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View all- (2018)Weighting schemes based on EM algorithm for LDAInternational Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture10.5555/3271844.32718538:1-2(94-104)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2018
Probabilistic topic models are statistical methods whose aim is to discover the latent structure in a large collection of documents. The intuition behind topic models is that, by generating documents by latent topics, the word distribution for each ...
Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is one of the probabilistic topic models; it discovers the latent topic structure in a document collection. The basic assumption under LDA is that documents are viewed as a probabilistic mixture of latent topics; a topic ...
Sentiment analysis studies the public opinions towards an entity, and it is an important research area in data mining. Recently, a lot of sentiment analysis models have been proposed, including supervised and unsupervised approaches. However, the role ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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