Bioactive Compounds and Sensory Quality in Chips of Native Potato Clones (Solanum tuberosum spp. andigena) Grown in the High Andean Region of PERU
"> Figure 1
<p>Native potato clones and yields (y).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The process diagram for chip production.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The reducing sugars content in (<b>a</b>) native potato clones and (<b>b</b>) chips. Different letters indicate significant differences.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The FTIR spectra regarding (<b>a</b>) native potato clones and (<b>b</b>) chips of native potato clones.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>SEM micrographs of native potato clone chips.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>(<b>a</b>) Percentages of the preference test, (<b>b</b>) radar plot of the acceptance test, (<b>c</b>) histogram according to the age of the panelists, and (<b>d</b>) gender distribution of the panelists.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>PCA study.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
2.2. Obtaining Chips from Native Potato Clones
2.3. Proximate Analysis
2.4. Reducing Sugars
2.5. Mineral Content
2.6. Color Analysis
2.7. Analysis by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
2.8. Analysis by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
2.9. Antioxidant Capacity
2.10. Total Phenolic Compounds
2.11. Total Anthocyanins
2.12. Preference and Acceptance Test
2.13. Statistical Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Proximate Analysis
3.2. Reducing Sugars
3.3. Mineral Content
3.4. Color Analysis
3.5. FTIR Analysis
3.6. SEM Analysis
3.7. Antioxidant Capacity, Phenolic Compounds, and Anthocyanins
3.8. Preference and Acceptance Test
3.9. Overview of Results on Native Potato Clone Chips
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Property | Clone A | Clone B | Clone C | Clone D | Clone E | Clone F | ||||||
±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | |||||||
Fresh | ||||||||||||
Moisture (%) | 68.00 a | ±0.26 | 65.78 f | ±0.25 | 72.10 c | ±0.20 | 73.70 d | ±0.18 | 76.60 e | ±0.16 | 69.80 b | ±0.19 |
Protein (%) | 1.32 a | ±0.21 | 1.30 a | ±0.31 | 1.43 a | ±0.17 | 1.56 a | ±0.19 | 1.24 a | ±0.23 | 1.45 a | ±0.21 |
Fat (%) | 0.36 a | ±0.32 | 0.41 a | ±0.14 | 0.44 a | ±0.19 | 0.39 a | ±0.22 | 0.28 a | ±0.18 | 0.44 a | ±0.30 |
Ash (%) | 0.97 ab | ±0.19 | 0.84 ab | ±0.20 | 0.75 a | ±0.13 | 0.87 ab | ±0.17 | 0.79 a | ±0.16 | 1.10 b | ±0.18 |
Fiber (%) | 0.66 a | ±0.24 | 0.58 a | ±0.13 | 0.71 a | ±0.21 | 0.62 a | ±0.18 | 0.74 a | ±0.21 | 0.75 a | ±0.22 |
Carbohydrates (%) | 28.70 a | ±0.22 | 31.10 b | ±0.15 | 24.60 c | ±0.18 | 22.90 d | ±0.21 | 20.30 e | ±0.22 | 26.50 f | ±0.19 |
Chips | ||||||||||||
Moisture (%) | 1.28 a | ±0.35 | 0.96 a | ±0.14 | 1.30 a | ±0.25 | 1.10 a | ±0.25 | 1.35 a | ±0.19 | 0.98 a | ±0.23 |
Protein (%) | 2.38 a | ±0.28 | 2.09 a | ±0.19 | 3.36 b | ±0.18 | 3.45 b | ±0.18 | 3.36 b | ±0.21 | 2.42 a | ±0.15 |
Fat (%) | 31.36 a | ±0.21 | 29.38 b | ±0.28 | 50.81 c | ±0.23 | 39.06 d | ±0.26 | 40.00 e | ±0.23 | 40.63 f | ±0.35 |
Ash (%) | 1.74 ab | ±0.32 | 1.36 b | ±0.23 | 1.82 a | ±0.30 | 1.92 a | ±0.15 | 2.14 a | ±0.26 | 2.17 a | ±0.13 |
Fiber (%) | 1.21 ac | ±0.19 | 0.93 a | ±0.17 | 1.66 b | ±0.17 | 1.41 cb | ±0.31 | 1.71 b | ±0.14 | 1.28 ac | ±0.25 |
