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Data-informed Decision-making in TEFA Processes: An Empirical Study of a Process Derived from Peer-Instruction

Published: 08 June 2021 Publication History


When formative assessment involves a large number of learners, Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessments are one of the most popular solutions. However, current TEFA processes lack data-informed decision-making. By analyzing a dataset gathered from a formative assessment tool, we provide evidence about how to improve decision-making in processes that ask learners to answer the same question before and after a confrontation with peers. Our results suggest that learners' understanding increases when the proportion of correct answers before the confrontation is close to 50%, or when learners consistently rate peers' rationales. Furthermore, peer ratings are more consistent when learners' confidence degrees are consistent. These results led us to design a decision-making model whose benefits will be studied in future works.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (Data-informed Decision Making.mp4)
When formative assessment involves a large number of learners, Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessments are one of the most popular solutions. However, current TEFA processes lack data-informed decision-making. By analyzing a dataset gathered from a formative assessment tool, we provide evidence about how to improve decision-making in processes that ask learners to answer the same question before and after a confrontation with peers. Our results suggest that learners' understanding increases when the proportion of correct answers before the confrontation is close to 50%, or when learners consistently rate peers? rationales. Furthermore, peer ratings are more consistent when learners? confidence degrees are consistent. These results led us to design a decision-making model whose benefits will be studied in future works.


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Index Terms

  1. Data-informed Decision-making in TEFA Processes: An Empirical Study of a Process Derived from Peer-Instruction



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Other conferences
    L@S '21: Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale
    June 2021
    380 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 08 June 2021

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    Author Tags

    1. decision-making
    2. learning analytics
    3. peer instruction
    4. technology-enhanced formative assessment


    • Work in progress


    L@S '21
    L@S '21: Eighth (2021) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale
    June 22 - 25, 2021
    Virtual Event, Germany

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