Analysis of Android Device-Based Solutions for Fall Detection
:1. Introduction
2. A Classification of Fall Detection Systems (FDSs): Advantages of Smartphones
2.1. Use of Other Mobile Operating Systems
2.2. Other Uses of Android Smartphones in Personal Monitoring Systems for the Elderly
3. Analysis of Android-Based Fall Detection Systems: States-of-the-Art and Bibliographic Search Methodology
4. Analysis of the Typology, Role and Complexity of Android-Based Fall Detection Systems
- Sensor (S): the system exploits the sensing capabilities of the Android device. A specific column in Table 1 informs about the particular built-in sensor that is employed. In most architectures, the system exploits the tri-axis accelerometer that is embedded in the majority of existing SP models. To a lesser extent, the signals from embedded gyroscopes are also considered by some proposals. On the other hand, the same column in Table 1 also explicitly informs about those systems where external (not Android) sensors are utilized. The simultaneous utilization of the accelerometry signals captured by both an external (normally Bluetooth-enabled) sensor and a SP is proposed in works such as [95].
- Data Analyzer (DA): the system can benefit from the computing power in the Android platform to implement and execute the algorithm that determines if a fall has taken place. If the detection decision is based on the signals captured by external sensors, wired or (most preferably) wireless communication between the sensor and the Android device must be deployed.
- Communication Gateway (CG): according to this role, the communication interfaces (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPRS/3G/4G, etc.) of the Android devices are employed to retransmit the sensed data (or the fall detection decision) to a remote central server.
- Remote Monitoring Unit (RMU): in that case the Android device (normally a SP or a tablet) is just integrated in the detection architecture as a final user interface to warn monitoring users (e.g., medical staff) about the fall occurrence. As Android SPs are typically provided with web browsers, SPs could be used in any FDS where falls are announced through a Web interface.
- Smartphone-only or SP-only systems: those that integrate all the functionalities of the detection system (S, DA and/or CG) into a standalone app and a single Smartphone.
- “Combined” systems: those SP-based systems that require additional elements (such as external mobility sensors) to track the user.
- Specific Devices (SD): those architectures that do not contemplate the use of a smartphone and make use of an Android gadget or specialized Android hardware platform that has been purposely designed for movement tracking and/or fall detection. There are just a few examples of systems in the literature that can be included into this category, where we can also include the system described in [41], in which an Android smartwatch is employed as the mobility sensor.
Discussion on the Quality of the Sensors Embedded in Android Devices
Ref. | Year | General Typology: -Context Aware Systems (CAS) -Body-Worn System (BWS) -Combined (CAS and BWS) | Role of the Android Device: -Sensor (S) -Data analysis (DA) -Communication Gateway (CG)- | Number of Elements: -Smartphone-Only (SP-only) -SD (specific device) -Combined (SP and SD) | Employed Sensor(s) |
[53] | 2009 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[82] | 2010 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[76] | 2011 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built in tri-axis accelerometer and orientation sensor |
[99] | 2011 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[110] [111] | 2010 | BWS | S, DA, CG | Combined (SP and an external magnet) | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer (in [111] a magnetic sensor also used) |
[112] | 2010 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | built-in tri-axis accelerometer and magnetometer |
[113] | 2011 | BWS | CG | Combined | Specific Android based Personal Activity Monitor with accelerometer |
[114] | 2011 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis Bosch Sensortec’s 3-axis BMA150 accelerometer |
[115] | 2011 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[116] | 2011 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[117] [118] | 2011 2012 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[119] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[120] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[121] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[122] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA, CG | Combined (external and internal sensors) | Built-in BMA150 3D accelerometer External 3-axis MMA7260Q accelerometer (in a Shimmer2 wireless sensor) |
[123] | 2012 | CAS | S, DA, CG | SD | Doppler sensor in a Beagle Board-XM embedded computer |
[124] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[125] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[103] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[126] [127] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[128] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[129] | 2012 | BWS | S | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer and magnetometer |
[130] | 2012 | BWS | CG | Combined (SP with an Arduino Board) | Arduino Duemilanove board with a ADXL335 tri-axis accelerometer and other medical sensors |
[131] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in accelerometer and orientation sensor |
[132] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built in accelerometer and orientation sensor |
[133] | 2012 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetic sensor |
[134] | 2012 | BWS | DA, CG | Combined (SP and external accelerometer)) | External tri-axis accelerometer ADXL345 of Analog Devices Inc. connected to a BT-enabled wearable unit |
