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RFEPS: Reconstructing Feature-Line Equipped Polygonal Surface

Published: 30 November 2022 Publication History


Feature lines are important geometric cues in characterizing the structure of a CAD model. Despite great progress in both explicit reconstruction and implicit reconstruction, it remains a challenging task to reconstruct a polygonal surface equipped with feature lines, especially when the input point cloud is noisy and lacks faithful normal vectors. In this paper, we develop a multistage algorithm, named RFEPS, to address this challenge. The key steps include (1) denoising the point cloud based on the assumption of local planarity, (2) identifying the feature-line zone by optimization of discrete optimal transport, (3) augmenting the point set so that sufficiently many additional points are generated on potential geometry edges, and (4) generating a polygonal surface that interpolates the augmented point set based on restricted power diagram. We demonstrate through extensive experiments that RFEPS, benefiting from the edge-point augmentation and the feature preserving explicit reconstruction, outperforms state of the art methods in terms of the reconstruction quality, especially in terms of the ability to reconstruct missing feature lines.

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  1. RFEPS: Reconstructing Feature-Line Equipped Polygonal Surface



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        cover image ACM Transactions on Graphics
        ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 41, Issue 6
        December 2022
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        Published: 30 November 2022
        Published in TOG Volume 41, Issue 6


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        1. computer-aided design
        2. feature line
        3. point cloud
        4. restricted power diagram
        5. surface reconstruction


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