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10.1145/3385955.3407930acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessapConference Proceedingsconference-collections

The impact of stylization on face recognition

Published: 12 September 2020 Publication History


While digital humans are key aspects of the rapidly evolving areas of virtual reality, gaming, and online communications, many applications would benefit from using digital personalized (stylized) representations of users, as they were shown to highly increase immersion, presence and emotional response. In particular, depending on the target application, one may want to look like a dwarf or an elf in a heroic fantasy world, or like an alien on another planet, in accordance with the style of the narrative. While creating such virtual replicas requires stylization of the user’s features onto the virtual character, no formal study has however been conducted to assess the ability to recognize stylized characters. In this paper, we present a perceptual study investigating the effect of the degree of stylization on the ability to recognize an actor, and the subjective acceptability of stylizations. Results show that recognition rates decrease when the degree of stylization increases, while acceptability of the stylization increases. These results provide recommendations to achieve good compromises between stylization and recognition, and pave the way to new stylization methods providing a tradeoff between stylization and recognition of the actor.


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Cited By

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  • (2023)FaceTuneGANComputers and Graphics10.1016/j.cag.2022.12.004110:C(69-85)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2023
  • (2022)Study on Automatic 3D Facial Caricaturization: From Rules to Deep LearningFrontiers in Virtual Reality10.3389/frvir.2021.7851042Online publication date: 19-Jan-2022
  • (2022)Impact of Self-Contacts on Perceived Pose EquivalencesProceedings of the 15th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games10.1145/3561975.3562946(1-10)Online publication date: 3-Nov-2022

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    cover image ACM Conferences
    SAP '20: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2020
    September 2020
    137 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 12 September 2020


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    1. Facial Recognition
    2. Perception
    3. Style Transfer
    4. Virtual Characters


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    SAP '20
    SAP '20: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2020
    September 12 - 13, 2020
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    • (2023)FaceTuneGANComputers and Graphics10.1016/j.cag.2022.12.004110:C(69-85)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2023
    • (2022)Study on Automatic 3D Facial Caricaturization: From Rules to Deep LearningFrontiers in Virtual Reality10.3389/frvir.2021.7851042Online publication date: 19-Jan-2022
    • (2022)Impact of Self-Contacts on Perceived Pose EquivalencesProceedings of the 15th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games10.1145/3561975.3562946(1-10)Online publication date: 3-Nov-2022

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