Critical Disaster Indicators (CDIs): Deriving the Duration, Damage Degree, and Recovery Level from Nighttime Light Image Time Series
<p>Regions and representative counties in Puerto Rico and the path of Hurricane Maria as it passed over the island.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Comparison between the official recovery data from DOE and island-wide average nighttime light radiance before and after Hurricane Maria hits Puerto Rico.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The analytical framework in this study.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Sensitivity analysis on data smoothing using different filter order (from 1 to 5). The optimal filter order is found at 1.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>An illustration of three CDIs: the duration (the green line), the damage degree (the ratio of blue to purple lines), and the recovery level (the ratio of brown to purple lines).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Sensitivity analysis of different thresholds on the outage duration estimation.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>An example of the sensitivity analysis of outage duration using different lengths of moving window (<span class="html-italic">lag</span>).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Estimated tract-level outage duration derived from Automated Valley Detection.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Histogram of the estimated outage duration result using AVD.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>(<b>A</b>) The AVD-estimated tract-level degree of damage; (<b>B</b>) hurricane threat based on tract-level averaged kernel density.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>The correlation between damage level and hurricane threat. The density of observations is displayed by a purple color gradient. The darker area represents a higher point density.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>The AVD-estimated tract-level recovery degree in the entire island (as of July 2019). Darker tracts (e.g., A to C) have a high recovery level, while lighter tracts (e.g., D to I) are those with low recovery levels. Some key power plants are shown as orange stars.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Illustration of the raw NTL profiles of sample tracts with brighter post-disaster radiance than the pre-disaster level (<b>A</b>–<b>C</b> with a recovery rate > 100%), and those with darker post-disaster radiance (<b>D</b>–<b>I</b> with a recovery rate < 80%), where the red dashed lines show the pre-/post-disaster level using weighted average. The numbering follows the same tracts in <a href="#remotesensing-15-05471-f012" class="html-fig">Figure 12</a>.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Cumulative percentage of customers with power in the entire island over time.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Comparisons between weighted average and simple average.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area and Data
3. Methods
3.1. Data Smoothing
3.2. Change Detection
3.3. CDI Metrics Derivation
3.4. Accuracy Assessment
4. Results
4.1. Selection of the Optimal Parameter Settings
4.2. Results of the Three CDIs
4.2.1. Results of Outage Duration
“Los portavoces de la marcha resaltaron que a más de seis meses del paso del Huracán María, aún la mayoría del sureste de la Isla, sigue sin el servicio de energía eléctrica”.(Direct quote of a news report on 21 March 2018, [41])
“Leaders from the march stressed that more than six months after the passage of Hurricane Maria, even the majority of the southeast of the Island, is still without the electric power service”.(Translated)
4.2.2. Result of the Degree of Damage
4.2.3. Result of the Degree of Recovery
5. Discussion
5.1. Temporally Weighted Average
5.2. Extensions on Critical Disaster Indicator Estimate
5.3. Limitations and Future Works
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Region | County | Duration from Local News Reports (in Months) | AVD-Estimated Duration (in Months) |
East | Humacao [41] | >6 | 9.8 |
Maunabo [42] | >4 | 11 | |
South | Ponce [43] | >6 | 6.6 |
Guayanilla [44] | ≥6 | 6 | |
Patillas [42] | >4 | 6.8 | |
Coamo [42] | >4 | 5.1 | |
Salinas [42] | >4 | 6.1 | |
Santa Isabel [42] | >4 | 5.8 | |
Central | Cayey [42] | >4 | 6.5 |
West | Mayagüez [45] | >5 | 5.5 |
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Lin, W.; Deng, C.; Güneralp, B.; Zou, L. Critical Disaster Indicators (CDIs): Deriving the Duration, Damage Degree, and Recovery Level from Nighttime Light Image Time Series. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 5471.
Lin W, Deng C, Güneralp B, Zou L. Critical Disaster Indicators (CDIs): Deriving the Duration, Damage Degree, and Recovery Level from Nighttime Light Image Time Series. Remote Sensing. 2023; 15(23):5471.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLin, Weiying, Chengbin Deng, Burak Güneralp, and Lei Zou. 2023. "Critical Disaster Indicators (CDIs): Deriving the Duration, Damage Degree, and Recovery Level from Nighttime Light Image Time Series" Remote Sensing 15, no. 23: 5471.
APA StyleLin, W., Deng, C., Güneralp, B., & Zou, L. (2023). Critical Disaster Indicators (CDIs): Deriving the Duration, Damage Degree, and Recovery Level from Nighttime Light Image Time Series. Remote Sensing, 15(23), 5471.