What Limits Our Capacity to Process Nested Long-Range Dependencies in Sentence Comprehension?
<p>Two sentences that carry the same meaning, with (<b>top</b>) and without (<b>bottom</b>) double center-embedding.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>An illustration of reading times in self-paced reading in object-extracted relative (blue) and subject-extracted (orange) relative clauses (adapted from Ref. [<a href="#B3-entropy-22-00446" class="html-bibr">3</a>]). While reading times are similar for the main verb (’hoped’), they vary substantially for the embedded one (’sent’). This suggests that the processing load for object-extracted relative clauses diverges most from subject-extracted relative-clauses at the embedded verb.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>A chunk representation of a syntactic structure in Adaptive Control of Thought–Rational (ACT-R) (adapted from [<a href="#B16-entropy-22-00446" class="html-bibr">16</a>]).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The neural mechanism for long-range grammatical-number agreement. Cell activities of the syntax (green), singular (red) and plural (blue) units are presented during the processing of a sentence with a long-range subject-verb dependency across a subject-extracted relative clause. Panel (<b>A</b>) describes unit activity during the processing of sentences in which the main subject is singular. Continuous/dashed lines correspond to cases in which the intervening noun has the same/opposite number as the main subject (i.e., singular/plural). Similarly, Panel (<b>B</b>) describes conditions in which the main subject is plural. Error bars represent standard deviation across 2000 sentences.</p> ">
:1. What Are the Computational Mechanisms that Explain Our Limited Ability to Process Specific Sentences?
- (1)
- “The dog that the cat chased ran away.”
- (2)
- “The dog that the cat that the mouse bit chased ran away.”
- (3)
- “The mouse bit the cat that chased the dog that ran away.”
2. Empirical Evidence for Processing Difficulties in Sentence Comprehension
3. Explanations for Syntactic Capacity Limitation by Cognitive Models
3.1. Memory-Based Theories
3.1.1. Dependency Locality Theory
3.1.2. ACT-R Based
3.2. Expectation-Based Theories
3.3. Symbolic Neural Architectures
4. Understanding Capacity Limitation in Light of Neural Language Models
4.1. NLMs Predict that Capacity Limitation Results from a Functional Specification of Dedicated Syntax and Number Units
4.1.1. A Sparse Neural Circuit for Long-Range Number Agreement
- Syntax units: units in the network whose activity is predictive of transient syntactic properties of the sentence. A particular set of syntax units was found to be predictive of the transient depth of syntactic tree, which is an index of syntactic complexity [27]. The activity of one of the syntax units was found to follow the structure of the main subject-verb dependency in various sentences (green curve in Figure 4. See also Figure 3 in Ref. [26]). Specifically, the activity of this syntax unit is positive throughout the main subject-verb dependency and changes sign only at the main verb. As discussed further below, this activity profile allows the carrying of the grammatical number of the main subject across long distances.
- Long-Range number units: units that can encode grammatical number (singular or plural) for long-range dependencies. Out of total of 1300 units in the neural network, only two were identified as long-range number units—one unit for singular and the other for plural number. Long-range number units were shown to encode the grammatical number of the main subject (‘keys’ in “The keys to the cabinet are..”) and robustly store it up to the main verb (‘are’) across possible attractors (‘cabinet’). Figure 4A illustrates the activity profile of the singular (red) and plural (blue) long-range units during the processing of a subject-extracted relative clause whose main subject is singular. Note that while the activity of the plural unit is silent (i.e., around zero), the singular unit is active throughout the subject-verb dependency, and beyond the attractor. Figure 4B illustrates the ‘mirror’ case, in which the main subject of the sentence is plural. Importantly, ablation of any of the long-range number units was shown to bring the performance of the network on number-agreement tasks to chance level on the corresponding task. In sum, the long-range units carry out the long-range number agreement task in the network.
- Short-Range number units: units that encode the grammatical number of the last encountered noun. In contrast to long-range units, short-range number units can carry grammatical number only across dependencies that do not contain intervening nouns with opposite numbers. Short-range number units were identified using decoding methods [28].
