Fingerprint Classification Based on Multilayer Extreme Learning Machines
<p>General architecture of an original ELM.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Representative structure of a multilayer ELM.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>General architecture of an ELM-AE. The colors indicate the type of neuron, following the same scheme as the original ELM.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Samples concerning fingerprint image quality: (<b>a</b>) default; (<b>b</b>) HQNoPert; (<b>c</b>) VQAndPert.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The accuracy in the training and validation phases in terms of the number of hidden neurons of the original ELM, considering Capelli02 as a descriptor.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The accuracy vs. the number of hidden neurons of the original ELM in the training and validation phases when the descriptor corresponds to Hong08.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The accuracy vs. the number of hidden neurons of the original ELM in the training and validation phases when the descriptor corresponds to Liu10.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Accuracy in terms of the number of neurons of the two-layer hidden ELM considering the Capelli02 descriptor and the (<b>a</b>) default, (<b>b</b>) HQNoPert, and (<b>c</b>) VQAndPert databases.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Accuracy in terms of the number of neurons of the ELM of two hidden layers considering the Hong08 descriptor and the (<b>a</b>) default, (<b>b</b>) HQNoPert, and (<b>c</b>) VQAndPert databases.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Accuracy as a function of the number of neurons of the two-hidden-layer ELM considering the Liu10 descriptor and the (<b>a</b>) default, (<b>b</b>) HQNoPert, and (<b>c</b>) VQAndPert databases.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Accuracy as a function of the number of neurons of the three-hidden-layer ELM, taking into account the Capelli02 descriptor and the (<b>a</b>) default, (<b>b</b>) HQNoPert, and (<b>c</b>) VQAndPert databases.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Accuracy as a function of the number of neurons of the three-hidden-layer ELM, taking into account the Hong08 descriptor and the (<b>a</b>) default, (<b>b</b>) HQNoPert, and (<b>c</b>) VQAndPert databases.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Accuracy as a function of the number of neurons of the three-hidden-layer ELM, taking into account the Liu10 descriptor and the (<b>a</b>) default, (<b>b</b>) HQNoPert, and (<b>c</b>) VQAndPert databases.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Confusion matrices for the ELM-M2 and ELM-M3 models.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. State of the Art
2.1. CNN and Images
2.2. ELM with Descriptors
2.3. Classical Methodologies
3. Theoretical Foundations
3.1. Feature Descriptors
3.2. Extreme Learning Machines
3.2.1. Original ELM
Algorithm 1 ELM Training Algorithm |
3.2.2. Multilayer ELM
Algorithm 2 Unsupervised Feature Extraction Phase (Autoencoder) |
Algorithm 3 Supervised Classifier Learning Phase (Standard ELM) |
4. Methods and Materials
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Hyperparameter Optimization
5.2. Evaluation and Performance Comparison with the State of the Art
5.3. Complexity Analysis
6. Conclusions and Future Works
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
MLP | Multilayer perceptron |
SLFN | Single-hidden-layer feedforward neural network |
ELM | Extreme learning machine |
ELM-AE | Extreme learning machine autoencoder |
M-ELM | Multilayer extreme learning machine |
W-ELM | Unbalanced extreme learning machines |
ELM-M3 | Three-layer ELM |
SVM | Support vector machine |
CNN | Convolutional neural network |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technologies |
FVC | Fingerprint verification competition |
OM | Orientation map |
SFINGE | Synthetic fingerprint generator |
RELU | Rectified linear unit |
G-mean | Geometric mean |