[61] | 2013 | BWS | CG | Combined | External Specific BT-enabled Body Activity Device) with a MXA2500 Dual Axis accelerometer |
[135] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[136] | 2013 | BWS | CG | Combined (external sensors) | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer of an external EZ430-Chronos |
[55] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in BMA150 3D accelerometer, AK8973 and AK8973 orientation sensor, |
[137] | 2013 | BWS | CG | Combined (external sensor) | TI SensorTag with an inertial unit, a barometer, and a temperature and humidity sensor |
[138] | 2013 | BWS | RMU (Remote monitoring Unit) | SD | BT-enabled Embedded system provided with an accelerometer |
[139] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG | Combined (SP accelerometer and BT medical sensors) | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer (together with other Bluetooth enabled medical sensors) |
[140] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[141] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA | SD (WIMM, Android -based watch) | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer of a Smartwatch |
[142] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer and triaxial gyroscope |
[143] | 2013 | Combined (BWS and bed presence detector) | DA, CG | Combined | BT and ZigBee enabled Specific ZigBee detector (belt) with STM LIS344ALH |
[144] | 2013 | Combined (BWS and voice and image analysis) | S, DA, CG | SP-only device combined with external CAS system | Tri Built-in tri-axis accelerometer and external sensors: cameras and microphones |
[145] | 2013 | BWS | CG | Combined (SP with an Arduino Board) | Arduino Duemilanove board with a ADXL335 tri-axis accelerometer and other medical sensors |
[101] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG, | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[146] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in accelerometer and gyroscope |
[147] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[148] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetic sensor |
[149] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG | Combined (SP accelerometer and BT medical sensors) | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer (other BT-enabled medical sensors are integrated in the prototype to measures other biosignals) |
[150] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[151] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built in accelerometer |
[152] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[72] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[153] [154] | 2013 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer and gyroscope |
[94] | 2014 | Combined | Android sensor Platform (S)Android SP as a CG | Combined | Visual sensors and LilyPad tri-axis accelerometer |
[69] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in accelerometer and gyroscope |
[155] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[105] | 2014 | BWS | S, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[156] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer and gyroscope (electronic compass) |
[157] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[73] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[95] | 2014 | BWS | DA, CG | Combined (SP and an external accelerometer) | BT-enabled TI eZ430-RF2560 device |
[158] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[159] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[160] | 2014 | BWS | DA, CG | Combined (SP and BT-enabled smart watch) | built-in tri-axis accelerometer of a Smartwatch (Pebble Smart Watch) |
[161] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[162] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer |
[163] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer and magnetometer |
[164] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[165] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA, CG | Combined (SP with an Arduino Board) | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer and external Freescale Board with a tri-axis accelerometer |
[166] | 2014 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[167] | 2015 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[168] | 2015 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer and gyroscope |
[168] | 2015 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer and gyroscope |
[169] | 2015 | BWS | S, DA | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer and gyroscope |
[170] | 2015 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[171] | 2015 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
[172] | 2015 | BWS | S, DA, CG | SP-only | Built-in tri-axis accelerometer |
5. Analysis of the Fall Detection Algorithms
5.1. Election of the Threshold
5.2. Definition of a Fall and Discrimination of Fall Phases
- The pre-fall, “idle” or “normal” [128] period, characterized by conventional Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) containing some signs of instability. Occasional actions originating unexpected movements (such as sitting or lying down rapidly) should be discriminated from a fall.
- The free-fall, “weightlessness” [183], falling phase [182] or critical phase, during which the human body experiences a temporal weightless state provoked by a hasty movement toward the ground. The force of gravity is permanently influencing the measured acceleration. Therefore, throughout this short interval (300–500 ms) of time, the tri-axis accelerometer yields values (for the three axes) near to zero (typically lower than 0.6 g).
- The impact or critical phase, characterized by a vertical shock. When the body hits the ground, a sudden peak of the acceleration magnitude, higher than 1.8 g [156], is measured by the accelerometer. In some cases, the initial hit can be followed by a series of minor impacts (lasting for some seconds) that can also provoke “secondary” drops and peaks of the acceleration module [183].