- (5)
- The keys to the cabinet are on...
4.1.2. Processing of Nested Long-Range Dependencies and Capacity Limitation in NLMs
4.1.3. Capacity Limitation also Emerges in the Case of Deeper Nesting
4.1.4. Varying Processing Difficulties of Sentences with Two Long-Range Dependencies
4.2. Neural Language Models Make Precise Predictions on How Humans Process Sentences
- Behavioral predictions:
- Embedded dependencies are more error prone: the main, ‘outer’, dependency is processed by the long-range mechanism, which was shown to be robust, protecting the carried grammatical number from intervening information. Embedded dependencies, however, are more susceptible to interference and processing failures. Indeed, we found that both humans and neural language models make more number-agreement errors on the embedded verb of center-embedded clauses compared to the main one [41]. In this study, humans and neural networks were tested on both simple object-extracted relative clauses (1) and object-extracted relative clauses in which the inner dependency is also a long-range one (“The dog that the cats near the car chase runs away”). Both humans and neural networks make more agreement errors on the inner verb (‘chase’) compared to the outer one (‘runs’).
- Agreement-error patterns show primacy and recency effects: In doubly center-embedded sentences, while the main agreement can be robustly processed by the long-range mechanism, and the innermost by short-range units, the middle long-range dependency is predicted to be most error prone. In a recent study [42], we tested agreement errors of a variety of neural language models trained on deep nested long-range dependencies generated from an artificial grammar. Neural language models were indeed found to make more number-agreement errors on middle dependencies compared to the outer-most and innermost ones, showing a ‘recency and primacy effects’ in the error patterns. The model therefore predicts similar agreement-error patterns in human behavior. We note that this error pattern is consistent with ’structural forgetting’, a phenomenon reported in humans, e.g., [45], in which English speakers tend to judge ungrammatical sentences with doubly center embedding and a missing verb as grammatically correct (e.g., “The patient who the nurse who the clinic had hired met Jack”). Importantly, structural forgetting occurs with sentences in which the middle verb is omitted.
- Neural predictions:
- Long- and short-range units reside in different cortical regions: the two types of units that emerged in the models during training suggest that a similar division may be observed in cortical processing. In particular, Dehaene et al. [46] have suggested a hierarchy of cortical processing in language, from low-level transition regularities to high-level structured patterns across the cortex. In accordance with this view, long-range units are predicted to be found at higher-level cortical regions, and short-range units in lower-level ones, or both (in NLMs trained on natural-language data, long-range number units tend to emerge in the highest layer of the network [26,41], whereas short-range units can be found across several layers). Since long-range units are predicted to be sparse they might be found in highly localized regions of the brain (note that the small number of syntax and number units that emerged in the network is not a realistic estimation of the number of corresponding neurons in the brain, without taking in consideration several corrections. First, the total number of units in the NLM is several orders of magnitude smaller than that in the brain. Second, the NLM is commonly considered as a ‘rate model’. Consequently, the activity of a single unit in the model in response to a feature would map to a large number of spiking neurons in the brain, all responsive to the same feature. Taken together, a single unit in the NLM could therefore correspond to possibly more than neurons in the brain. The ‘sparsity’ of the mechanism should therefore not be construed as an extreme localist, ‘grandmother cell’, e.g., [47], view).
- Specific syntactic cortical regions show persistent activity throughout long-range dependencies: the activity pattern of the syntax unit during sentence processing suggests similar dynamics in cortical regions related to syntactic processing. Specifically, activity of certain syntactic regions is predicted to persist throughout a long-range dependency, in order to gate feature-information storage (grammatical number, gender, etc.) in other regions.
- Specific syntactic cortical regions project onto long- but not short-range units: while the activity of long-range units was found to follow the structure of the long-range dependencies, as conveyed by the syntax unit, the activity of the short-range units is not structure sensitive. Neural activity related to syntactic processing of long-range dependencies, presumably in syntactic brain regions, is predicted to drive neural activity related to long-range encoding of grammatical number, but not that related to short-range encoding.
