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Digital and Physical Fabrication as Multimodal Learning: Understanding Youth Computational Thinking When Making Integrated Systems Through Bidirectionally Responsive Design

Published: 16 January 2019 Publication History


This article proposes and explores the kinds of computational thinking, creative practices, design activities, and inclusive learning opportunities provided to diverse high school youth when designing integrated systems through simultaneously physically and digitally responsive wearable games and systems. Previous work in this area, conducted by Richard, coined the term “bidirectionally responsive design” (BRD) to describe the design of dual-feedback systems using multiple digital and physical interfaces. BRD also emphasizes using simplified fabrication tools, media and coding platforms, and microcontrollers common in youth content creation communities and makerspaces. This study provides a framework to analyze computational concepts, practices, and perspectives that leverage an integrated systems and multimodal learning approach, such as BRD, adding to, building on, and integrating previous analytic approaches to looking at Scratch coding, media design, physical computing and e-textiles. Using a detailed case study of one team during one of the early workshop iterations, we conduct a multimodal analysis of bidirectionally responsive making activities and discuss the ways that they present novel understanding of integrating diverse interests and encouraging collaborative and distributed computational thinking. We further examine how BRD operationalizes and extends multimodal learning theory by adding tangible and integrative dimensions as additional modalities learners can leverage to facilitate meaning making, metacognition, and agency. We also discuss how designing integrated systems, as facilitated through BRD, provides an opportunity to engage in authentic practices around the design of complex systems.


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ACM Transactions on Computing Education  Volume 19, Issue 3
September 2019
333 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 16 January 2019
Accepted: 01 July 2018
Revised: 01 June 2018
Received: 01 November 2016
Published in TOCE Volume 19, Issue 3


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  1. Education/learning
  2. collaboration
  3. content analysis
  4. creativity support
  5. design research methods
  6. embodied interaction
  7. fashion/clothing
  8. games/play
  9. interview
  10. participatory design
  11. schools/educational setting
  12. sensors
  13. tangible
  14. teens
  15. wearable computers


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  • University of Pennsylvania
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