- A recovery phase during which the patient may remain still motionless if he/she is unconscious or severely injured after the collapse. Otherwise, ADLs can be resumed.
Ref. | Type of Detection Algorithm
-TBA (Threshold -Based Approach)-Pattern recognition method (PRM): | Threshold (or Decision) Variable(s) | Type of Threshold: Fixed/Adaptive | Training Phase Required | Stationary or Post-Fall Phase Considered? |
[6] | TBA | Low pass filtered acceleration | Fixed (based on measurements) | No | No |
[53] | TBA | SMV (and position) | Fixed (user-configurable according to the phone position) | No | Yes |
[55] | PRM (hierarchical rule-based algorithms to detect mobility patterns) | Acceleration components and orientation data | Fixed rules | Yes (to set the thresholds for the classification rules) | No |
[61] | TBA ( mobility detection) | RMS of High Pass Filtered acceleration | Fixed | NF | NF |
[69] | PRM: decision tree based on Hjorth mobility and complexity | Energy integral of the SMV and orientation data captured by the gyroscope | - | Yes | NC |
[72] | TBA | SMV | Fixed | No | No |
[73] | TBA | SMV | Fixed | No | No |
[76] | TBA | SMV and final orientation | Fixed (based on measurements) | No | Yes |
[82] | TBA | Discrete wavelet transform of the acceleration | Fixed | No | No |
[94] | PRM (Mann–Whitney test to discriminate activities) | Acceleration components (plus camera data to detect activity detection) | Fixed (based on real data) | Movement patterns must be previously characterized. | No |
[95] | TBA | SMV | Fixed (based on measurements) | No | No |
[99] | TBA and state machine-based | SMV | Fixed (based on measurements) | No | Yes |
[101] | TBA | SMV (3 thresholds for 3 phases) | Fixed (user-configurable) | No | Yes |
[103] | PRM (machine learning classifiers: support vector machines, sparse multinomial logistic regression, Naïve Bayes, k-nearest neighbors, and decision trees.) | Acceleration components Classification based on a set of features extracted from the tri-axis accelerometry values (histograms, Fourier components, mean, cross products of the acceleration components, …) | No thresholds employed | Not commented | No |
[105] | Combination of TBA and PRM: Tested classification algorithms: two variants of k-nearest neighbor and Support Vector Machine | SMV (for the TBA) and novelty detection techniques. | Fixed (for the TBA) | Yes | No |
[110] [111] | TBA | SMV, acceleration in the absolute vertical direction, and strength of magnetic field (through Hausdorff distance) around the phone (only in [111]) | Fixed | No | No |
[112] | PRM: Support-Vector Machine classifiers | (Presumed) acceleration components | NC | Yes | No |
[113] | TBA | SMV Orientation change after the fall above a threshold | Fixed | No | Yes |
[114] | TBA | SMV | Fixed (based on measurements) | No | No |
[115] | TBA | SMV | Fixed | No | Yes |
[116] | TBA | SMV (during four phases) | Fixed (based on measurements) | Yes (to set the thresholds) | Yes |
[118] [117] | TBA | SMV (two phases and two thresholds are considered) and orientation | Fixed (based on measurements for different positions of the phone) | No | Yes |
[119] | PRM: finite state machine | Acceleration components | Fixed | No | Not considered |
[120] | PRM: self-organizing map (SOM) | Waveform of the acceleration components | No thresholds employed | Yes | Yes |
[121] | TBA | Acceleration components | Fixed (10g) | No | No |
[122] | TBA combined with a Classification Engine that uses a neural network | SMV | Fixed (3G) | Yes | Yes |
[123] | PRM: spectral comparison using reference data | FFT of the waveform captured by the Doppler sensor: average spectral ratio | Based on measurements | Yes | No |
[124] | TBA | SMV and vertical acceleration | Fixed (based on measurements) | No | No |
[125] | TBA | SMV (combined with the measurement of other vital signals: ECG inspection) | Adaptive (threshold depends on the user’s Body Mass Index) | No | No |
[126] [127] | TBA | Three variables are considered: SMV, Signal Magnitude Area, Tilt angle. | Fixed | No | Not commented |
difference of the orientation, time between the maximum and the minimum | |||||
[129] | TBA | SMV and angle of rotation centered on each axis | Fixed (based on measurements) | No | No |
[130] | Presumed TBA | Acceleration components | Not commented | Not commented | No |
[131] | Not commented | Acceleration components and orientation | Not commented | Not commented | Yes |
[132] | TBA and PRM (Supervised learning) | SMV and orientation | Adaptive: thresholds are set depending on the initial position and a decision tree | Yes | No |
[133] | TBA | SMV and orientation | Fixed | No | Yes |
[134] | TBA: Binary Decision tree | SMV and tilting angle | Fixed | No | Yes |
[136] | TBA | SMV and acceleration components | Fixed | No | Yes |
[137] | NC (Detection algorithm not described) | Not commented | Not commented | No | No |
[138] | TBA | Acceleration components and orientation (tilting) angle System is only focused on detecting bed falls | Fixed (angle) | No | No |
[139] | TBA | SMV | Fixed | No | Yes |
[140] | TBA | SMV, orientation angles (roll, pitch) | Fixed | No | No |
[141] | TBA | SMV, Deviation of the accelerometry components | Not commented | No | No |
[142] | TBA | SMV and rotation (computed from Roll, pitch, yaw) | Fixed | Yes (to set the thresholds) | No |
[143] | Not commented (based on the accelerometry data) | NC | Not commented | Not commented | No |
[144] | TBA | SWM and tilt angle | Fixed | Yes (to set the thresholds) | Yes |
[145] | Presumed TBA | Tilt angle | Not commented | Not commented | No |
[146] | TBA | SMV, orientation angles (roll, pitch) | Fixed(based on measurements) | Yes (to set the thresholds) | No |
