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10.1145/3359789.3359812acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesacsacConference Proceedingsconference-collections

How to kill symbolic deobfuscation for free (or: unleashing the potential of path-oriented protections)

Published: 09 December 2019 Publication History


Code obfuscation is a major tool for protecting software intellectual property from attacks such as reverse engineering or code tampering. Yet, recently proposed (automated) attacks based on Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) shows very promising results, hence threatening software integrity. Current defenses are not fully satisfactory, being either not efficient against symbolic reasoning, or affecting runtime performance too much, or being too easy to spot. We present and study a new class of anti-DSE protections coined as path-oriented protections targeting the weakest spot of DSE, namely path exploration. We propose a lightweight, efficient, resistant and analytically proved class of obfuscation algorithms designed to hinder DSE-based attacks. Extensive evaluation demonstrates that these approaches critically counter symbolic deobfuscation while yielding only a very slight overhead.


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ACSAC '19: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
December 2019
821 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 09 December 2019


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  1. code protection
  2. obfuscation
  3. reverse engineering


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ACSAC '19: 2019 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
December 9 - 13, 2019
Puerto Rico, San Juan, USA

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ACSAC '19 Paper Acceptance Rate 60 of 266 submissions, 23%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 104 of 497 submissions, 21%


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