Carbohydrates (%) | 62.03 a | ±0.25 | 65.28 b | ±0.26 | 41.05 c | ±0.29 | 53.06 a | ±0.16 | 51.44 cd | ±0.13 | 52.52 e | ±0.18 |
Mineral (mg/100 g db) | Wavelength (nm) | Clone A | Clone B | Clone C | Clone D | Clone E | Clone F | ||||||
±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ||||||||
Fresh | |||||||||||||
K | 767 | 635 a | ±3.06 | 1079 b | ±2.66 | 605 a | ±2.25 | 864 c | ±3.03 | 1069 b | ±2.35 | 455 a | ±2.07 |
Mg | 280 | 32.06 a | ±2.68 | 53.52 b | ±2.44 | 47.02 b | ±2.24 | 35.36 a | ±3.11 | 71.46 c | ±5.78 | 27.99 a | ±1.22 |
Ca | 185 | 13.70 a | ±0.20 | 5.53 b | ±0.06 | 7.83 c | ±0.12 | 8.20 d | ±0.10 | 6.30 e | ±0.01 | 2.53 f | ±0.06 |
P | 252 | 0.86 a | ±0.03 | 3.84 b | ±0.02 | 0.09 c | ±0.03 | 2.87 d | ±0.06 | 2.30 e | ±0.06 | 0.54 f | ±0.03 |
Mn | 258 | 0.28 a | ±0.01 | 0.35 b | ±0.01 | 0.35 b | ±0.01 | 0.39 c | ±0.02 | 0.47 d | ±0.01 | 0.15 e | ±0.01 |
Na | 589 | ND | 2.68 a | ±0.01 | 0.54 b | ±0.01 | 1.02 c | ±0.03 | 1.02 c | ±0.01 | 0.43 d | ±0.03 | |
Se | 196 | ND | 0.17 a | ±0.12 | ND | ND | 0.27 a | ±0.06 | ND | ||||
Fe | 240 | 0.03 a | ±0.01 | 0.07 b | ±0.01 | 0.06 c | ±0.01 | 0.17 d | ±0.02 | 0.07 e | ±0.02 | 0.04 f | ±0.01 |
Zn | 214 | ND | 0.22 a | ±0.01 | ND | 0.05 b | ±0.01 | 0.26 a | ±0.03 | ND | |||
Chips | |||||||||||||
K | 767 | 1440 a | ±2.28 | 1961 ab | ±4.23 | 1960 ab | ±1.95 | 2540 b | ±1.98 | 2384 b | ±2.49 | 1485 a | ±2.76 |
Mg | 280 | 59.02 a | ±0.01 | 100 b | ±0.26 | 103 b | ±0.19 | 82.10 ab | ±0.19 | 74.01 ab | ±0.06 | 83.10 ab | ±0.19 |
Ca | 185 | 50.15 a | ±0.15 | 107 b | ±0.58 | 65.02 a | ±0.17 | 50.11 a | ±0.20 | 58.31 a | ±0.17 | 83.57 a | ±0.46 |
P | 252 | 2.01 a | ±0.01 | 4.21 b | ±0.01 | 1.15 a | ±0.01 | 3.05 b | ±0.01 | 3.14 b | ±0.01 | 1.03 a | ±0.01 |
Mn | 258 | 4.04 b | ±0.01 | 1.21 a | ±0.01 | 0.81 a | ±0.01 | 0.61 a | ±0.01 | 0.62 a | ±0.01 | 0.81 a | ±0.01 |
Na | 589 | 46.18 a | ±0.19 | 139 b | ±0.82 | 51.11 a | ±0.04 | 41.12 a | ±0.02 | 45.05 a | ±0.04 | 41.10 a | ±0.15 |
Se | 196 | ND | 0.31 a | ±0.01 | ND | ND | 0.33 a | ±0.01 | ND | ||||
Fe | 240 | 2.12 a | ±0.01 | 3.08 a | ±0.02 | 3.06 a | ±0.02 | 2.10 a | ±0.01 | 2.16 a | ±0.01 | 4.11 a | ±0.03 |
Zn | 214 | 5.03 a | ±0.03 | 8.11 b | ±0.05 | 3.08 a | ±0.01 | 5.12 a | ±0.04 | 7.12 b | ±0.05 | 4.02 a | ±0.03 |
Parameters | Clone A | Clone B | Clone C | Clone D | Clone E | Clone F | ||||||
±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | |||||||
Fresh | ||||||||||||
L* | 67.48 a | ±0.06 | 21.91 b | ±0.15 | 26.63 c | ±0.25 | 36.65 d | ±0.46 | 21.13 e | ±0.31 | 24.24 f | ±0.58 |
a* | 1.54 a | ±0.06 | 0.62 b | ±0.10 | 13.11 c | ±0.24 | 14.31 d | ±0.26 | 2.37 e | ±0.19 | 2.98 f | ±0.58 |
b* | 36.16 a | ±0.16 | −4.35 b | ±0.03 | 3.62 c | ±0.15 | 4.94 d | ±0.07 | −3.16 e | ±0.12 | −3.92 f | ±0.28 |
Chips | ||||||||||||
L* | 57.58 a | ±0.21 | 24.43 b | ±0.66 | 19.53 c | ±0.07 | 31.06 d | ±0.27 | 20.70 e | ±0.12 | 40.09 f | ±0.11 |
a* | 0.25 a | ±0.21 | 0.82 b | ±0.13 | 4.95 c | ±0.10 | 15.73 d | ±0.13 | 4.79 c | ±0.10 | 1.00 b | ±0.08 |
b* | 25.12 a | ±0.26 | 1.11 b | ±0.68 | 0.26 c | ±0.01 | 6.99 d | ±0.13 | 1.82 e | ±0.08 | 2.86 f | ±0.27 |
ΔE*ab | 14.86 a | ±0.15 | 6.02 b | 0.80 | 11.33 c | 0.26 | 6.12 b | 0.16 | 5.53 b | 0.10 | 17.36 d | 0.38 |
Clones | Clone A | Clone B | Clone C | Clone D | Clone E | Clone F | ||||||
±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | ±SD | |||||||
Fresh | ||||||||||||