[147] | TBA | SMV, vertical acceleration and orientation | Fixed | No | Yes |
[148] | PRM: Combined algorithm of Fisher’s discriminant ratio criterion and 𝐽3 criterion for feature selection | Statistical features derived from acceleration components, angular velocity and orientation data | No thresholds employed | Yes | No |
[149] | TBA | SMV (combined with the measurement of other vital signals: ECG inspection) | Fixed | No | Yes |
[150] | PRM (Supervised learning): Different algorithms for feature selection and event classification are evaluated | Mobility Pattern recognition based on a set of statistical features derived from acceleration components | No thresholds employed | Yes | No |
[151] | TBA | Acceleration components (metric not specified) | Fixed | No | No |
[152] | TBA | Displacement during an interval (calculated from the integration of the acceleration components) | Fixed | No | No |
[153] [154] | PRM (Petri Nets and fuzzy logic) | SMV and frequency of violent vibrations | No thresholds employed | Yes (assumed) | No |
[155] | TBA | SMV (during two phases: pre-fall and impact) | Fixed | No | No |
[156] | Combination of TBA and PRM: State Machine, frequency component analysis (STFT Analysis, High-pass Filtering, Haar DWT, Discrete Wavelet Transform) | SMV (for the TBA), Acceleration components and orientation. | Fixed (based on a training phase) | Yes | No |
[157] | PRM: State Machine, Decision Trees, K-Nearest-Neighbors (KNN) and Naïve Bayes | Acceleration components | Fixed (based on measurements) | Yes | Yes |
[158] | TBA | SMV and orientation | Fixed | No | No |
[159] | TBA | Acceleration components and pitch | Fixed | No | No |
[160] | TBA | Cumulative sum of the Acceleration coordinates | Fixed | No | No |
[161] | PRM | Nearest neighbor rule | Fixed | Yes | No |
[162] | PRM | Genetic Programming | Adaptive | Yes | No |
[163] | TBA | SMV and orientation data | Fixed | No | No |
[164] | TBA (four algorithms compared) | SMV, Acceleration components, orientation angles (roll, pitch) | Fixed | No | Yes |
[165] | TBA | SMV and variation of the position angle | Fixed (several tested) | No | Yes |
[166] | PRM (Pose Body Model based on Extended Kalman filters and SVM) | Angular position, angular rate, angular acceleration. Radius curvature | No thresholds employed | Yes | Yes |
[167] | PRM (Neural network: trained multilayer perceptron) | SMV and angular velocity in each axis | No thresholds employed | Yes (a database of falls and ADLs is generated) | Yes |
[168] | TBA | SMV and vector angle | Fixed (based on measurements) | Yes (to set the thresholds) | Yes |
[169] | TBA | SMV | Fixed | Yes (to set the thresholds) | Yes |
[170] | TBA | SMV | Fixed | Yes (to set the thresholds) | Yes |
[171] | TBA | SMV | Fixed | Yes (to set the thresholds) | Yes |
[172] | TBA | SMV (assumed) | Fixed | No | No |
6. Typology of the Reaction and Emitted Alarms after Detecting a Fall
Local Reaction | Remote Alarm Transmission | Logged Data | Typology of RMU | ||||
Ref. | Type of Local Alarm | User Feedback (Alarm Stop) | Transmission Technology | Type of Remote Alarm | Transmitted Data (Apart from Fall Status and User ID) | Stored Data | |
[6] | Visual signal | Yes | TCP/IP socket (presumed Wi-Fi, 3G/4G) | Not commented | Not commented | Not commented | Web page |
[53] | Vibration, visual alarm and audio message | Yes | Cellular telephony | SMS, phone call | Timestamp, GPS location and password | Not implemented | Cell phone |
[55] | Acoustic alarm | Yes | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[61] | Acoustic Alarm | Yes | 3/4 G | Multimedia flow (technology is not commented) | ECG signal. GPS location | Biosignals (SPO2, ECG signals) | Web page |
[69] | Text message and vibration | No | No remote alert is emitted | - | - | - | - |
[72] | Audio alarm (voice message) | Yes | No remote alert is emitted | - | - | - | - |
[73] | Not commented | No | Alerting just suggested | Not commented | GPS location | Not commented | Not commented |
[76] | Acoustic alarm | Yes | Cellular telephony /Wi-Fi through SSL protocol | SMS, email | Accelerometer data | Accelerometer data (in a SD card of SP) | Cell phone, email client |
[82] | Acoustic alarm | Yes | (presumed) 3G/4G | SMS, email, Twitter messages | GPS location | Not commented | Cell phone, email client, web page |
[94] | Not commented | No | (Presumed) 3G/4G/Wi-Fi | Visual signal in a Web page | Position, type of performed activity | Not commented | Web application |
[95] | Not commented | No | BT between the sensor and the SP. 3G/Wi-Fi to the RMU | Voice call, SMS, alert message to a central server | Not commented | Not commented | Cell phone |
[99] | Not commented | No | Cell telephony | SMS, email | Not commented | Not commented | Cell phone, email client |
[101] | Acoustic and visual alarm | Yes | Cellular telephony | SMS | Not commented | Not commented | Cell phone |
[103] | Not commented | No | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[105] | Not commented | No | Wi-Fi | No remote real-time alert is emitted | - | Acceleration data is stored in the SP and transmitted to a | Off line analysis of the recorded data in a server |
server after the monitoring period | |||||||
[110] [111] | Acoustic Alarm | No | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[112] | Not commented | Yes | 3G/Wi-Fi | e-mails, SMS, pop-ups on installed computer widgets | GPS location, user’s information | Not commented | Email client, cell phone, Web application & Widget |
[113] | Acoustic and visual alarm, phone vibrations | Yes | Wi-Fi/3G/4G | Multimedia flow (not specifically commented) | Timestamp and GPS location | Diverse biosignals | Web page, iPhone and Droid applications |
[114] | Local sound alert | Yes | Cellular telephony | SMS | GPS location, date, time | Not commented | Cell phone |
[115] | Acoustic and visual alarm | No | Cellular telephony | SMS | GPS location | Not commented | Cell phone |