Exac | Root mean square error |
PR | Absolute error of the penetration rate |
OF | Orientation field |
RF | Random forest |
DB | Database |
SGD | Stochastic gradient descent |
CDF | Center-to-delta flow |
MKL | Multi-space KL |
CT | Curvelet transform |
GLCM | Grey-level co-occurrence matrix |
HQNoPert | High-quality no perturbations |
VQandPert | Varying quality and perturbations |
HOG | Histogram of oriented gradients |
GUI | Graphic user interface |
PolyU | Polytechnic University |
LR | Logistic regression |
5-FCV | Five-fold cross-validation |
ROI | Singularity region of interest |
DT | Decision tree |
K-NN | K-nearest neighbors |
MSE | Mean squared error |
NIST-4 | Standards and Technology Special Database 4 |
OM | Orientation map |
MM | Minutiae map |
OC | Orientation collinearity |
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(a) Original ELM | Capelli02 | Hong08 | Liu10 | |||
Exac | Exac | Exac | ||||
Default | 1000 | 2000 | 750 | |||
HQNoPert | 1000 | 2000 | 750 | |||
VQAndPert | 1000 | 2000 | 750 | |||
(b) ELM-M2 | Capelli02 | Hong08 | Liu10 | |||
Exac | Exac | Exac | ||||
Default | 1000/1000 | 0.8604 | 1000/1000 | 0.9604 | 1000/1000 | 0.9045 |
HQNoPert | 1000/1000 | 0.8826 | 1000/1000 | 0.9730 | 1000/1000 | 0.9154 |
VQAndPert | 1000/1000 | 0.7864 | 1000/1000 | 0.9418 | 1000/1000 | 0.8603 |
(c) ELM-M3 | Capelli02 | Hong08 | Liu10 | |||
Exac | Exac | Exac | ||||
Default | 1000/250/1000 | 0.8609 | 250/250/1000 | 0.9634 | 250/250/250 | 0.9143 |
HQNoPert | 1000/1000/1000 | 0.8872 | 250/250/750 | 0.9740 | 250/250/250 | 0.9249 |
VQAndPert | 500/250/1000 | 0.8003 | 750/750/750 | 0.9471 | 500/500/500 | 0.8786 |
Original ELM | ELM-M2 | ELM-M3 | |||||||
Capelli02 | Hong08 | Liu10 | Capelli02 | Hong08 | Liu10 | Capelli02 | Hong08 | Liu10 | |
Default | 0.1430 | 0.0523 | 0.0976 | 0.1407 | 0.0466 | 0.0837 | 0.1322 | 0.0426 | 0.0789 |
HQNoPert | 0.1228 | 0.0381 | 0.0917 | 0.1183 | 0.0378 | 0.0749 | 0.1169 | 0.0335 | 0.0739 |
VQAndPert | 0.1865 | 0.0736 | 0.1138 | 0.1839 | 0.0591 | 0.1335 | 0.1777 | 0.0575 | 0.1154 |
Hong08 and Original ELM Original | Hong08 and ELM-M2 | Hong08 and ELM-M3 | Zabala-Blanco20 [13] | Peralta18 [10] | ||||||
Exac | Exac | Exac | Exac | Exac | ||||||
Default | 0.9302 | 0.0523 | 0.9604 | 0.0466 | 0.9634 | 0.0426 | 0.9300 | 0.0388 | 0.9807 | 0.0153 |
HQNoPert | 0.9512 | 0.0381 | 0.9730 | 0.0378 | 0.9740 | 0.0335 | 0.9400 | 0.0299 | 0.9960 | 0.0031 |
VQAndPert | 0.9044 | 0.0736 | 0.9418 | 0.0591 | 0.9471 | 0.0575 | 0.8800 | 0.0533 | 0.9640 | 0.0279 |
Hong08 and Original ELM | Hong08 and ELM-M2 | Hong08 and ELM-M3 | Zabala-Blanco20 [13] | Peralta18 [10] | |
Default | 1.0259 (±0.0633) | 3.5320 (±0.2037) | 2.5688 (±0.1205) | 18.7819 (±0.3542) | 957 |
HQNoPert | 1.0545 (±0.0757) | 3.6884 (±0.1506) | 1.5860 (±0.0757) | 18.8498 (±0.6013) | 960 |
VQAndPert | 1.0963 (±0.0531) | 3.3228 (±0.1027) | 3.0118 (±0.2172) | 15.5062 (±0.3279) | 960 |
Hong08 and Original ELM | Hong08 and ELM-M2 | Hong08 and ELM-M3 | Zabala-Blanco20 [13] | Peralta18 [10] | |
Default | 2000 (N1 = 2000) | 2000 (N1 = 1000 + N2 = 1000) | 1500 (N1 = 250 + N2 = 250 + N3 = 1000) | 5000 (N1 = 5000) | 14,875 |
HQNoPert | 2000 (N1 = 2000) | 2000 (N1 = 1000 + N2 = 1000) | 1250 (N1 = 250 + N2 = 250 + N3 = 750) | 5000 (N1 = 5000) | 14,875 |
VQAndPert | 2000 (N1 = 2000) | 2000 (N1 = 1000 + N2 = 1000) | 2250 (N1 = 750 + N2 = 750 + N3 = 750) | 5000 (N1 = 5000) | 14,875 |
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Quinteros, A.; Zabala-Blanco, D. Fingerprint Classification Based on Multilayer Extreme Learning Machines. Appl. Sci. 2025, 15, 2793.
Quinteros A, Zabala-Blanco D. Fingerprint Classification Based on Multilayer Extreme Learning Machines. Applied Sciences. 2025; 15(5):2793.
Chicago/Turabian StyleQuinteros, Axel, and David Zabala-Blanco. 2025. "Fingerprint Classification Based on Multilayer Extreme Learning Machines" Applied Sciences 15, no. 5: 2793.
APA StyleQuinteros, A., & Zabala-Blanco, D. (2025). Fingerprint Classification Based on Multilayer Extreme Learning Machines. Applied Sciences, 15(5), 2793.