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Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural Code Obfuscation on Binary Diffing Techniques

Published: 22 February 2023 Publication History


Software obfuscation techniques can prevent binary diffing techniques from locating vulnerable code by obfuscating the third-party code, to achieve the purpose of protecting embedded device software. With the rapid development of binary diffing techniques, they can achieve more and more accurate function matching and identification by extracting the features within the function. This makes existing software obfuscation techniques, which mainly focus on the intra-procedural code obfuscation, no longer effective.
In this paper, we propose a new inter-procedural code obfuscation mechanism Khaos, which moves the code across functions to obfuscate the function by using compilation optimizations. Two obfuscation primitives are proposed to separate and aggregate the function, which are called fission and fusion respectively. A prototype of Khaos is implemented based on the LLVM compiler and evaluated on a large number of real-world programs including SPEC CPU 2006 & 2017, CoreUtils, JavaScript engines, etc. Experimental results show that Khaos outperforms existing code obfuscations and can significantly reduce the accuracy rates of five state-of-the-art binary diffing techniques (less than 19%) with lower runtime overhead (less than 7%).


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  1. Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural Code Obfuscation on Binary Diffing Techniques



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    CGO '23: Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
    February 2023
    262 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 22 February 2023


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    1. Binary Diffing
    2. Obfuscation
    3. Software Protection


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    • National Natural Science Foundation of China
    • the Innovation Funding of ICT, CAS


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    • (2024)BinCodex: A comprehensive and multi-level dataset for evaluating binary code similarity detection techniquesBenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations10.1016/j.tbench.2024.1001634:2(100163)Online publication date: Jun-2024
    • (2023)OPTango: Multi-central Representation Learning against Innumerable Compiler Optimization for Binary Diffing2023 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)10.1109/ISSRE59848.2023.00013(774-785)Online publication date: 9-Oct-2023

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