[116] | Acoustic Alarm | Yes | 3G/4G (presumed) | SMS, email | Not commented | Not commented | Cell phone, email client |
[118] [117] | Not commented | No | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[119] | Message | No | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[120] | Not commented | No | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[121] | Not commented | No | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[122] | Acoustic alarm | Yes | Cell telephony | SMS | GPS location | Not commented | Cell phone |
[123] | Not commented | No | Ethernet | Not commented | Sensed data | Sensed data | External database |
[124] | Visual alarm | Yes | Cellular telephony | SMS | Not commented | Timestamp (logged in the SP) | Cell phone |
[125] | Visual alarm | Yes | Cellular telephony | SMS | Not commented | Not commented | Cell phone |
[126] [127] | Not commented | No | Not commented | MMS | timestamp, GPS location, and Google map | Acceleration data (local SQLite database in the SP) | Cell phone |
[128] | Acoustic alarm, phone vibrations, tips to the user | Yes | Cellular telephony (presumed) | Message (SMS presumed) | Timestamp, location and the personal health information | Not commented | Cell phone |
[129] | Not commented | No | No remote alert is sent | - | - | Acceleration data (in the SP) | - |
[130] | Not commented | No | Cellular telephony | SMS, MMS or phone call | Heart rate, body temperature, tilt and fall of the patient | Heart rate, body temperature, tilt and fall of the patient | Cell phone |
[131] | Acoustic and visual alarm | Yes | Cellular telephony | SMS | GPS location | GPS data in an external database | Web page and Mobile app |
[132] | Not commented | Yes | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[133] | Audio alarm | Yes | 3G/4G/Wi-Fi | Email/SMS to the RMU, SSL connection to a server | Inertial signals (to the server) | Acceleration data stored in the SP and in a server | Email client, cell phone, Web page |
[134] | Acceleration data are displayed on the SP | No | No remote alert is emitted | - | - | Acceleration data stored in the SP | - |
[136] | Not commented | No | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[137] | Not commented | No | 3G/4G | SMS, phone call | GPS location | Fall history (in a web server) | Cell phone, Web page |
[138] | Visual and sound alarm | No | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[139] | Alert (type not commented) | No | 3G/Wi-Fi | Not commented | Biosignals from medical sensors | Not commented | Mobile app |
[140] | Acoustic alarm | Yes | Cellular telephony (presumed) | Message (presumed SMS) | Oxygen saturation values, GPS location and fall direction | Oxygen saturation values, GPS location and fall direction | Smart-home database (not described) |
[141] | Phone vibrations | Yes | No remote alert is sent | - | - | Acceleration data stored in a local SD card | - |
[142] | Not commented | No | 3G/4G (presumed) | Timestamp, GPS location | Not commented | Email client | |
[143] | Buzzer | No | Cellular telephony | Phone call, SMS, XML file | GPS location | User status | Cell Phone |
[144] | Not commented | Yes | Cellular telephony | SMS | Not commented | Not commented | Cell phone |
[145] | Not commented | No | Cellular telephony | Phone call | A set of health parameters | Not commented | Cell phone |
[146] | Not commented | No | No alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[147] | Not commented | No | Cellular telephony | SMS | GPS location | Not commented | Cell phone |
[148] | Not commented | No | Cellular telephony | MMS | GPS location | Acceleration and gyroscope data, orientation signals stored in SP | Cell phone |
[149] | Visual alarms and notifications on a biofeedback application | No | Cellular telephony/Wi-Fi | SMS and email (to RMU), message using HTTP protocol and REST Web services (to a database) | Values from the medical sensors, GPS coordinates | Values from the medical sensors, GPS data | Cell phone, email client, HTTP client |
[150] | Visual alarm | Yes | Cellular telephony | SMS | GPS location | Not commented | Cell phone |
[151] | Visual alarm | Yes | Wi-Fi | Email, TCP/IP socket | Accelerometer data | NC | Email client, Monitoring application in a PC |
[152] | Not commented | Yes | 3G | SMS | GPS location | Not commented | Cell phone |
[153] [154] | Not commented | Yes | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[155] | Visual alarm Audible alarm after fall | Yes | Cellular telephony | SMS | Timestamp, GPS location or cell-tower positioning (indoors) | Not commented | Cell phone |
[156] | Acoustic alarm | No | Alerting just suggested | Not commented | GPS location | Not commented | Not commented |
[157] | Acoustic alarm | No | 3G/4G/Wi-Fi | email, SMS | Timestamp, GPS location and a link to Google maps | Not commented | Not commented |
[158] | Not commented | Yes | 3G/4G/Wi-Fi | SMS | GPS location | GPS data | Android App |
[159] | Not commented | Yes | 3G/4G/Wi-Fi | SMS, video call | GPS location | GPS data (locally stored in the SP) | 3G/4G cell phone |
[160] | Small vibration of a watch | Yes | BT between the watch and the SP, 3G/4G/Wi-Fi to the RMU | Email, call or SMS (suggested) | Not commented | Not commented | Not commented |
[161] | Acoustic and visual alarm | Yes | 3G/4G/Wi-Fi | Call and message to a Web server | Not commented | Not commented | Web interface in a server |
[162] | Not commented | No | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[163] | Google Speech recognizer is launched | Yes | Mobile telephony | Voice Call | Not commented | Not commented | Phone |
[164] | Acoustic alarm | Yes | Cell telephony | SMS, phone call | GPS location | Not commented | Cell phone |
[165] | Acoustic and visual alarm | Yes | Cell telephony | SMS, phone call | GPS location | Acceleration data, GPS data, date | Cell phone |
