.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCevallos Moreno, Jesús Fernando, Rebecca Sattler, Raúl P. Caulier Cisterna, Lorenzo Ricciardi Celsi, Aminael Sánchez Rodríguez, and Massimo Mecella. 2021. "Online Service Function Chain Deployment for Live-Streaming in Virtualized Content Delivery Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach" Future Internet 13, no. 11: 278.
APA StyleCevallos Moreno, J. F., Sattler, R., Caulier Cisterna, R. P., Ricciardi Celsi, L., Sánchez Rodríguez, A., & Mecella, M. (2021). Online Service Function Chain Deployment for Live-Streaming in Virtualized Content Delivery Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. Future Internet, 13(11), 278.