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MARS: Nano-Power Battery-free Wireless Interfaces for Touch, Swipe and Speech Input

Published: 12 October 2021 Publication History


Augmenting everyday surfaces with interaction sensing capability that is maintenance-free, low-cost (∼ $1), and in an appropriate form factor is a challenge with current technologies. MARS (Multi-channel Ambiently-powered Realtime Sensing) enables battery-free sensing and wireless communication of touch, swipe, and speech interactions by combining a nanowatt programmable oscillator with frequency-shifted analog backscatter communication. A zero-threshold voltage field-effect transistor (FET) is used to create an oscillator with a low startup voltage (∼ 500 mV) and current (< 2uA), whose frequency can be affected through changes in inductance or capacitance from the user interactions. Multiple MARS systems can operate in the same environment by tuning each oscillator circuit to a different frequency range. The nanowatt power budget allows the system to be powered directly through ambient energy sources like photodiodes or thermoelectric generators. We differentiate MARS from previous systems based on power requirements, cost, and part count and explore different interaction and activity sensing scenarios suitable for indoor environments.


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UIST '21: The 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
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  1. Backscatter
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