[167] | Acoustic alarm | Yes | Cell telephony | SMS | GPS location | Not commented | Cell phone |
[168] | Vibration and acoustic alarm | No | Cell telephony | SMS | Not commented | Not commented | Cell phone |
[169] | Not commented | No | No remote alert is sent | - | - | - | - |
[170] | Vibrations | No | Cell telephony | SMS | Not commented | Not commented | Cell phone |
[171] | Not commented | No | 3G/4G/Wi-Fi | Message to a PHP server | Unspecified User data | Not commented | Web page |
[172] | Not commented | No (Feedback call from medical staff) | Cell telephony 3G/4G/Wi-Fi (assumed) to connect to a server | Message to a remote server, SMS | Accelerometry data | Acceleration data, alarms | Web page |
7. Evaluation of the Fall Detection Systems
7.1. Emulation of Falls
7.2. Typology of Falls and Activities of Daily Life (ADLs)
7.3. Position of the Android Device
7.4. A Proposal for Defining Databases of ADL and Fall Mobility Samples for Evaluating Smartphone-Based Detection Systems
7.5. Numerical Evaluation of the Algorithms: Selection of Performance Metrics
7.6. Feasibility of Fall Detection Systems in Android Devices
Ref. | Real Life/Emulated Movements | Number of Individuals Under test | Characteristics of the Individuals (Age, Weight, etc.) | Tested Positions of the Android Device | No. of Iterated Falls | Type of Tested or Emulated Falls | Type of Emulated ADLs | Performance Metrics | Evaluation of Battery or Computing Consumption | Coexistence Analysis | Used Smartphone Model(s) | Version of Android |
[53] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | HTC G1 | - |
[55] | Emulated | 6 | 5 males, 1 female 20–52 years | Waist | 144[123] | Falls ending with lying and sit-tilted | Walk, stand, run, jump, sit | Sensitivity, Specificity | Not included | No | HTC Wildfire S A510e | Android version 2.3.3. |
[61] | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | Not included | No | NC | Android 2x |
[69] | Emulated | 5 | 20–30 years 158–169 cm 60–80 kg | User’s pocket | NC | Abnormal gaits: simulated peg leg, simulated leg length discrepancy | Walk | Accuracy (to distinguish mobility patterns) Specificity Sensitivity | Consumption | No | iPhone | - |
[72] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
[73] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | NC | NC |
[76] | Emulated | 3 | 24–26 years 164–175 cm 60–66 kg | Waist belt: | 67 | Forwards (from two positions) backwards, lateral, falling out the bed, slide against a wall | NC | Sensitivity, Specificity | Not included | No | HTC Desire, | No |
[6] | Emulated | 1 | Height (164 cm) | NC | 100 | NC | Lying | FP, FN, TP, TN | Not included | No | Pantech IM-A690S | 2.3.3 (GingerBread) |
[82] | Emulated | 5 | NC | 100 | NC | Walk, sit, jump, lie | Precision, Recall | Not included | No | Nexus One | Android 2.0 | |
[94] | Emulated in a realistic scenario (retirement home) | NC | NC | Chest | NC | NC | Walk, run, sit | Accuracy, Sensitivity, F-score | Not included | No | NC | NC |
[95] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | NC | NC |
[99] | Emulated | 10 | Young, male 26.2 ± 3 years 177 ± 5 cm 78.5 ± 5.3 kg | Pocket at the thigh position | 600 (including ADL) | Some mentioned but not systematically tested | Some mentioned but not systematically tested | Sensitivity, Specificity | Not included | No | HTC Desire HD | NC |
[101] | Emulated | 3 | NC | Waist (trouser pocket) | 120 | Forwards, backwards, sideway. | Walk, run, stairs walk, sit. | Sensitivity, Specificity | Consumption | No | Samsung Galaxy S Sony Xperia Ray | NC |
[103] | Emulatedand Real life | 15 (emulated) 9 (for 10 days) | 8males/7females Aged 22–50 | Waist (belt, placed on the back) | 221 | Left and right lateral, forwardtrips, and backward slips | NC | Sensitivity (in the detection of fall type) | Not included | No | Tmobile G1 | Android OS 1.6 |
[105] | Emulated | 10 | 3 Males, 7 females 20–42 years 161–184 cm 54–98 kg | Left and right pocket | 48 per subject | Forwards, left and right-lateral backwards, syncope, sit on empty chair, falls with strategies to prevent the impact and falls with contact to an obstacle | Participants carried a smartphone in their pocket or hand bags for at least one week | Sensitivity, Specificity (and their geometric mean) | Not included | No | Samsung Galaxy Mini | 2.2 |
[110] [111] | Emulated with both mannequins and real individuals | 15 | 13 males, 2 females 20–30 years 161–190 cm 51–80 kg | Chest, waist, thigh | 600 (with a mannequin)600 (humans) | Forwards, backwards, lateral | Walk, jogging, stand, sit | Sensitivity, Specificity | Consumption CPU usage | No | HTC G1 | Android 1.6 |
[112] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
[113] | Real life patients but fall detection not evaluated | Only commented race and mean age | NC | NC | NC | NC | - | - | - | Motorola Droid Smartphone | NC | |
[114] | Emulated | 18 | 12 males, 6 females29 ± 8.7 years | Waist | 216 (3 per individual and type of fall) | Forwards, backwards, lateral left and lateral right | Sit-to-stand, stand-to-sit, level walk, stairs walk answer the phone, pick up an object and get up from supine | Sensitivity, Specificity | Not included | No | Google G1 | NC |
[115] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | NC | NC |
[116] | Emulated | 10 | 26.2 ± 3.04 years, 177.6 ± 5.2 cm, 78.3 ± 5.3 kg | Thigh (trouser pocket) | 600 (including ADLs) | NC | NC | Sensitivity, Specificity | Not included | No | HTC G1-Desire &HD, Samsung i7500, Google Nexus One | NC |
[118] [117] | Emulated | 5 | 22–30 years 160–175 cm | Hand, chest and pants pocket | 45 | Forwards, backwards, and aside | Sit, stand, walk, run, stair walk | TP, TN, FP, FN, Sensitivity, Specificity | Not included | No | Nexus One | NC |
[119] | Emulated | 3 | Not commented | NC | 5 per person (p.p.) | Forwards, backwards, and lateral falls | Walk, sit, squat, stair walk | Sensitivity and specificity | Not included | No | NC | NC |