5. Remaining Challenges
- Language acquisition: artificial neural networks fail to capture the speed and ease of language acquisition in human children. Children are known to acquire language from a relatively small number of stimuli compared to the complexity of the task of inferring underlying regularities in natural data [48]. In contrast, current state-of-the-art neural language models require large amount of training data, which needed to be presented to the model several times. Finding the structural and learning biases required to reduce such data thirst down to a profile similar to humans, remains one of the major challenges in the field.
- Compositionality: neural language models fail to achieve systematic compositionality [49]. Human language is characterized by systematic compositionality—people can understand and produce a potentially infinite number of novel combinations from a finite set of known elements [50,51]. For example, once an English speaker learns a new verb, for example, “dax”, he can immediately understand and produce sentences like “dax again” or "dax twice”. This algebraic capacity, famously argued to be a property of symbolic-based systems but not of neural networks [52,53], remains a challenge also for modern neural language models. Consequently, it is thus expected that current neural language model will present strong limitations in their ability to account for brain responses to new words.
- Fit to brain data: neural language models fail to achieve good fit to neuroimaging and electrophysiological data (e.g., fMRI, MEG, intracranial). Both language models and neural language models have been used in recent years to model brain data acquired from subjects engaged in naturalistic tasks, such as active listening to stories, e.g., [54,55,56,57]. Typically, activations of language models during sentence processing are extracted and used as predictors in linear regression models, which are used to fit brain data. However, despite preliminary success, current models still explain a relatively small variance in brain data. This suggests that additional—and possibly critical—processes to those of artifical neural networks, are engaged in the human brain when it processes sentences.
- Biological plausibility: although inspired by findings in neuroscience, various aspects of the dynamics and learning in common neural language models cannot be directly mapped onto biologically-plausible mechanisms in the brain. For example, while learning and plasticity in the brain are known to occur locally [58,59], the back-propagation algorithm used to train neural networks [60] relies on error propagation across distant parts of the network. On the other hand, neural-network models that are more faithful to brain dynamics are still hard to tame, e.g., [61,62] and can simulate only limited aspects of linguistic phenomena. Constructing a neural language model that is both biological-plausible and achieves high performance on linguistic tasks remains another challenge in the field.
6. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Cognitive Theories for Sentence Processing | ||||
Theory | Grammar | Parsing Algorithm | Limiting Resource | Explanation for Capacity Limitation and processing breakdowns |
DLT | Dependency grammar | Dependency parsing | Energy units | Too many long-range structural integrations take place at a given word, exceeding unit resources. |
ACT-R based | pCFG | Left-corner | Temporal activity | High similarity among memory items cause unresolvable interference. |
Expectation-based | pCFG | None | Probability mass | Frequent syntactic structures ‘consume’ most of the probability mass, leading rarer structures to generate high surprisal. |
Symbolic neural architectures | None | None | Dimensionality | Highly complex syntactic structures require higher state-space dimensionality than that available. |
Neural Language Models | None | None | Specialized syntax units | The neural circuit for long-range dependencies is sparse and can therefore process only a limited number of nested, or cross, dependencies. |
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Lakretz, Y.; Dehaene, S.; King, J.-R. What Limits Our Capacity to Process Nested Long-Range Dependencies in Sentence Comprehension? Entropy 2020, 22, 446. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22040446
Lakretz Y, Dehaene S, King J-R. What Limits Our Capacity to Process Nested Long-Range Dependencies in Sentence Comprehension? Entropy. 2020; 22(4):446. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22040446
Chicago/Turabian StyleLakretz, Yair, Stanislas Dehaene, and Jean-Rémi King. 2020. "What Limits Our Capacity to Process Nested Long-Range Dependencies in Sentence Comprehension?" Entropy 22, no. 4: 446. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22040446
APA StyleLakretz, Y., Dehaene, S., & King, J.-R. (2020). What Limits Our Capacity to Process Nested Long-Range Dependencies in Sentence Comprehension? Entropy, 22(4), 446. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22040446