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Care Workers Making Use of Robots: Results of a Three-Month Study on Human-Robot Interaction within a Care Home

Published: 29 April 2022 Publication History


Research on social robots in care has often focused on either the care recipients or the technology itself, neglecting the care workers who, in and through their collaborative and coordinative practices, will need to work with the robots. To better understand these interactions with a social robot (Pepper), we undertook a 3 month long-term study within a care home to gain empirical insights into the way the robot was used. We observed how care workers learned to use the device, applied it to their daily work life, and encountered obstacles. Our findings show that the care workers used the robot regularly (1:07 hours/day) mostly in one-to-one interactions with residents. While the robot had a limited effect on reducing the workload of care workers, it had other positive effects, demonstrating the potential to enhance the quality of care.

Supplemental Material


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CHI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
April 2022
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Published: 29 April 2022

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  1. Appropriation
  2. CSCW
  3. Care Robot
  4. Care Work
  5. Covid-19
  6. Empirical Study
  7. Empowerment
  8. HCI
  9. HRI
  10. Humanoid
  11. Long-term
  12. Nurse
  13. Pandemic
  14. Participatory Design
  15. Practice-based
  16. Residential Care
  17. Robotic Support
  18. Social Robot
  19. Social Service
  20. Sustainable Technology Integration
  21. Usage Patterns
  22. Work Practices


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