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Charon: Specialized Near-Memory Processing Architecture for Clearing Dead Objects in Memory

Published: 12 October 2019 Publication History


Garbage collection (GC) is a standard feature for high productivity programming, saving a programmer from many nasty memory-related bugs. However, these productivity benefits come with a cost in terms of application throughput, worst-case latency, and energy consumption. Since the first introduction of GC by the Lisp programming language in the 1950s, a myriad of hardware and software techniques have been proposed to reduce this cost. While the idea of accelerating GC in hardware is appealing, its impact has been very limited due to narrow coverage, lack of flexibility, intrusive system changes, and significant hardware cost. Even with specialized hardware GC performance is eventually limited by memory bandwidth bottleneck. Fortunately, emerging 3D stacked DRAM technologies shed new light on this decades-old problem by enabling efficient near-memory processing with ample memory bandwidth. Thus, we propose Charon1, the first 3D stacked memory-based GC accelerator. Through a detailed performance analysis of HotSpot JVM, we derive a set of key algorithmic primitives based on their GC time coverage and implementation complexity in hardware. Then we devise a specialized processing unit to substantially improve their memory-level parallelism and throughput with a low hardware cost. Our evaluation of Charon with the full-production HotSpot JVM running two big data analytics frameworks, Spark and GraphChi, demonstrates a 3.29× geomean speedup and 60.7% energy savings for GC over the baseline 8-core out-of-order processor.


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  1. Charon: Specialized Near-Memory Processing Architecture for Clearing Dead Objects in Memory



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      MICRO '52: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture
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      Published: 12 October 2019


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      1. Domain-specific architecture
      2. Garbage collection
      3. Java Virtual Machine
      4. Memory management
      5. Near-memory processing


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