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Dr.’s Eye: The Design and Evaluation of a Video Conferencing System to Support Doctor Appointments in Home Settings

Published: 19 April 2023 Publication History


The spread of COVID-19 has encouraged the practice of using video conferencing for family doctor appointments. Existing applications and off-the-shelf devices face challenges in dealing with capturing the correct view of patients' bodies and supporting ease of use. We created Dr.’s Eye, a video conferencing prototype to support varying types of body exams in home settings. With our prototype, we conducted a study with participants using mock appointments to understand the simultaneous use of the camera and display and to get insights into the issues that might arise in real doctor appointments. Results show the benefits of providing more flexibility with a decoupled camera and display, and privacy protection by limiting the camera view. Yet, challenges remain in maneuvering two devices, presenting feedback for the camera view, coordinating camera work between the participant and the examiner, and reluctance towards showing private body regions. This inspires future research on how to design a video system for doctor appointments.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3544548.3581350-talk-video.mp4)
Pre-recorded Video Presentation
MP4 File (3544548.3581350-video-figure.mp4)
Video Figure


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TELUS Health MyCare | TELUS. Retrieved December 14, 2022 from

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