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View all- Bhargava B(2001)Security in Data WarehousingData Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery10.1007/3-540-44466-1_28(287-289)Online publication date: 6-Jul-2001
We present a temporal web data model designed for warehousing historical data from World Wide Web that changes with time. As the Web is now populated with large volume of web information, it has become necessary to capture some useful web information in ...
Data warehouses integrate and aggregate data from various sources to support decision making within an enterprise. Usually, it is assumed that data are extracted from operational databases used by the enterprise. Web warehousing relaxes this view ...
Over the years, we have seen a significant number of integration techniques for data warehouses to support web integrated data. However, the existing works focus extensively on the design concept. In this paper, we focus on the performance of a web ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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