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FaceTuneGAN: : Face autoencoder for convolutional expression transfer using neural generative adversarial networks

Published: 01 February 2023 Publication History


In this paper, we present FaceTuneGAN, a new 3D face model representation decomposing and encoding separately facial identity and facial expression. We propose a first adaptation of image-to-image translation networks, that have successfully been used in the 2D domain, to 3D face geometry. Leveraging recently released large face scan databases (FaceScape and CoMA), a neural network has been trained to decouple factors of variations with a better knowledge of the face, enabling facial expressions transfer and neutralization of expressive faces. Specifically, we design an adversarial architecture adapting the base architecture of FUNIT and using SpiralNet++ for our convolutional and sampling operations. Applied on these two datasets, FaceTuneGAN has a better identity decomposition and face neutralization than state-of-the-art techniques. It also outperforms classical deformation transfer approach by predicting blendshapes closer to ground-truth data and with less of undesired artifacts due to too different facial morphologies between source and target.

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3D face model representation.
Morphology aware expression transfer.
Style based 3D facial generative model.
Semi-supervised learning of 3D identity and expression separation.


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          Feb 2023
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