AC µmol ET/g db | 867 a | ±2.28 | 929 b | ±2.83 | 902 b | ±1.78 | 879 c | ±2.48 | 887 d | ±2.51 | 857 a | ±8.27 |
TPC mg GAE/g db | 20.37 a | ±1.91 | 27.38 b | ±2.56 | 23.19 a | ±2.23 | 22.00 a | ±1.74 | 22.82 a | ±2.14 | 21.44 a | ±0.08 |
Antocyanins mg C3G/g db | 0.43 a | ±0.02 | 2.60 b | ±0.01 | 1.98 c | ±0.02 | 1.43 d | ±0.03 | 1.58 e | ±0.04 | 1.44 d | ±0.02 |
Chips | ||||||||||||
AC µmol ET/g db | 884 a | ±2.37 | 938 b | ±3.74 | 929 b | ±2.74 | 897 c | ±3.41 | 914 d | ±1.51 | 883 a | ±8.27 |
TPC mg GAE/g db | 28.93 a | ±2.62 | 39.15 b | ±3.04 | 32.70 a | ±2.08 | 31.46 a | ±2.30 | 32.40 a | ±1.88 | 30.01 a | ±0.08 |
Antocyanins mg C3G/g db | 0.20 a | ±0.01 | 1.17 b | ±0.02 | 0.87 c | ±0.03 | 0.67 d | ±0.02 | 0.71 e | ±0.01 | 0.65 d | ±0.02 |
Attribute | Clone A | Clone B | Clone C | Clone D | Clone E | Clone F | ||||||
Descriptor | Descriptor | Descriptor | Descriptor | Descriptor | Descriptor | |||||||
Color | I like it very much | 4.5 a | I like it very much | 4.5 a | I dislike it slightly | 2.0 b | I like it slightly | 4.0 c | I dislike it slightly | 2.0 b | I like it very much | 4.5 a |
Smell | I like it very much | 4.5 a | I like it very much | 4.5 a | Neither like nor dislike | 3.0 b | I like it slightly | 4.0 c | I like it slightly | 4.0 c | I dislike it slightly | 4.0 c |
Flavor | I like it very much | 4.5 a | I like it very much | 5.0 a | I dislike it slightly | 2.0 b | I like it slightly | 3.0 c | Neither like nor dislike | 3.0 c | I like it very much | 4.0 d |
Texture | I like it very much | 5.0 a | I like it very much | 5.0 a | Neither like nor dislike | 3.0 b | I like it slightly | 4.0 c | Neither like nor dislike | 3.0 b | I like it very much | 4.5 a |
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Ligarda-Samanez, C.A.; Palomino-Rincón, H.; Choque-Quispe, D.; Moscoso-Moscoso, E.; Arévalo-Quijano, J.C.; Huamán-Carrión, M.L.; Quispe-Quezada, U.R.; Muñoz-Saenz, J.C.; Gutiérrez-Gómez, E.; Cabel-Moscoso, D.J.; et al. Bioactive Compounds and Sensory Quality in Chips of Native Potato Clones (Solanum tuberosum spp. andigena) Grown in the High Andean Region of PERU. Foods 2023, 12, 2511.
Ligarda-Samanez CA, Palomino-Rincón H, Choque-Quispe D, Moscoso-Moscoso E, Arévalo-Quijano JC, Huamán-Carrión ML, Quispe-Quezada UR, Muñoz-Saenz JC, Gutiérrez-Gómez E, Cabel-Moscoso DJ, et al. Bioactive Compounds and Sensory Quality in Chips of Native Potato Clones (Solanum tuberosum spp. andigena) Grown in the High Andean Region of PERU. Foods. 2023; 12(13):2511.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLigarda-Samanez, Carlos A., Henry Palomino-Rincón, David Choque-Quispe, Elibet Moscoso-Moscoso, José C. Arévalo-Quijano, Mary L. Huamán-Carrión, Uriel R. Quispe-Quezada, Jenny C. Muñoz-Saenz, Edgar Gutiérrez-Gómez, Domingo J. Cabel-Moscoso, and et al. 2023. "Bioactive Compounds and Sensory Quality in Chips of Native Potato Clones (Solanum tuberosum spp. andigena) Grown in the High Andean Region of PERU" Foods 12, no. 13: 2511.
APA StyleLigarda-Samanez, C. A., Palomino-Rincón, H., Choque-Quispe, D., Moscoso-Moscoso, E., Arévalo-Quijano, J. C., Huamán-Carrión, M. L., Quispe-Quezada, U. R., Muñoz-Saenz, J. C., Gutiérrez-Gómez, E., Cabel-Moscoso, D. J., Sucari-León, R., Aroquipa-Durán, Y., & García-Espinoza, A. J. (2023). Bioactive Compounds and Sensory Quality in Chips of Native Potato Clones (Solanum tuberosum spp. andigena) Grown in the High Andean Region of PERU. Foods, 12(13), 2511.