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Crafting Human-AI Interaction: A Rhetorical Approach to Adaptive Interaction in Conversational Agents

Published: 24 November 2024 Publication History


As we navigate through the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), human-AI interactions have implications across various fields. Despite significant technical advancements, the interaction aspect remains challenging and continues to impact user trust and acceptance of the systems. Addressing this research gap, this paper introduces an approach for adaptive human-AI interaction or communication, particularly conversational agents. Drawing inspiration from classical rhetoric – ‘ethos, logos and pathos’, we propose a framework to integrate adaptive interaction strategies in the design of AI-enabled conversational agents. The method emphasizes on using a user-centered approach to design adaptive interaction with AI-based conversational agents based on the user and context of use. This paper discusses theoretical concepts, a sample application, and considerations from a human-factors perspective for designing intuitive and meaningful interactions between humans and AI leading to a positive user experience, trust and acceptance of AI-based systems.


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  1. Crafting Human-AI Interaction: A Rhetorical Approach to Adaptive Interaction in Conversational Agents



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    HAI '24: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction
    November 2024
    502 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 24 November 2024

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    Author Tags

    1. Adaptivity
    2. Conversational Agents
    3. Ethos
    4. Human-AI Interaction
    5. Logos
    6. Pathos
    7. Rhetorics
    8. UX


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    HAI '24
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    November 24 - 27, 2024
    Swansea, United Kingdom

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