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View all- Attia SBetz V(2023)Toward Software-like Debugging for FPGAs via Checkpointing and Transaction-based Co-SimulationACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems10.1145/355252116:2(1-24)Online publication date: 10-May-2023
- Vahdatniya PSharifian AHojabr RShriraman AKloeckner AMoreira J(2022)mu-grindProceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques10.1145/3559009.3569671(346-358)Online publication date: 8-Oct-2022
- Attia SBetz V(2022)Stop and Look: A Novel Checkpointing and Debugging Flow for FPGAsIEEE Transactions on Computers10.1109/TC.2021.313382871:10(2513-2526)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2022
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