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10.1145/3209415.3209457acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicegovConference Proceedingsconference-collections

How to Create Public Value Through Open Data Driven Co-Creation: A Survey of the Literature

Published: 04 April 2018 Publication History


The drive for openness in government, with open data as a key component, has seen governments around the world devote a large amount of resources to publishing government collected and held data. Scarce resources are being devoted to this goal with the primary goals designated as economic growth and increased innovation. A somewhat overlooked aim is the creation of public value which can be deployed as an openness and trust enhancing apparatus. This preliminary work addresses this gap by aiming to develop the core knowledge of how public value can be co-created with open data. Through an extensive survey of the relevant literature, this research seeks to build an initial framework of public value as applied to co-created open data. Grounded in the structured literature review technique, the authors surveyed the pertinent literature to identify the primary factors that enable value co-creation from the citizens point of view. Furthermore, this research proposes an adapted collection of public values as they relate to open data.


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    ICEGOV '18: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance
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    • (2024)A public value-based model to understand patients’ adoption of eHealth: Theoretical underpinnings and empirical applicationDIGITAL HEALTH10.1177/2055207624127256710Online publication date: 1-Oct-2024
    • (2023)Conceptualising Digital Transformation in Cities: A Multi-Dimensional Framework for the Analysis of Public Sector InnovationSustainability10.3390/su1511874115:11(8741)Online publication date: 29-May-2023
    • (2020)A Handover Challenge of Data Analytics: Multi-user Issues in Sustainable Data AnalyticsAdvances in Internet, Data and Web Technologies10.1007/978-3-030-39746-3_39(373-383)Online publication date: 31-Jan-2020

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