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View all- Priyadarshini PQin FLim ENg W(2004)Parameter driven synthetic web database generationJournal of Systems and Software10.1016/S0164-1212(03)00002-569:1-2(29-42)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2004
In this paper, we present the storage management of the WHOWEDA web warehousing system, which warehouses historical web information. To facilitate inter-table and intra-table sharing of web pages, we propose a three-layer storage architecture, that ...
Data warehouses integrate and aggregate data from various sources to support decision making within an enterprise. Usually, it is assumed that data are extracted from operational databases used by the enterprise. Web warehousing relaxes this view ...
Analyzing Web Logs for usage and access trends can not only provide important information to web site developers and administrators, but also help in creating adaptive web sites. While there are many existing tools that generate fixed reports from web ...
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