Cited By
View all- Luo JBai RHe SShin K(2022)Pervasive Pose Estimation for Fall DetectionACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare10.1145/34780273:3(1-23)Online publication date: 7-Apr-2022
Falls are considered as risky for the elderly people because it may affect the health of the people. So, in the recent years many elderly fall detection methods has been developed. In the present years many fall detection method had been developed ...
Due to the growing aging of the population and the impact of falls on the health and autonomy of the older people, the development of cost-effective non-invasive automatic fall detection systems (FDS) has gained much attention. This work proposes ...
Due to demographic changes in developed industrial countries and a better medical care system, the number of elderly people who still live in their home environment is rapidly growing because there they feel more comfortable and independent as in a ...
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