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Light-OPU: An FPGA-based Overlay Processor for Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks

Published: 24 February 2020 Publication History


Lightweight convolutional neural networks (LW-CNNs) such as MobileNet, ShuffleNet, SqueezeNet, etc., have emerged in the past few years for fast inference on embedded and mobile system. However, lightweight operations limit acceleration potential by GPU due to their memory bounded nature and their parallel mechanisms that are not friendly to SIMD. This calls for more specific accelerators. In this paper, we propose an FPGA-based overlay processor with a corresponding compilation flow for general LW-CNN accelerations, called Light-OPU. Software-hardware co-designed Light-OPU reformulates and decomposes lightweight operations for efficient acceleration. Moreover, our instruction architecture considers sharing of major computation engine between LW operations and conventional convolution operations. This improves the run-time resource efficiency and overall power efficiency. Finally, Light-OPU is software programmable, since loading of compiled codes and kernel weights completes switch of targeted network without FPGA reconfiguration. Our experiments on seven major LW-CNNs show that Light-OPU achieves 5.5x better latency and 3.0x higher power efficiency on average compared with edge GPU NVIDIA Jetson TX2. Furthermore, Light-OPU has 1.3x to 8.4x better power efficiency compared with previous customized FPGA accelerators. To the best of our knowledge, Light-OPU is the first in-depth study on FPGA-based general processor for LW-CNNs acceleration with high performance and power efficiency, which is evaluated using all major LW-CNNs including the newly released MobileNetV3.


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  1. Light-OPU: An FPGA-based Overlay Processor for Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      FPGA '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
      February 2020
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      Published: 24 February 2020


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