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Can Knowledge Graphs Simplify Text?

Published: 21 October 2023 Publication History


Knowledge Graph (KG)-to-Text Generation has seen recent improvements in generating fluent and informative sentences which describe a given KG. As KGs are widespread across multiple domains and contain important entity-relation information, and as text simplification aims to reduce the complexity of a text while preserving the meaning of the original text, we propose KGSimple, a novel approach to unsupervised text simplification which infuses KG-established techniques in order to construct a simplified KG path and generate a concise text which preserves the original input's meaning. Through an iterative and sampling KG-first approach, our model is capable of simplifying text when starting from a KG by learning to keep important information while harnessing KG-to-text generation to output fluent and descriptive sentences. We evaluate various settings of the KGSimple model on currently-available KG-to-text datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness compared to unsupervised text simplification models which start with a given complex text. Our code is available on GitHub.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (1952-video.mp4)
In this presentation video, we delve into the research and findings from our paper 'Can Knowledge Graphs Simplify Text?'. The work focuses on integrating knowledge graph (KG) techniques in unsupervised text simplification. We explore 'KGSimple', our innovative approach aimed at constructing simplified KGs and generating concise text that faithfully preserves the original content's meaning. By maintaining crucial information and utilizing KG-to-text generation, our approach produces fluent and descriptive sentences. We discuss the problem, research questions, key details, and results of our work, showcasing the effectiveness of KGSimple compared to traditional unsupervised text simplification models that begin with text.


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  • (2024)Automatic Simplification of Lithuanian Administrative TextsAlgorithms10.3390/a1711053317:11(533)Online publication date: 20-Nov-2024



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  1. KG-to-text
  2. data-to-text
  3. knowledge graph
  4. natural language generation
  5. simulated annealing
  6. text simplification


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  • (2025)Automatic Text Simplification for Lithuanian: Transforming Administrative Texts into Plain LanguageMathematics10.3390/math1303046513:3(465)Online publication date: 30-Jan-2025
  • (2024)Automatic Simplification of Lithuanian Administrative TextsAlgorithms10.3390/a1711053317:11(533)Online publication date: 20-Nov-2024

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