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10.1145/3025171.3025234acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesiuiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Effect of Motion-Gesture Recognizer Error Pattern on User Workload and Behavior

Published: 07 March 2017 Publication History


Bi-level thresholding is a motion gesture recognition technique that mediates between false positives, and false negatives by using two threshold levels: a tighter threshold that limits false positives and recognition errors, and a looser threshold that prevents repeated errors (false negatives) by analyzing movements in sequence. In this paper, we examine the effects of bi-level thresholding on the workload and acceptance of end-users. Using a wizard-of-Oz recognizer, we hold recognition rates constant and adjust for fixed versus bi-level thresholding. Given identical recognition rates, we show that systems using bi-level thresholding result in significant lower workload scores on the NASA-TLX and accelerometer variance. Overall, these results argue for the viability of bi-level thresholding as an effective technique for balancing between false positives, recognition errors and false negatives.


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    IUI '17: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
    March 2017
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    Published: 07 March 2017


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    1. gesture
    2. handheld devices and mobile computing
    3. interaction design
    4. recognition
    5. thresholding
    6. usability testing and evaluation


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