[120] | Emulated | NC | NC | NC | 2 sets of 10 and 12 falls | Fall on the floor, different types of fall on an armchair | Jogging, normal walk, stairs walk, stand-sit-stand, fast walk | Analysis focused on detecting the movement type | Not included | No | NC | NC |
[121] | Emulated | 1 | 1 male, 33 years | Pocket of the shirt | NC | NC | Lying | NC | Not included | No | Samsung Galaxy SIII | Android version 4.0.4. |
[122] | Database and emulated | 7 | 20–60 years 165–177 cm 56–95 kg | Waist | 44 (42 ADLs) | NC | Sit, lie, jump, run, walk, hit the sensor | Accuracy, Specificity | Not included | No | HTC Google Nexus One | NC |
[123] | Emulated | 4 | NC | On a wall | 50 | NC | Walk, shake/ raise/move hands, sit, stand up, empty room | Precision, FP rate | Lined-powerNC | Specific device | BeagleBoard-XM | Android version 2.2. |
[124] | Emulated | 4 | NC | Chest (pocket) waist, and thigh. | 30 per individual | NC | Walk, sit, stand up and others (not commented) | Sensitivity, Specificity | Not included | No | HTC Desire and Tattoo | Android 1.6 |
[125] | Emulated | 20 | 12 males, 8 females BMI in [20, 30.12] 20–50 years | Chest (shirt pocket) | 400 falls and 800 ADLs | NC | Walk, sit down, jumping | FP, FN, Sensitivity, Specificity | Not included | No | HTC A3366 | Android 2.2 |
[126] [127] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Lenovo Le-Phone | NC |
[128] | Emulated | 4 | 3 males, 1 female 20–26 | Right thigh pocket, held in hand. | 100 | Fall on hands, knees, the back, the left and right side of the body | Answer the phone, put the phone into the thigh pocket, sit, drop the phone from hand, walk | Precision, Recall | Not included | No | Google Nexus S | Android 2.2 |
[129] | Emulated | 5 | Several males Average age: 25.5 173 ± 5.3 cm | Waist | 40 per subject | Forwards, backwards, left, and right | Walk, jogging, sit down, stand up, stairs walk | Sensitivity | Not included | No | Samsung SHW-M110S, | Android 2.3.3 |
[130] | Not evaluated(Evaluation limited to set the thresholds) | No | - | - | - | Dropping the accelerometer from different heights | - | - | Not included | No | NC | NC |
[131] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | NC | NC |
[132] | Emulated | NC | 155–170 cm50–75 kg | Chest/pants pocket, hands (while talking or tapping the phone) | 224 | Forwards, backwards, aside bed fall (from 5 different initial positions) | Jogging, sit, stand, jump | Sensitivity, Specificity, TP, TN, FP, FN | Not included | No | Pantech Sky VegaRace | Gingerbread 2.3.3 |
[133] | No evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | SP Battery Lifetime | Consumption | No | ||
[134] | Emulated | 10 | 25–35 years | Indifferent (acceleration sensor on the chest) | NC | Forwards, backwards and lateral directions | NC | Ratio between TP and total number of activities Response time | Battery lifetime, Required Memory | No | HTC | 2.3 |
[136] | Emulated | NC | NC | NC | 33 | NC | NC | TP | Not included | No | NC | NC |
[137] | Emulated | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | Not included | No | Samsung Galaxy S III | NC |
[138] | Emulated | 1 | NC | NC | NC | NC | Sit up, get out of bed | NC | Not included | No | NC | NC |
[139] | Emulated | 3 | NC | NC | 114 | NC | No ADL tested | Sensitivity | Not included | No | NC | 4.2 Jelly Bean |
[140] | Real life (ice-skaters) | 7 | NC | Waist | 50 | NC (210 min of ice-skating) | Ice-skating Movements | Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy | Not included | No | NC | NC |
[141] | Emulated in a treadmill | 6 | 20–22 years 3 males: 171.5 cm, 66.2 kg, 3 females: 161.4 cm, 49.6 kg | Wristwatch | 240 | Front, back, left, and right falls | Series of 50 s moving and static | Sensitivity | Not included | No | WIMM Android watch | NC |
[142] | Emulated | 1 | 159 cm | Chest (left pocket) | NC | Backwards | Sit down quickly on a chair, lie on bed | Sensitivity Specificity Average time to complete the detection | Not included | No | HTC One S | NC |
[143] | Real life (prototype aimed to be tested with actual patients) | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | Not included | No | Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 | 2.3.4 or higher |
[144] | Emulated And real life | Emulated: 3 (training phase) 10 (test phase) Real life: 11 | Test phase: Averages:24 years old, 173 cm 73 kg, Real life: 3 males, 4 females | Waist | Training: 5 falls , 7 ADLs Real life: No falls | “Simplex” and “complex” into a chair, or falls with grasping the wall | Walk , run, stairs walk, sit down,squat, rise | Emulated: Sensitivity, Specificity, Real-life: Only FP | Not included | No | HTC G3 Smartphone | 2.1 |
[145] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | NC | NC |
[146] | Emulated | 30 (for test)12 (for training) | 24.3 ± 2.04 years, 169 ± 4 cm, 63.17 ± 7.37 kg | Chest | NC | Unexpected slips and trip falls, | Seated, sit to stand, squat, squat to stand, get on bed, get up from bed, stairs walk, jogging | Sensitivity, Specificity, Lead time | Not included | No | Samsung Galaxy S2i9100 | 2.3.3 |
[147] | Emulated | 20 | 24–37 | Waist | 800 (40 per subject) | Pushed down, slip, forwards, backwards, aside, from the chair | lie down, get up from the bed, sit on chair, get up from the chair, walk, run, stairs walk | Sensitivity,Specificity | Not included | No | NC | NC |
[148] | Emulated | 10 | 6 males, 25 ± 5 years, BMI: 23.2 ± 2.7 kg/m2, 4 females: 23 ± 3 years, BMI: 21.5 ± 2.2 kg/m2 | Chest (in a band) | 200 falls and ADLs | Forwards, right-side, backwards, left-side | Sit, lie, stand, Lie-to-sit, sit-to-stand, stand-to-sit, walk, stairs walk run, jump | Confusion matrix of the pattern recognition | Not included | No | Samsung I9023 Nexus S | 2.3.6 |
[149] | Emulated | 3 | NC | NC | 50 | NC | Walk, run, sit, jump | FP, FN. TP, TN of the different mobility patterns | Not included | No | NC | NC |
[150] | Emulated | 8 | NC | 127 | Forwards, backwards, side fall, hard falls, soft falls | Stand, walk, run, stairs walk, travel in a car, brake in a car, drop the phone | Recall, Precision | Not included | No | NC | NC | |
[151] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | NC | NC |
[152] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | NC | NC |
[153] [154] | Emulated | 12 | Males and females 20–56 years 155–183 cm 44–72 kg | Pocket (assumed) | 20 (52 ADLs) | Forwards, backwards, vertical and sideway | Walk, jogging, jump, sit down, squat down | TP, TN, FP, FN | Not included | No | NC | Android 2. 3 |
[155] | Emulated | 8 | Male. 23 ± 3.45 years 60 ± 7.68 kg | Waist | 6 per subject | Lateral, back-forward fall | Sit down, stand up, walk and turn around, lie down and get up | Sensitivity, Specificity | Not included | No | NC | NC |
[156] | Emulated | 5 for the training phase and 5 for the tests | NC | 50 | Not specified | Run, walk,sit down, stairs walk, tread, jump and wave the SP | Sensitivity,Specificity | Battery consumption | - | Sony Xperia U-series | 2.3.7 | |
[157] | Emulated | 28 for the training phase and 8 for the tests | Training: 24 males, 4 females, 22–28 years, 166–184 cm, 59–83 kg. Tests: 4 males, 8 females, 63–69 years, 151–171 cm, 62–82 kg. | Pocket in a vertical positionand/or hold to the belt (centrally or laterally). | 1879 | 10 types: backwards, forwards and lateral with diverse different ending position | 1671 ADLs 4 types of recoveries from a fall, walk, lying, sitting, bending down, coughing and sneezing, | Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy | Percentage of battery drain per hour | - | Samsung GalaxyNexus | NC |
[158] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | NC | NC |
[159] | Not evaluated | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Time to reduce the battery level from 100% to 80% | - | HTC one X, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. | NC |
[160] | Not specified | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | NC | Number of false alarms and delay | NC | No | NC | NC |
[161] | Emulated | 10 for an offline evaluation, 4 to evaluate the system during several days of real operation | 7 males, 3 women 20–42 years old 54–98 kg, 161–184 cm | NC | 8000 ADL and 500 falls | Forwards, backwards, left and right lateralfalls, syncope, sit on empty chair, falls with an obstacle and falls with compensation strategies | NC | AUC (Area under the ROC curve) False positive per days | NC | No | SamsungGalaxy S II/S IV and Mini, HTC Wild Fire | NC |
[162] | Emulated | 1 | Male in his 20 s | Loose front pant pocket, tight front pant pocket | 20 (for training) 20 (for testing) | Fall while standing, while walking and from the chair | Walk, run | Accuracy, Precision, Negative Predictive Value | NC | No | Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 HTC One | NC |
[163] | Emulated | 1 | 1 young and healthy person | Attached to the chest | 240 | NC | Lay down | Sensitivity, Specificity, | NC | No | Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300 | NC |
[164] | Emulated | 15 | 6 Male, 9 Females 15–68 years 150–190 cm Average 70 kg | Waist, pants pocket | 375 | Forwards, lateral and backwards | Jogging, walk, stand up, sit, answer the phone | Percentages of false positives and false negatives, ROC curve | Consumption (after 6 hours operating) | No | HTC Desire X, HTC sensation XE | Android 2.3.4 |
[165] | Emulated | NC | NC | Waist (external sensor in ankle) | 111 (including ADLs) | NC | Sit, walk, stairs walk | TP, TN, FP, FN Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy | Just the consumption in external sensor assessed | No | NC | NC |
[167] | Emulated | 4 (tests)50 (training phase) | 1 Male, 3 Females 28–40 years 160–164 cm 58–69 kg | Belt, shirt pocket, pants pocket | 45 (tests) 1000 (falls and ADLs during training) | Training phase: Forwards, backwards (4 types), side left (4 types), arbitrary. | Training phase: Run, walk, jump, sit down (4 types), lie down, stand up | Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy | Consumption | No | HTC Incredible S, Samsung Galaxy | NC |
[168] | Emulated | NC | NC | Front right area of the body | 40 | Forwards, backwards, left, and right | Stand up, sit, walk, stairs walk, jump, run | Sensitivity, Specificity | Not included | No | LG Optimus L9 P768 | Android 4.0.4 |
[169] | Just evaluated to set the thresholds | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | NC | NC |
[170] | Just evaluated to set the thresholds | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Samsung Galaxy Nexus | Android 4.0 |
[171] | Emulated | NC | NC | 100 | Fall when running, walking, jumping, standing | Sit, walk, stairs walk | Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy | Not included | No | Not specified | Android 4.2.1 | |
[172] | Real | 54 | Elderly participants | Waist | 6 actual falls | - | ADLs from users monitored during several months | Sensitivity, Specificity, false positive rate | Not included | No | Samsung i555 | Android 2.2 |
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interests
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Casilari, E.; Luque, R.; Morón, M.-J. Analysis of Android Device-Based Solutions for Fall Detection. Sensors 2015, 15, 17827-17894.
Casilari E, Luque R, Morón M-J. Analysis of Android Device-Based Solutions for Fall Detection. Sensors. 2015; 15(8):17827-17894.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCasilari, Eduardo, Rafael Luque, and María-José Morón. 2015. "Analysis of Android Device-Based Solutions for Fall Detection" Sensors 15, no. 8: 17827-17894.
APA StyleCasilari, E., Luque, R., & Morón, M.-J. (2015). Analysis of Android Device-Based Solutions for Fall Detection. Sensors, 15(8), 17827-17894.